I Have A Question For Republicans

Percentage of population wise....to blacks. You're dismissed

According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits

This One Fact About Government Benefits Makes White People Look Lazy - Breaking Brown
Percentage of population wise....to blacks. You're dismissed

According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits

This One Fact About Government Benefits Makes White People Look Lazy - Breaking Brown

Ooooh the New York Slimes
Percentage of population wise....to blacks. You're dismissed

According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits

This One Fact About Government Benefits Makes White People Look Lazy - Breaking Brown

We get it-------------blacks are all wonderful and whites all suck. You are full of shit. You racist asshole
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Actually, Clinton only balanced the budget through accounting tricks... he basically raided other funds rather than borrowing. Anyhoo, he still left Bush a huge debt.
Percentage of population wise....to blacks. You're dismissed

According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share of corporate welfare and other tax benefits

This One Fact About Government Benefits Makes White People Look Lazy - Breaking Brown

You changed the subject. Your original post was about general population SNAP benefit statistics from the Department of Agriculture.

(why is the Agriculture Department doing the job of Health and Human Services?)
Funny thought but if that was some repub with 74 straight months of job gains Repubs would be screaming MT RUSHMORE MT RUSHMORE
Ok...now I'm officially calling BULLSHIT. The evidence is contrary to your nonsense that you clearly get all of your info from left-wing propaganda arms of the Dumbocrat party. This is one hell of a condemnation on the Obama "job growth" false narrative...

US job cuts rise to 65,141 in April; 2016 layoffs at 7-year high: Challenger

dems and libs do not deal in facts that contradict their agenda. Presenting facts to them and expecting them to understand is a wasted effort.
Free stuff is the reason, the dems keep the blacks down on the ole plantation and when one wakes up and smells the coffee you assholes label them an Uncle Tom

The above, a "perfect" confirmation why this country overwhelmingly elected a black president.....TWICE, Correct? (The WH is now the "ole plantation"......or so, the moronic right wing "concludes.") LOL

People whine about free stuff when it comes to minorities forgetting that the majority of the population is white! If you look at welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, or any number of benefits, they are making out ok I'm sure! It's still mostly white folks getting the lion share! It's been framed by Republicans that it's only Blacks who are cleaning up with these programs which is total BS! I still get PO'd thinking about Reagan and his diatribe about "welfare queens" and the like! He was so full of s#!t! :bs1:
If you are saying that Bush and Cheney were such good communicators and such brilliant orators that they convinced the UN and the intelligence services of every country in the world to believe a lie, I think you are really stretching it.

Actually, you're very wrong on this last statement....The rest of the world tacitly thought we were nuts and war-mongering. Our allies' media called us out on it, but those allies' leadership were too fucking "scared" to call Cheney and Bush the liars that they surely were and are.
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So what? African americans make up 13% of the population but use up 25.7% of the SNAP payments.

do you understand proportional distribution?

NO.....the point was raised by one of your ilk that democrats "BRIBE" blacks through welfare into voting democrat......If that were the case, why aren't we "bribing" southern white rednecks into voting democrat?
Free stuff is the reason, the dems keep the blacks down on the ole plantation and when one wakes up and smells the coffee you assholes label them an Uncle Tom

The above, a "perfect" confirmation why this country overwhelmingly elected a black president.....TWICE, Correct? (The WH is now the "ole plantation"......or so, the moronic right wing "concludes.") LOL

People whine about free stuff when it comes to minorities forgetting that the majority of the population is white! If you look at welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, or any number of benefits, they are making out ok I'm sure! It's still mostly white folks getting the lion share! It's been framed by Republicans that it's only Blacks who are cleaning up with these programs which is total BS! I still get PO'd thinking about Reagan and his diatribe about "welfare queens" and the like! He was so full of s#!t! :bs1:

Who in the hell cares what color? Only racist liberals. Ultimately, it's 100% illegal/unconstitutional when done at the federal level. And that is all that matters.

By the way - your numbers are nonsensical as always. If there are more white people in the U.S. than black people, than statistically there would be more white people than black people on government assistance. The only accurate way to view that would be by percentage of population (i.e. 10% of the black population vs. 12% of the white population, etc.).

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