I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

Actually, when you get right down to it Trump over the past 30 years has been more liberal than Clinton.

How can you be sure. Trump will tell an audience anything he thinks they want to hear. Trump has take both sides of almost every issue. The only position Trump hasn't changed position on, is being TRUMP.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
Trump PROMISED to get rid of illegals. There is not a sane person on this board that thought that ment making them legal.

You need to get a grip
I was not commenting about ALL immigration. I was specifically talking about 'DACA'. Take a breath. Trump has taken huge strides in curtailing immigration as President.
DACA is just a fucking slogan to describe an.....


He appears to be ready to grant nearly a million of them AMNESTY.

FUCK THAT SHIT. Even Obama didn't do that
But Obama did issue an executive order granting temporary legal status to millions of illegal aliens, along with a reprieve of deportation. Fuck THAT shit.
Trump claimed that wouldn't be a problem for him because he could easily bend them to his will. I guess he was stupid enough to believe that. His supporters certainly believed it.

1) Trump was trying to get elected.
2) He is not a career politician so he wasn't totally aware what he as getting into....unlike Barry.

3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.
5. You voted for the old hag. This alone makes 1-4 irrelevant, along with anything else you might post.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.
They can kick out all 800,000 and you still wouldn't be qualified for any of their jobs. Admit, they are just better people than you.

Donald Trump is a "cult" figure, not a politician.
Derp Derp Derpy derp?
Maybe if you learned English, you could get a job.
Trump claimed that wouldn't be a problem for him because he could easily bend them to his will. I guess he was stupid enough to believe that. His supporters certainly believed it.

1) Trump was trying to get elected.
2) He is not a career politician so he wasn't totally aware what he as getting into....unlike Barry.

3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.
5. You voted for the old hag. This alone makes 1-4 irrelevant, along with anything else you might post.
You mean the most vetted politician in US History.

Republicans have tried to get something on her for more than 30 years and failed every time.

And they have spent the last 6 months defending Trump. And he is still under multiple criminal investigations. And his foundation already admitted some guilt.
I'm well aware of what it stands for and you are well aware of what I ment.
No, I actually DIDN'T. I took you literally.
You are doing EVERYTHING you can to avoid the fact that Trump PROMISED to deport them and build the wall and now appears to be ready to grant them AMNESTY.

What do you suppose Trump is going to do when all of these clips, and there are tons of them, get thrown in his face?

Typically dishonest Grampa Murked U. That clip was about undocumented aliens - people who fled Mexico in search of American jobs.

That's not the same as DACA recipients - children brought here by their parents, who were fleeing Mexico in search of American jobs.
He was the anti-Hillary vote, and to save the SCOTUS. If he does nothing else he has done his job.

I told you Trump supporters don't care. They have no expectations, they don't care what Trump promised, they're not disappointed with Trump accomplishing nothing. As long as he's in the white house, it's a WIN.
That is correct. If the skank was in the white house, everybody loses, and the globe laughs.
Get ready for amnesty! Mitch McConnell is only too happy to let Trump lead on this, and make a deal with Democrats. Then the Republicans don't have to take the blame in 2018, and Trump's retard army will support him no matter what.

The only losers? You wingnut conservatives who got duped by the con man.
Get ready for amnesty! Mitch McConnell is only too happy to let Trump lead on this, and make a deal with Democrats. Then the Republicans don't have to take the blame in 2018, and Trump's retard army will support him no matter what.

The only losers? You wingnut conservatives who got duped by the con man.
I didn't get duped. You Hillary panty-sniffers crack me up!
It's the lib way or the highway.

Anything they don't like the lib courts in San Fran will take him down.

No need for that. He's doing quite well taking himself down.

Why the fixation and fear of Clinton, she isn't that 'liberal'.
She is an incompetent bitch.

I disagree, but what does that have to do with today's political choices? She is out of the game. You need new material.
She is keeping herself in the game, but hey if she wants to worsen your chances for 2018, let her.
No she's not. She is just bilking mindless leftists out of their money for a worthless book.
Trump is a joke
Still glad hildabeast didn't win

It used to simply be irresponsible to say that. Now that we have seen just how much of a joke he is, saying that indicates a lack of intelligence. You're a dummy.
And still better than the hag in there.

Yeah. So you're a dummy too. I knew that already.
You don't know anything. You're a worthless leftist traitor. Therefore - irrelevant.
I hear Rachel is planning on doing some topless reporting. Get your lotion out.
Trump is a joke
Still glad hildabeast didn't win

It used to simply be irresponsible to say that. Now that we have seen just how much of a joke he is, saying that indicates a lack of intelligence. You're a dummy.
And still better than the hag in there.

Yeah. So you're a dummy too. I knew that already.
You don't know anything. You're a worthless leftist traitor. Therefore - irrelevant.
I hear Rachel is planning on doing some topless reporting. Get your lotion out.
Dont argue with that retarded faggot
I'm good with Trump allowing the law abiding DACA people to stay in this country. Him being a compassionate man, it's exactly what I'd expect from him.
This is an issue for congress to figure out and fix. Trump has given his thoughts on this.

Many of these people were brought here when they were very young. I can't see anyone, aside of Hillary, being cold and heartless enough to send them to a country they don't know.
I'm good with Trump allowing the law abiding DACA people to stay in this country. Him being a compassionate man, it's exactly what I'd expect from him.
This is an issue for congress to figure out and fix. Trump has given his thoughts on this.

Many of these people were brought here when they were very young. I can't see anyone, aside of Hillary, being cold and heartless enough to send them to a country they don't know.
I sure would. Thats just more incentive for future illegals. They STRIVE on emotion.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

You're just now realizing that?
I'm good with Trump allowing the law abiding DACA people to stay in this country. Him being a compassionate man, it's exactly what I'd expect from him.
This is an issue for congress to figure out and fix. Trump has given his thoughts on this.

Many of these people were brought here when they were very young. I can't see anyone, aside of Hillary, being cold and heartless enough to send them to a country they don't know.
I sure would. Thats just more incentive for future illegals. They STRIVE on emotion.
Allowing the current law abiding daca people to stay, isn't an invitation for others.
Again; this is a problem for congress to figure out.

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