I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

I'm just wanting to stay on subject. I don't want to listen to your crap about all the standard RWNJ talking points. BenghaziBenghaziBanghazi, a blue dress, obama phones that were started under Reagan, etc. etc.
It's not, as you damn-well know but refuse to acknowledge, RWNJ 'talking points'. You KNOW what I posted is FACT. You don't want to hear a comparison then stop throwing out hypocritical BULLSHIT attacks.

You don't like Trump playing golf? AS OBAMA SAID, 'Elections have consequences!'

Suck it up, buttercup.
800k plus a back door pass to immediate family WILL EQUAL MILLIONS
Maybe and maybe not.........depends on the legislation......if the Dems write it.........they will put in a back door for sure..................

The key is to close the border before dealing with those already here..........Been said time and time again by many politicians.................Even Reagan caved to this junk and it fixed nothing..............

On the other side of the coin...........some of the kids in the program are now adults and haven't lived in Mexico or another country for their whole life.............they didn't force their parents to bring them here.........They didn't have a choice..................

We are in this position because the politicians FAILED FOR DECADES to fix this and properly enforce the laws of this country...........Yet we still elect them.
I'm just wanting to stay on subject. I don't want to listen to your crap about all the standard RWNJ talking points. BenghaziBenghaziBanghazi, a blue dress, obama phones that were started under Reagan, etc. etc.
It's not, as you damn-well know but refuse to acknowledge, RWNJ 'talking points'. You KNOW what I posted is FACT. You don't want to hear a comparison then stop throwing out hypocritical BULLSHIT attacks.

You don't like Trump playing golf? AS OBAMA SAID, 'Elections have consequences!'

Suck it up, buttercup.

So admit it's OK with you that he already spent more than the secret service's budget on golf trips that pay him for staying in his own resorts.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
They can kick out all 800,000 and you still wouldn't be qualified for any of their jobs. Admit, they are just better people than you.

Donald Trump is a "cult" figure, not a politician.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
What would you honestly do with children born in America and have lived in America for years? What would you do with their parents? I am thinking that Trump will end up doing the right thing towards the dreamers, if he gets the wall. Which seems to me to be a fair trade. One thing I hope he does, is ensure that the dreamers receive NO benefit just because they came here illegally.

And remember, Trump didn't get elected to kick out dreamers, in my opinion. He was the anti-Hillary vote, and to save the SCOTUS. If he does nothing else he has done his job.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
What would you honestly do with children born in America and have lived in America for years? What would you do with their parents? I am thinking that Trump will end up doing the right thing towards the dreamers, if he gets the wall. Which seems to me to be a fair trade. One thing I hope he does, is ensure that the dreamers receive NO benefit just because they came here illegally.

And remember, Trump didn't get elected to kick out dreamers, in my opinion. He was the anti-Hillary vote, and to save the SCOTUS. If he does nothing else he has done his job.
I would take a deal for about 10,000 new Border Agents, vehicles, offices, electronic surveillence, and border posts for it.................

No Wall without manpower behind it will stop the illegals from coming..............I want manpower before the wall.................Could make a massive wall unnecessary.

No one knows what deal will happen.
With that being said..................Perhaps he wouldn't have to make deals if the GOP Congress and Senate would get off their asses and do the job......................They promised if given all 3 branches of Gov't............they'd get things done...............Go figure.........they lied.
So admit it's OK with you that he already spent more than the secret service's budget on golf trips that pay him for staying in his own resorts.
Why would I admit to something that isn't true. Despite your attempted insinuation I have not said this is OK with me. I stated that your attacks on Trump for playing golf is hypocritical.
With that being said..................Perhaps he wouldn't have to make deals if the GOP Congress and Senate would get off their asses and do the job......................They promised if given all 3 branches of Gov't............they'd get things done...............Go figure.........they lied.
It's that 60 vote thing in the Senate. Without 60 votes nothing goes anywhere. Trump did right forcing their hand with DACA. Now is the time to see if CONGRESS can come together, but I doubt it.
With that being said..................Perhaps he wouldn't have to make deals if the GOP Congress and Senate would get off their asses and do the job......................They promised if given all 3 branches of Gov't............they'd get things done...............Go figure.........they lied.
It's that 60 vote thing in the Senate. Without 60 votes nothing goes anywhere. Trump did right forcing their hand with DACA. Now is the time to see if CONGRESS can come together, but I doubt it.
Go nuclear.............

adding.........the Dems are over a barrel with a timeline.........DACA will get thrown out by the courts. That is leverage.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
They can kick out all 800,000 and you still wouldn't be qualified for any of their jobs. Admit, they are just better people than you.

Donald Trump is a "cult" figure, not a politician.
Derp Derp Derpy derp?
Trump wanted 44 billion for DHS to build wall and hire border agents.......

The CR just passed only gave it 1.4 billion.........only enough to repair and enhance existing walls.

Under Trump's 2018 budget proposal, here's one agency that's hiring

The 2017 omnibus, which Congress passed earlier this month, gave DHS $1.5 billion for “enhanced border security” efforts. The department is using those funds this year to begin maintenance on the 650 miles of existing fencing along the southern border.
Its not about Trump, its never been about Trump. Its about the American people disrupting the status quo in Washington and thumbing the arrogant establishment in the eye.

It's all about Trump, His supporters say it's all about Trump. They don't care about policy, or principle, or position. They care about Trump.

Trump, Trump, Trump.

That's why they're so upset about Russia, because it's the only thing endangering Trump.

LOL I just told you it wasn't, stop fantasizing in your liberal bubble.
He was the anti-Hillary vote, and to save the SCOTUS. If he does nothing else he has done his job.

I told you Trump supporters don't care. They have no expectations, they don't care what Trump promised, they're not disappointed with Trump accomplishing nothing. As long as he's in the white house, it's a WIN.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

It's the lib way or the highway.

Anything they don't like the lib courts in San Fran will take him down.

No need for that. He's doing quite well taking himself down.

Why the fixation and fear of Clinton, she isn't that 'liberal'.
She is an incompetent bitch.

I disagree, but what does that have to do with today's political choices? She is out of the game. You need new material.
She is keeping herself in the game, but hey if she wants to worsen your chances for 2018, let her.
She is keeping herself in the game, but hey if she wants to worsen your chances for 2018, let her.

I thought Hillary was suffering from serious illnesses. At least that was the pre-election meme the republicans pushed after her apperance on 9-11-16
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

It's the lib way or the highway.

Anything they don't like the lib courts in San Fran will take him down.

No need for that. He's doing quite well taking himself down.

Why the fixation and fear of Clinton, she isn't that 'liberal'.

Actually, when you get right down to it Trump over the past 30 years has been more liberal than Clinton.

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