I have a gut feeling Trump is going to cave in to the left on the illegals.

BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
Trump PROMISED to get rid of illegals. There is not a sane person on this board that thought that ment making them legal.

You need to get a grip
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

It's the lib way or the highway.

Anything they don't like the lib courts in San Fran will take him down.

No need for that. He's doing quite well taking himself down.

Why the fixation and fear of Clinton, she isn't that 'liberal'.
She is an incompetent bitch.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
Trump PROMISED to get rid of illegals. There is not a sane person on this board that thought that ment making them legal.

You need to get a grip
I was not commenting about ALL immigration. I was specifically talking about 'DACA'. Take a breath. Trump has taken huge strides in curtailing immigration as President.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
Trump PROMISED to get rid of illegals. There is not a sane person on this board that thought that ment making them legal.

You need to get a grip
I was not commenting about ALL immigration. I was specifically talking about 'DACA'. Take a breath. Trump has taken huge strides in curtailing immigration as President.
DACA is just a fucking slogan to describe an.....


He appears to be ready to grant nearly a million of them AMNESTY.

FUCK THAT SHIT. Even Obama didn't do that
Its not about Trump, its never been about Trump. Its about the American people disrupting the status quo in Washington and thumbing the arrogant establishment in the eye.

It's all about Trump, His supporters say it's all about Trump. They don't care about policy, or principle, or position. They care about Trump.

Trump, Trump, Trump.

That's why they're so upset about Russia, because it's the only thing endangering Trump.
Neither Rush nor Ann have ever been 100 percent pro trump.
Ann Coulter wrote a book called 'In Trump We Trust'.

Rush ran away from conservatism because of Trump. He now claims he was never a conservative. He ditched the name of his bogus 'Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies'.

You suck at spin.

This isn't about Obama. we can discuss him later if you want to, but this is about Trump.

NICE DODGE OF THE QUESTION! My question, boiled down in its simplest form, by-passing all the facts / details that make you uncomfortable, is THIS:

LIKE OBAMA, Trump made several huge promises, promises he / they were 'stupid' to make because they had no idea what they were really promising, OR he / they lied.

Snowflakes try to make it seem like Trump is the only man to ever make promises on the way to winning the WH that they could not keep / possibly never had any intention of fulfilling and ONLY want to focus on / punish / attack those from the other party who did so.

Ummm, that's the very definition of 'HYPOCRISY'

No. You said he isn't a politician, so it's not his fault that he can't do what he promised. He's just now finding out that he has to work with congress is the excuse that you offered.
BTW, Trump did not say he was going to get rid of DACA legislation...there never was any DACA legislation. He promised to get rid of the Un-Constitutional edict imposed as law by Obama. Trump has declared Obama's DACA is gone and that if politicians want to keep it they must author and pass ACTUAL, CONSTITUTIONAL legislation and put it on his desk for his signature.

I applaud that.
Trump PROMISED to get rid of illegals. There is not a sane person on this board that thought that ment making them legal.

You need to get a grip
I was not commenting about ALL immigration. I was specifically talking about 'DACA'. Take a breath. Trump has taken huge strides in curtailing immigration as President.
DACA is just a fucking slogan to describe an.....


He appears to be ready to grant nearly a million of them AMNESTY.

FUCK THAT SHIT. Even Obama didn't do that

He still won't beat Ronnie Raygun on that one.
Trump claimed that wouldn't be a problem for him because he could easily bend them to his will. I guess he was stupid enough to believe that. His supporters certainly believed it.

1) Trump was trying to get elected.
2) He is not a career politician so he wasn't totally aware what he as getting into....unlike Barry.

3) Trump is a lying POS
4) his supporters are fools.
I just don't see any way to have confidence in him at this point. Trump would have me believe that everyone else is a liar or fabricating things about their meeting with him.
I think he was innitially willing to cave into them and then saw the massive blow back and tried to change his tune.

It's the lib way or the highway.

Anything they don't like the lib courts in San Fran will take him down.

No need for that. He's doing quite well taking himself down.

Why the fixation and fear of Clinton, she isn't that 'liberal'.
She is an incompetent bitch.

I disagree, but what does that have to do with today's political choices? She is out of the game. You need new material.
DACA is just a fucking slogan to describe an.....ILLEGAL ALIEN.
No, DACA is not a 'slogan'. 'DACA' was an Obama agenda-pushing POLICY that Barry Un-Constitutionally attempted imposed into 'Law' through EO.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals - Wikipedia

"The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was an American immigration policy that allowed some individuals who entered the country illegally as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work permit."
Since Bannon left, Ivanka is running policy for Trump.
Why isn't Trump running policy for Trump?

Neither Obama and Clinton, or GHW Bush for that matter, needed anyone else to run their policy for them.

Because they were competent and smart.
No, in Obama's case, he by-passed Congress and just Un-Constitutionally did whatever the hell he wanted.

And if I were Obama or an Obama supporter, I would claim Hillary ran Foreign Policy under Obama so Barry wouldn't be credited with the complete F*ed Up foreign policy under him.

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