I Have A Question For Republicans

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

The "anger" is mostly among older white males (and their "obedient" wives) who STILL have a hard time with a half black guy in the WH, have a hard time with women being too uppity, have a hard time with same sex marriages, have a hard time with immigrants (blaming immigrants is as American as apple pie)......

Those old white males will die with bitterness in their hearts....and so be it !!!

Liberal talking points. You need a villain. So, you REALLY believe America's economy is doing great?


Did I ever wonder why some black vote Dumbocrat? No. Not at all. I know why. First of all, many of them are completely unaware of history because liberals took over the education system and indoctrinated them. Second, many wouldn't care anyway because they are simply interested in "free" shit that Dumbocrats hand them in exchange for their liberty.

Tell me....how does it feel being my personal bitch? You're clearly like 19 years old or something (and likely dropped out of high school) because you are so ignorant of history and politics that it's rather astounding. You ignore the documented historical facts of the U.S. by saying "hey dumbass....history doesn't matter because 'x' amount of blacks now vote Dumbocrat". Oh....ok....there is some real "logic" for you.

Yes, it is true......you are so much aware of history because....obviously.....you did NOT attend any of the liberal education system.......In other words, you're an ignorant, redneck...a "rebel without a clue".(Good lord this moro0n is even worse than the regular right wing trash.)....:asshole:
You're moving the goalposts. I simply proved to you that Bush did not sign a tax cut bill into law while we were fighting two wars. And that was exactly what you claimed.

As or your question, Bush could have done a lot o things, as Congress could have as well.

Getting a bit moronic there, Mark.......

Bush authorized HUGE tax cuts because he thought that Clinton's economy was just "stellar" (take it up with your right wing comrades who on one hand deny that Clinton's years lower the debt.......while on the other hand praising Bush for the tax cuts).

Bush fucked up royally with his tax cuts.....most of the tax cuts....at the tune of 1/2 million per year went to the `1%ters.

....and then, as this country was fighting 2 wars, we STILL borrowed money from China and Japan to CONTINUE to give tax cuts.to our wealthy, "noble" class.......

Lets say we did what you said, I agree. However, 9/11 caused a huge business slowdown, because people were scared of what was to happen next. I owned a Midas at the time, and my business dropped about 30% immediately. So, you really want to pull the tax cuts at that time, and put the country in a full blown recession?

It amazes me that people seem to "know" the answer better than the people that actually had to do so.

Liberal talking points. You need a villain. So, you REALLY believe America's economy is doing great?



YES...regardless of how right wingers espouse their ignorance (fed by FOX and Limbaugh) the U.S. economy is doing MUCH better than the economies of most other countries......NOT great, but much, much better than you dimwits would like to admit because there a black democrat in the WH.
Lets say we did what you said, I agree. However, 9/11 caused a huge business slowdown, because people were scared of what was to happen next. I owned a Midas at the time, and my business dropped about 30% immediately. So, you really want to pull the tax cuts at that time, and put the country in a full blown recession?

It amazes me that people seem to "know" the answer better than the people that actually had to do so.

As unfortunate as it may be, WARS are great for businesses...Ask Halliburton. You dimwits on the right "think" you're the only ones who were around 15 years ago and are the only ones who witnessed the tragedy of 9-11.

YES, Bush was wrong in perpetuating the tax cuts while having to borrow money from Japan and China to BOTH finance the wars AND continue the tax cuts.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

"I Have A Question For Republicans"

Only one question? Expand your mind. Ask two questions.
I have already voided one of your beliefs(Bush gave a tax cut during wartime), I really have no need to do it again. Believe what you will.

NO, dimwit......Bush may have started the tax cuts BEFORE 9-11......But once he invaded both Afghanistan AND Iraq, those tax cuts were insane.
Wait....one black man sits in the White House so by your "logic" every black man sits in the White House and there are no longer any black people living in poverty? Really? Bwahahahahah! :lmao:

No, the "conclusion" you may have reached is based on the real fact that you're an ignorant moron...
But, otherwise, I find you entertaining.
The national debt was $10 trillion when Bush left office. You have zero credibility since you can't even take the time to get your facts straight.

Its these moronic right wingers(like Poodle, above) that shouldn't be allowed to vote...


His wars? both parties in congress authorized and funded those fiascos. HRC voted for all of that wasted money and lives.

I get it that you hate Bush, but try the truth once in a while.
Free stuff is the reason, the dems keep the blacks down on the ole plantation and when one wakes up and smells the coffee you assholes label them an Uncle Tom

The above, a "perfect" confirmation why this country overwhelmingly elected a black president.....TWICE, Correct? (The WH is now the "ole plantation"......or so, the moronic right wing "concludes.") LOL

Stop being a fucking idiot, the plantation is programs (welfare state) the dems use. Gawd you are one stupid son of a bitch
His wars? both parties in congress authorized and funded those fiascos. HRC voted for all of that wasted money and lives.

I get it that you hate Bush, but try the truth once in a while.

This is the typical...and lame....retort usually used by right wingers.....

YES, Hillary and many other democrats were WRONG....does that take away from the wrong of republicans..
Yes or No?

Democrats in congress voted based on the "intelligence" given to them by the executive branch....If that "intelligence" was faulty or cooked up, should the liars and fabricators be MORE or LESS guilty than those stupid democrats who went along with the lies and fabrications?

Are you ready to OPENLY fault Cheney and his sidekick, Bush, for the fiasco...Yes or No?
Stop being a fucking idiot, the plantation is programs (welfare state) the dems use. Gawd you are one stupid son of a bitch

OK, lets; "test" your theory........Does the BULK of the welfare payments go to blacks or to whites?
1. When Bill Clinton left office the Tech Bubble burst and Enron happen.

2. 9/11 attacks happen.

3. Invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq happen.

4. You had a Congress passing Highway Bills with massive pork in them while the GOP was in control of the House and Senate.

5. Tax Cuts.

6. Housing Market Collapse.

7. Bank bailout.

Enron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

September 11 attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gravina Island Bridge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

United States housing bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now add all that up and record amount of Americans that were unemployed during the time while getting unemployment benefits and welfare, and guess what?

Yep, that so-call surplus was gone quickly.

Both political parties failed us but the OP'er is looking to blame just the GOP so let play the game as usual while wearing our Partisan Glasses when viewing things...
His wars? both parties in congress authorized and funded those fiascos. HRC voted for all of that wasted money and lives.

I get it that you hate Bush, but try the truth once in a while.

This is the typical...and lame....retort usually used by right wingers.....

YES, Hillary and many other democrats were WRONG....does that take away from the wrong of republicans..
Yes or No?

Democrats in congress voted based on the "intelligence" given to them by the executive branch....If that "intelligence" was faulty or cooked up, should the liars and fabricators be MORE or LESS guilty than those stupid democrats who went along with the lies and fabrications?

Are you ready to OPENLY fault Cheney and his sidekick, Bush, for the fiasco...Yes or No?

Ok dude, everyone who voted for the Iraq fiasco was wrong, both parties, happy now?

Second, the intel was flawed, it was not cooked up or lied about or fabricated. The entire world believed that Saddam had WMDs and was prepared to use them, he had already gassed his own people so its obvious that he had gas weapons.

If you are saying that Bush and Cheney were such good communicators and such brilliant orators that they convinced the UN and the intelligence services of every country in the world to believe a lie, I think you are really stretching it.

Not surprising see the country majority is white.

What you should do is break it down to each state and show which states receive the most welfare for their poor population and then break it down to which race get the majority of the welfare and then you have a great argument...
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
I dunno what 9-11 had to do with the debt

did responding to 9/11 cost government money? is it money that would not have been spent if 9/11 had not happened?

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