I Have A Question For Republicans

Obama and the Dems are way too focused on bathroom issues with Trannys...
They could care less about growing the economy...

If you knew just a tiny bit about how government functions, you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.

Tell us, how many economy stimulating bills has the republican-led congress introduced since they've taken over the majority.....Go on, look it up and maybe apologize.
war was approved by both parties.

It will always be a stain in the reputation of every democrat who voted for that war ON (not just "in") Iraq.....

However, the administration provided FLAWED intelligence and pretty much made it that any vote against starting this war was tantamount to being "unpatriotic"......Cheney, Wolfowitz and a few others in that administration should be in The Hague facing trial for war-mongering.
Riighhhtttttt.......except NYT admitted after dems won Congress during last yrs of Bush that Iraq was 6 mo away from a nuke.......
Obama and the Dems are way too focused on bathroom issues with Trannys...
They could care less about growing the economy...

If you knew just a tiny bit about how government functions, you wouldn't be making such stupid statements.

Tell us, how many economy stimulating bills has the republican-led congress introduced since they've taken over the majority.....Go on, look it up and maybe apologize.

1. Got rid of the 99 weekers , the UE dropped like a rock...

2.Tried to appeal obama care like 500 Times.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?
Why do liberals always 'conveniently' forget that Clinton had a Republican Congress....you know - Congress, the political body that actually controls spending, the budget...
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?
Why do liberals always 'conveniently' forget that Clinton had a Republican Congress....you know - Congress, the political body that actually controls spending, the budget...

You mean the idiot Congress that shut down the gov't twice before Clinton got his way like Obama did with this one? ;-/
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

The economy was on a downturn when clinton was leaving office.
I know every gop comeback. This one was predictable.
Yep, you know every come back and they never change, the truth is like that.
911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

So by "leadership" you were not referring to the leader.

More than one person in each parties Congressional leadership....Eric Cantor...ring a bell...and dems threw out which big spender.......still waiting
and you've thrown everything away by giving Iran Nukes

This is when you come off as a total idiot....
We are giving Iran nukes????? Really??? Are we sending them through FedEx or UPS???

The only country we've "given away nukes" is Isreal...and one way or another Iran will ALSO have nukes given to them, in part, by Pakistan, N. Korea and China.
Cheney didn't start anything and the cost was about 2 trillion and ....

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.

1.6 of which was the Economic Stimulus Act.

True Cheney didn't star the wars.......They were actually started by my grandmother.....

And, when do the Bush budgets INCLUDE the cost of the wars????

You cannot "budget" a war, since you cant possibly know what you are spending. The spending isn't hidden either, since all spending is added to our national debt.


Then why did "W" try to hide it by being "off budget?" Republicans are hypocrites; can't find money to pay for infrastructure, but can always find it to pay for silly wars! I truly believe they're trying to bankrupt the country just to eliminate the social programs created by Dems; Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, Welfare, and programs for kids since they only care about them before being born! After that, they're on their own! Idiots! :9:

Just how could Bush have "hid it"? There is no mechanism in the government to do so. War is always a non budgeted item. How do you budget for war when you cannot possibly know the parameters of the engagement beforehand?

You cannot "budget" a war, since you cant possibly know what you are spending. The spending isn't hidden either, since all spending is added to our national debt.

Are you 6 years old? A country does not budget a war? We don't budget the Pentagon? We don't budget the Dept. of Defense?.........and we give TAX CUTS while we borrow money to fight wars??

The defense budget is not a war budget. As the name implies, that is a defense budget. A war is offensive and the costs beforehand simply cannot be known.

If you believe that money to fight a war can be projected, you would also believe that casualties and man force requirements can be known.

Just how could Bush have "hid it"? There is no mechanism in the government to do so. War is always a non budgeted item. How do you budget for war when you cannot possibly know the parameters of the engagement beforehand?

Well, Mark, you seem dumber than most of your comrade in tea sipping...

So I'll ask a question that even my 5 year old grandson could understand.

Knowing that you are in the midst of TWO costly wars, a good president offers huge tax cuts to the cronies that got him elected in the first place.......Good or bad policy????
So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.

No surplus, a link was provided for you spelling it out....read it, comprehend it then shut up

No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorables than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

This has historical precedent. The Democrats believed that Chester Arthur was born in Canada, and many still believe it today.

The defense budget is not a war budget. As the name implies, that is a defense budget. A war is offensive and the costs beforehand simply cannot be known.

If you believe that money to fight a war can be projected, you would also believe that casualties and man force requirements can be known.

Well.....OBVIOUSLY the neocons could not project the cost of the wars...But would you shop around for a $2 million house when you're earning $35K per year? After all you could not "project" that your salary would not rise by 5,000%, right?

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