I Have A Question For Republicans

Funny thought but if that was some repub with 74 straight months of job gains Repubs would be screaming MT RUSHMORE MT RUSHMORE

You know it! Instead they're harking back to the Reagan years totally ignoring Iran/Contra; negotiating with terrorists, funneling moneys from weapons sales to Central America against the Boland amendment, and totally forgetting about that barracks bombing in Beirut with over 250 men killed while pummeling Hillary over an attack on a CIA outpost! These people just can't be believed or taken seriously! ;-/
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The problem is that liberals refuse to accept that their ideology is a failed ideology. Barack Obama, Pelosi, and Reid illegally dumped trillions of dollars into the economy when they first took over in 2008 promising that unemployment would "never reach 8%" if they did. What happened? Unemployment went over a staggering 10%. In typical libtard fashion to their catastrophic failure, their response was "well it would have been worse".

OK, nitwit.....First tell us if in any month AFTER Obama's first year in office there was a 700,000 unemployment claim.
THEN, tell us for how many months during Obama's administration that we've had job growth...(here's a hint over SIX years of job growth).
Finally, go have another drink....
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What minuscule "growth" there has been during the Obama reign of terror was due to the entire nation during the House, the Senate, and state and local governments over to conservatives. There is a reason Obama took the worst ass-kicking in political history in the 2010 mid-term elections and it sure as hell wasn't because the nation was flourishing under Dumbocrats

The above from one of the right wing morons who claim that democrats win election through cheating and dead people voting.....Hey, Poodle, what happened in 2010....No dead voters???
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Cambell............never was a surplus. So, if you really want to discuss what happened, you need to start from there. And if you want to disagree, then we need to have that conversation before going on to the next.

SIDE NOTE-----------> Bill Clinton and the contract with America Republicans DID come as close as possible to a balanced budget as you could imagine. Any reasonable person on this board would accept this as opposed as what is happening today.

To many people want to give credit, or take credit, from the groups involved. We should all laugh at that, considering it shows us the possibilities, when government actually works for US, towards solutions, no matter which side of the aisle they reside on. We must all also remember that to much of a good thing, becomes a bad thing. (5 to 7 glasses of water for us humans per day is a good thing, so by certain people's logic, if we dump the whole of lake Michigan on a person, they should morph into superman/woman/person)

So with that being said, the MULTI-MULTI- TRILLION dollar question is this, and ONLY this in the national election-----------------> today, as a society and economy, have we recently traveled to far left, to far right, or have we found the sweet spot that we must maintain! As a society, how you choose where are you are going is totally subjective as far as what you believe. But as an economy, most people can show our current course has HURT us tremendously. And which way is our current course, left or right?

The answer is pretty obvious, but that is the question every person on here needs ask. Once it is answered, it may NOT tell them how to vote for improvement in the Presidential, but it WILL tell them the best course on the down ballot.
Funny thought but if that was some repub with 74 straight months of job gains Repubs would be screaming MT RUSHMORE MT RUSHMORE

You know it! Instead they're harking back to the Reagan years totally ignoring Iran/Contra; negotiating with terrorists, funneling moneys from weapons sales to Central America against the Boland amendment, and totally forgetting about that barracks bombing in Beirut with over 200 men killed while pummeling Hillary over an attack on a CIA outpost! These people just can't be believed or taken seriously! ;-/
The thing is Fiero I do take them seriously, the lowest in intelligence, keep voting morons into our political system I fear for America
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none
911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

We can only hope with Trump at the top of the ticket, the Dems will take back the Senate and put a big dent in the overall count of T-baggers in Congress! ;-/
Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
[QUE="Manonthestreet, post: 14317009, member: 49140"]
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

We can only hope with Trump at the top of the ticket, the Dems will take back the Senate and put a big dent in the overall count of T-baggers in Congress! ;-/[/QUOTE]

Why ...only ones trying to control spending....which is baddd verryyy badd,,,,,,oh right libs dont really care about budget busting big spenders
You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
[QUE="Manonthestreet, post: 14317009, member: 49140"]
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

We can only hope with Trump at the top of the ticket, the Dems will take back the Senate and put a big dent in the overall count of T-baggers in Congress! ;-/

Why ...only ones trying to control spending....which is baddd verryyy badd,,,,,,oh right libs dont really care about budget busting big spenders[/QUOTE]
How about cutting the loopholes for billionaires like trump and r money so they pay a fair share like most taxpayers do?
recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
[QUE="Manonthestreet, post: 14317009, member: 49140"]
Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

We can only hope with Trump at the top of the ticket, the Dems will take back the Senate and put a big dent in the overall count of T-baggers in Congress! ;-/

Why ...only ones trying to control spending....which is baddd verryyy badd,,,,,,oh right libs dont really care about budget busting big spenders
How about cutting the loopholes for billionaires like trump and r money so they pay a fair share like most taxpayers do?[/QUOTE]
We're talking spending......you are taking in record revenue.......and your excuse for the debt you rang up issssss
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

Obama and the Dems are way too focused on bathroom issues with Trannys...
They could care less about growing the economy...

The republicans are the ones that are making it a big deal. Obama has grown the economy about as much as he could do and be fucked trade. For 6 years the private sector has grown and grown and grown.

What we need know is to burn nafta and the tpp. Refocus our self as a nation that makes things instead of just a services sector.
recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
[QUE="Manonthestreet, post: 14317009, member: 49140"]
Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
Wasnt referring to him....nailed a bigwig last go round that scared the hell out of em....landed several SEN changes too///////still waiting for the big spenders libs have sent packing...that would be none

We can only hope with Trump at the top of the ticket, the Dems will take back the Senate and put a big dent in the overall count of T-baggers in Congress! ;-/

Why ...only ones trying to control spending....which is baddd verryyy badd,,,,,,oh right libs dont really care about budget busting big spenders
How about cutting the loopholes for billionaires like trump and r money so they pay a fair share like most taxpayers do?[/QUOTE]

Good idea. Time for them to stop cheating the system and pay a decent percentage of the taxes. Also time for them to pay their workers better so more people can afford to invest in their education and live in a home.
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

I'll admit that Obama could of done better by not giving out welfare to millions of more people then should be on it, but your war sure cost our nation a shit ton of this debt.

Of course, you'll blame areas like infrastructure, science, r&d and education investment that has a net plus to our economy for all of our problems. That is really stupid.
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

Obama and the Dems are way too focused on bathroom issues with Trannys...
They could care less about growing the economy...

The republicans are the ones that are making it a big deal. Obama has grown the economy about as much as he could do and be fucked trade. For 6 years the private sector has grown and grown and grown.

What we need know is to burn nafta and the tpp. Refocus our self as a nation that makes things instead of just a services sector.


U.S. Has Record 10th Straight Year Without 3% Growth in GDP

Yet all we hear is how great the Obama years have been LOL
Ask them "what loopholes". I have never seen them answer that. The tax code is what? 75K pages cobbled together year after year by political hacks or lawyers who don't know business. I don't see how USA lasted this long, I guess printing $5T and borrow $20T?
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

I'll admit that Obama could of done better by not giving out welfare to millions of more people then should be on it, but your war sure cost our nation a shit ton of this debt.

Of course, you'll blame areas like infrastructure, science, r&d and education investment that has a net plus to our economy for all of our problems. That is really stupid.
Try not sounding stupid by putting words in other peoples mouth....try limiting yourself to whats said eh.. ....war was approved by both parties.
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

I'll admit that Obama could of done better by not giving out welfare to millions of more people then should be on it, but your war sure cost our nation a shit ton of this debt.

Of course, you'll blame areas like infrastructure, science, r&d and education investment that has a net plus to our economy for all of our problems. That is really stupid.
Try not sounding stupid by putting words in other peoples mouth....try limiting yourself to whats said eh.. ....war was approved by both parties.
BULLSHIT war was approved by republican bush and a MAJORITY of repub scum in congress The moron pulled the trigger
Sad part is Obama could be running surplus had some effort been made

I'll admit that Obama could of done better by not giving out welfare to millions of more people then should be on it, but your war sure cost our nation a shit ton of this debt.

Of course, you'll blame areas like infrastructure, science, r&d and education investment that has a net plus to our economy for all of our problems. That is really stupid.
Try not sounding stupid by putting words in other peoples mouth....try limiting yourself to whats said eh.. ....war was approved by both parties.

Even if the Dems were gutless by not debating it more, this is still on the LYING "W" admin.! There were no "WMD's!" ;-/

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