I Have A Question For Republicans

Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round….your turn

Well, how many have they taken out again? Give us a number. I’ll help you out (it’s between 0 and 0).
PS: DO you know when Ryan’s district when they did when will vote/voted on his future in the GOP?

What is your point exactly? Anyone with eyes can see that the GOP is going thru a fundamental change right now.


That there isn't this anger out there. Trump is a funny celeb who gets support by being funny. Nobody with half a brain thinks his ideas would work even if passed. He's rude and dumb.

There is no fundamental change going on. Otherwise there would be total upheaval in the House. There is none. There would be total upheaval in the Senate. There is none. I don't have stats on this but I would bet you a nickel that more Senators will lose their seats to retirement in 2016 than lose them to a same-Party competitor.

We disagree. The GOPe, is in a full meltdown. They don't control the party anymore.

When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?
Because Bill also left the dot com crash, the makings of the 2008 crash, and the hiccup of 911. Any more stupid questions, soupy?
Are you stoppiing them .....nope..

Sure, lets Invade and occupy Iran.......I mean given that Iran is 3 times the size of Iraq, has a navy and air force and we did so well in Iraq,,,,,what could possibly go wrong, right nitwit????
World policy was non-proliferation.............ya could at least not make it easier....doesnt require invasion....just some well placed bombss..........
I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

The "anger" is mostly among older white males (and their "obedient" wives) who STILL have a hard time with a half black guy in the WH, have a hard time with women being too uppity, have a hard time with same sex marriages, have a hard time with immigrants (blaming immigrants is as American as apple pie)......

Those old white males will die with bitterness in their hearts....and so be it !!!
You're moving the goalposts. I simply proved to you that Bush did not sign a tax cut bill into law while we were fighting two wars. And that was exactly what you claimed.

As or your question, Bush could have done a lot o things, as Congress could have as well.

Getting a bit moronic there, Mark.......

Bush authorized HUGE tax cuts because he thought that Clinton's economy was just "stellar" (take it up with your right wing comrades who on one hand deny that Clinton's years lower the debt.......while on the other hand praising Bush for the tax cuts).

Bush fucked up royally with his tax cuts.....most of the tax cuts....at the tune of 1/2 million per year went to the `1%ters.

....and then, as this country was fighting 2 wars, we STILL borrowed money from China and Japan to CONTINUE to give tax cuts.to our wealthy, "noble" class.......
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North Korea obtained them the same way...democrat lies covering for them and fake shock when it couldnt be hid anymore

Now here's a "brilliant" post.....This poster is blaming democrats for North Korea having nukes......One simply MUST love right wingers' acumen.
North Korea obtained them the same way...democrat lies covering for them and fake shock when it couldnt be hid anymore

Now here's a "brilliant" post.....This poster is blaming democrats for North Korea having nukes......One simply MUST love right wingers' acumen.
Just the facts...dems lied and covered for em for a decade.....

What a nerve after "W" and now Trump who doesn't know the meaning of the truth! Pathetic and stupid! ;-/
Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round….your turn

Well, how many have they taken out again? Give us a number. I’ll help you out (it’s between 0 and 0).
PS: DO you know when Ryan’s district when they did when will vote/voted on his future in the GOP?

What is your point exactly? Anyone with eyes can see that the GOP is going thru a fundamental change right now.


That there isn't this anger out there. Trump is a funny celeb who gets support by being funny. Nobody with half a brain thinks his ideas would work even if passed. He's rude and dumb.

There is no fundamental change going on. Otherwise there would be total upheaval in the House. There is none. There would be total upheaval in the Senate. There is none. I don't have stats on this but I would bet you a nickel that more Senators will lose their seats to retirement in 2016 than lose them to a same-Party competitor.

We disagree. The GOPe, is in a full meltdown. They don't control the party anymore.


Wretchedly silly statement. One doofus named Donald is running, calls himself anti establishment, and some clods believe him. Meanwhile in the other 400 races, the GOP is propping up whomever is running.

PS; the TP is now going on their 3rd term, they are establishment or is Rubio an outsider again?
What a nerve after "W" and now Trump who doesn't know the meaning of the truth! Pathetic and stupid! ;-/

I had a really bad feeling when slow-witted GWB made the quip that neocons wrote for him about the "axis of evil"......
He named Iraq, Iran and N. Korea.......he then attacked the WEAKEST of the 3 and we all know how "well" that worked out....So, what are the other two countries in that "axis" to think about us?
Clinton was gone for 8 years and "W" blamed an imaginary recession on him until his last days! Spare me! ;-/

Wait a second....you've been spending this entire thread making comments that George W. Bush was Satan. A plague among humanity. Now you want to use him to justify what you are doing? Because Bush did that to Clinton it makes sense for you to do it to Bush? :cuckoo:

I can tell you this - I don't mimic people who I feel are the worst that society has to offer. I do the exact opposite of what they do. That fact that you do exactly what Bush does after slamming Bush speaks volumes about you junior.
Clinton was gone for 8 years and "W" blamed an imaginary recession on him until his last days! Spare me! ;-/

Wait a second....you've been spending this entire thread making comments that George W. Bush was Satan. A plague among humanity. Now you want to use him to justify what you are doing? Because Bush did that to Clinton it makes sense for you to do it to Bush? :cuckoo:

I can tell you this - I don't mimic people who I feel are the worst that society has to offer. I do the exact opposite of what they do. That fact that you do exactly what Bush does after slamming Bush speaks volumes about you junior.

Just passing the buck like you! Republicans never can take the blame for mistakes, relentlessly deflect, and when they screw it all up they don't know what happened! All I know is when they're in charge, things get fk'd up big time, it costs us money and lives, but they depend on the low intelligence of their supporters to keep putting them back in power time and time again no matter how heinous their history! ;-/
by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

Well, the country was stupid enough to elect a neophyte senator with no practical real world experience.


Like the country could take a chance with Gov. Palin one weak heartbeat from the Presidency! Yeah right; even this country wasn't that stupid! I think we've done alright recovering from the Jr. of Bush; thank GAWD! ;-/

I hate to point out the painfully obvious, Fiero...but Joe Biden is having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself! I'm not a big fan of Barry's but I've said more than a few prayers to his continued good health because Uncle Joe was waiting in the wings!

You're joking? Like Joe would be worse than Sarah and her RUBE husband calling the shots? OMG, seek professional help! ;-/

Yeah, actually he would be, Fiero. Joe Biden is dumb as a rock. I think the last time they drilled his hair plugs they may have gone to deep. Know what I'm saying?
Clinton was gone for 8 years and "W" blamed an imaginary recession on him until his last days! Spare me! ;-/

Wait a second....you've been spending this entire thread making comments that George W. Bush was Satan. A plague among humanity. Now you want to use him to justify what you are doing? Because Bush did that to Clinton it makes sense for you to do it to Bush? :cuckoo:

I can tell you this - I don't mimic people who I feel are the worst that society has to offer. I do the exact opposite of what they do. That fact that you do exactly what Bush does after slamming Bush speaks volumes about you junior.

Just passing the buck like you! Republicans never can take the blame for mistakes, relentlessly deflect, and when they screw it all up they don't know what happened! All I know is when they're in charge, things get fk'd up big time, it costs us money and lives, but they depend on the low intelligence of their supporters to keep putting them back in power time and time again no matter how heinous their history! ;-/
But here's the thing.....the only "heinous history" belongs to the Dumbocrats.
  • Dumbocrats so vehemently insisted on slavery, they started an actual war with their own country over it. Republican's ended slavery.
  • Dumbocrats insisted on the illegal/unconstitutional Social Security. Republican's accurately predicted 70 years ahead that it was unsustainable and would fail. Social Security is now insolvent.
  • Dumbocrats insisted on the illegal/unconstitutional Medicare. Republican's accurately predicted 40 years ahead that it was unsustainable and would fail. Barack Obama went around in 2008 claiming that the government could no longer afford Medicare and hence the need for Obamacare.
  • Dumbocrats insisted on the illegal/unconstitutional Medicaid. Republican's accurately predicted 40 years ahead that it was unsustainable and would fail. Barack Obama went around in 2008 claiming that the government could no longer afford Medicaid and hence the need for Obamacare.
  • FDR and the Dumbocrats collapsed the U.S. economy in the 1930's and handed us the Great Depression (after conservatives handed us the Roaring 20's on a silver platter). Even hard-core left-wing UCLA did a study and admitted that FDR's policies drastically extended the Great Depression
  • Jimmy Carter and the Dumbocrats collapsed the U.S. economy once again in the late 1970's and handed us the second worst economy in U.S. history (after the Great Depression). Once again the American people need a real conservative (Ronald Reagan) to bail the country out of liberal failure.
  • Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats collapsed the U.S. economy for a third time starting in 2008 and handed us the third worst economy in U.S. history (behind the Great Depression and the Jimmy Carter debacle). The Obama reign of terror has given us the worst debt in U.S. history. The highest number of people on food stamps in U.S. history. The highest number of people dropping out of the work force in U.S. history.
These are the facts. And they are simply indisputable. Now you've made it clear that you are incapable of dealing with reality and facts so I suggest you immediately call your psychologist after reading this.

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