I Have A Question For Republicans

ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

Well, the country was stupid enough to elect a neophyte senator with no practical real world experience.


Like the country could take a chance with Gov. Palin one weak heartbeat from the Presidency! Yeah right; even this country wasn't that stupid! I think we've done alright recovering from the Jr. of Bush; thank GAWD! ;-/

I hate to point out the painfully obvious, Fiero...but Joe Biden is having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself! I'm not a big fan of Barry's but I've said more than a few prayers to his continued good health because Uncle Joe was waiting in the wings!
Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

Well, the country was stupid enough to elect a neophyte senator with no practical real world experience.


Like the country could take a chance with Gov. Palin one weak heartbeat from the Presidency! Yeah right; even this country wasn't that stupid! I think we've done alright recovering from the Jr. of Bush; thank GAWD! ;-/

I hate to point out the painfully obvious, Fiero...but Joe Biden is having a good day if he doesn't drool on himself! I'm not a big fan of Barry's but I've said more than a few prayers to his continued good health because Uncle Joe was waiting in the wings!

You're joking? Like Joe would be worse than Sarah and her RUBE husband calling the shots? OMG, seek professional help! ;-/
How the 9/11 Attacks Still Damage the Economy Today The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day. The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen, The 9/11 attacks aggravated the 2001 recession, which started in March 2001. The economy had contracted 1.3% in the first quarter, but had bounced up 2.7% in the second quarter. The attacks made the economy contract 1.1% in the third quarter, extending the recession. The 2001 recession was caused by the Y2K scare, which created a boom and subsequent bust in internet businesses.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.


Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.



At least it could be called a recovery after the state of affairs left to Obama to deal with! You must not have read my post where I list the disasters he had to overcome; losing 700,000 jobs a month, unemployment skyrocketing, the DOW falling precipitously landing at 6600, and the auto industry on life support! It's a wonder we survived with Republicans obstructing at every turn including threatening our credit rating! History won't let you forget no matter how much you try! ;-/
Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.


WHY you ask?? because republicans deny this was our WORST recession ever It's never been this bad and dems tried BUT received less than any help from repub traitors in congress
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

I'll admit that Obama could of done better by not giving out welfare to millions of more people then should be on it, but your war sure cost our nation a shit ton of this debt.

Of course, you'll blame areas like infrastructure, science, r&d and education investment that has a net plus to our economy for all of our problems
. That is really stupid.

What proof do you have of this? Japan tried it, and all it did was give them the largest debt in the world, by far.

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.


WHY you ask?? because republicans deny this was our WORST recession ever It's never been this bad and dems tried BUT received less than any help from repub traitors in congress

The GOP voted for the bailouts that both parties wanted. Obama got all the help he needed

The defense budget is not a war budget. As the name implies, that is a defense budget. A war is offensive and the costs beforehand simply cannot be known.

If you believe that money to fight a war can be projected, you would also believe that casualties and man force requirements can be known.

Well.....OBVIOUSLY the neocons could not project the cost of the wars...But would you shop around for a $2 million house when you're earning $35K per year? After all you could not "project" that your salary would not rise by 5,000%, right?

Not the point. Trying to budget for a war is like herding cats. Its just not gonna work.

The defense budget is not a war budget. As the name implies, that is a defense budget. A war is offensive and the costs beforehand simply cannot be known.

If you believe that money to fight a war can be projected, you would also believe that casualties and man force requirements can be known.

Well.....OBVIOUSLY the neocons could not project the cost of the wars...But would you shop around for a $2 million house when you're earning $35K per year? After all you could not "project" that your salary would not rise by 5,000%, right?

"W" tried to do the war on the cheap and wound up busting the bank and we'll be paying for his incompetence for years to come! ;-/

Which president doesn't try to do war on the cheap? Isn't his job to try to solve a problem the best and cheapest way possible?

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.


WHY you ask?? because republicans deny this was our WORST recession ever It's never been this bad and dems tried BUT received less than any help from repub traitors in congress

The GOP voted for the bailouts that both parties wanted. Obama got all the help he needed


Under duress! They didn't want to do it, but they saw how the country's economy was ready to implode! ;-/
yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

I'm not anti Dem, I'm simply a realist. If things were really as good as the numbers suggest, the American public would be happy.

They aren't.

This "recovery" is the worst on record. The American public knows it, and the Democrats and their followers deny it.


WHY you ask?? because republicans deny this was our WORST recession ever It's never been this bad and dems tried BUT received less than any help from repub traitors in congress

The GOP voted for the bailouts that both parties wanted. Obama got all the help he needed


Under duress! They didn't want to do it, but they saw how the country's economy was ready to implode! ;-/

And? Obama got what he wanted, didn't he?

If your 5 year old grandson can read a calendar, he would understand that the Bush tax cuts were passed on June 7, 2001. Months before 9/11 happened.

.....and when did these tax cuts end???? Was there ANY opportunity for GWB to say to congress, "hey, guys and gals, the wars are costing us $2 BILLION-plus per week, what do you think we stop with these "tax breaks" and stop borrowing from China?"
So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round….your turn

Well, how many have they taken out again? Give us a number. I’ll help you out (it’s between 0 and 0).
PS: DO you know when Ryan’s district when they did when will vote/voted on his future in the GOP?

What is your point exactly? Anyone with eyes can see that the GOP is going thru a fundamental change right now.


That there isn't this anger out there. Trump is a funny celeb who gets support by being funny. Nobody with half a brain thinks his ideas would work even if passed. He's rude and dumb.

There is no fundamental change going on. Otherwise there would be total upheaval in the House. There is none. There would be total upheaval in the Senate. There is none. I don't have stats on this but I would bet you a nickel that more Senators will lose their seats to retirement in 2016 than lose them to a same-Party competitor.
Dwindling? Political ideologies never go away. All ebb and flow. With the 900 seats the Dems have lost in the last few elections, it appears conservatism is on its way up again.

Of course your delusions won't allow you to believe this.....But, in a couple of decades, Texas and Florida will turn blue, and without those states the executive branch will not be in right wingers' hands for many. many years.....
By 2038 according to the census, old white farts, men will be in the minority (and I'm one of those old farts) and this November, the chances of democrats taking over the senate are very, very good partially (thanks to your Donald);....There are 24 senate seats that right wingers need to defend in the next 5 months......
Are you stoppiing them .....nope....in fact you applaud Obama as he oks their nukes..........and kindly freed up all that money tied up.....yes you aare gift wrapping nukes for them.....and of course you'll be surprised when Iran finally admits it

Iran WILL have nukes in the same way that Pakistan and N. Korea got their nukes.....When Israel demanded her nukes, the middle east was never going to remain nuke-free.
Are you stoppiing them .....nope..

Sure, lets Invade and occupy Iran.......I mean given that Iran is 3 times the size of Iraq, has a navy and air force and we did so well in Iraq,,,,,what could possibly go wrong, right nitwit????
If your 5 year old grandson can read a calendar, he would understand that the Bush tax cuts were passed on June 7, 2001. Months before 9/11 happened.

.....and when did these tax cuts end???? Was there ANY opportunity for GWB to say to congress, "hey, guys and gals, the wars are costing us $2 BILLION-plus per week, what do you think we stop with these "tax breaks" and stop borrowing from China?"

You're moving the goalposts. I simply proved to you that Bush did not sign a tax cut bill into law while we were fighting two wars. And that was exactly what you claimed.

As or your question, Bush could have done a lot o things, as Congress could have as well.


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