I Have A Question For Republicans

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

I lost all respect for the Supreme Court after that! It was already teetering when they unanimously thought Clinton could be sued while in office with no repercussions to the country! They were all idiots to believe that; turning the country upside down! When they selected "W," I was done! It's just been one rotten ruling after another with the Cons politicizing issues the way they keep accusing progressives! ;-/

then move to venzuela, north korea, or Syria.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama initially took over! ;-/
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Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Fake recession handed bush???

How fucking old are you 16 ?????

You have been indocterated by the school system well , young child.

When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Clinton's surplus was an illusion. Creative, but not real.

The left thinks it can balance the budget by increasing taxes to ridiculous rates. The right thinks it can balance the budget by cutting unnecessary spending. Both sides never agree so we end up with excessive spending anyway.

Presidents usually have to deal with the other party being a majority in congress. This means no compromise on cutting spending and reducing taxes.

It's a tug of war with one side trying to cut government and one side forever trying to increase taxes.

Before income tax was made permanent by Wilson, the government managed to carry out it's duties. There were temporary taxes when a war was on. Wilson opted to make it permanent and the spending has risen out of control ever since. Once they knew the money was guaranteed, it was spent before it came in.

I think the left has trouble understanding that before income taxes, which were promised never to exceed a small percent, we still had roads, bridges, railroad, hospitals and schools. Funny, isn't it? I mean the first thing the left says when government wants more of our money is that we cannot live without those things and we are all socialists because we use the roads and schools. Yet, the private sector managed to make all those things happen.

When paying income taxes became law, the country was assured that they would always remain like 3% or something like that. When Social Security began, the government promised it was voluntary and would never exceed a small percent of income.

Of course, they lied their asses off and both have increased constantly since then and we still have libs who think taxes won't be high enough until we bring the wealthy down to the level of the poorest people. Social Security is going broke.

This is what happens when government gives itself control over things. They abuse it and run it into the ground. Fannie and Freddie are other good examples of how government creates disasters because they know nothing about wealth creation. They are just experts at wealth confiscation and seem to think that people will continue to generate it no matter how much government steals.

It should serve as a warning not to trust them with health care and especially not trust them with cap and trade policies. It's just more ways for them to take our money and waste it.

So, if congress would agree on spending wisely, they wouldn't need to steal as much money and we wouldn't be in deep debt. But that won't happen.

And the costs of things are so inflated. Of course, when you hire cronies you'll end up paying more, usually as a favor for campaign contributions or whatever. It should never have cost a billion dollars to build a website for Obamacare, yet it did, and it was still substandard. eBay has a better site. It's the same with military spending or paying to repair infrastructure. We don't get our money's worth because it's all price gouging.
Politicians allow it because it's their buddies. There isn't enough oversight on government spending.

Funny how money is never an object as long as it's someone else's money. And when they overspend, they reach deeper into our pockets and still fail to budget. They think there's always more where that came from.

Government programs never die. We have so many programs for food for the poor instead of streamlining things. So much money is wasted because there is food rotting in warehouses and we have to pay bureaucrats to oversee every program.

One agency never knows what's going on in others. Duplicate programs, useless programs and poorly run programs mean waste, fraud and abuse.
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama took over! ;-/

the DOW crash was caused by the Clinton dot com bubble. The auto bailout was done to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC. Real unemployment and under employment is higher now than in 08. our debt has doubled and our president is the laughing stock of the entire world. Credit rating? WTF.

your left wing talking points have been refuted many times already. move on
911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama took over! ;-/

the DOW crash was caused by the Clinton dot com bubble. The auto bailout was done to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC. Real unemployment and under employment is higher now than in 08. our debt has doubled and our president is the laughing stock of the entire world. Credit rating? WTF.

your left wing talking points have been refuted many times already. move on

Just keep deluding yourselves! I'll still take a Democratic admin. over ANY Rep. loser with the same lame and stupid ideas on running the country! All I know is the stock market goes up and unemployment goes down while they're in charge; even with an obstructionist Congress! ;-/
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?
The national debt was $10 trillion when Bush left office. You have zero credibility since you can't even take the time to get your facts straight.
Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

recovery of Obama????????????????? are you fricken crazy? the number of americans in poverty is higher than when he took over, so are the numbers on welfare and foodstamps, as are the number unemployed or under-employed.

Obama recovery is an oxymoron, and you are simply a moron.

How soon you nimrods forget the DOW dropped to 6600, the auto industry was saved with a bailout that has been paid back, unemployment well over 10%, now about 5, and we're in better shape than all of Europe! Ignore it if you want, but those are the facts even if you don't want to believe it! Just keep calling the economy sluggish; better than bankrupt and threatening our credit rating the way you clowns did year after year when Obama took over! ;-/

the DOW crash was caused by the Clinton dot com bubble. The auto bailout was done to save the UAW and its cash flow to the DNC. Real unemployment and under employment is higher now than in 08. our debt has doubled and our president is the laughing stock of the entire world. Credit rating? WTF.

your left wing talking points have been refuted many times already. move on

Just keep deluding yourselves! I'll still take a Democratic admin. over ANY Rep. loser with the same lame and stupid ideas on running the country! All I know is the stock market goes up and unemployment goes down while they're in charge; even with an obstructionist Congress! ;-/
Bwahahaha! Unemployment under Obama at it's lowest was higher than it ever was at its highest under Bush. The number of people who left the workforce under Obama reached a staggering 94 million plus. Every time another one drops out, Obama and his minions lower the unemployment rate to make themselves look better. The reality is, true unemployment has never been below double-digits during the Obama reign of terror.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends
What minuscule "growth" there has been during the Obama reign of terror was due to the entire nation during the House, the Senate, and state and local governments over to conservatives. There is a reason Obama took the worst ass-kicking in political history in the 2010 mid-term elections and it sure as hell wasn't because the nation was flourishing under Dumbocrats. :lol:
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.

If the country's stupid enough to take on a reality TV star as a President, we deserve anything that occurs as a result of it! ;-/

yep, we will finally deserve more American jobs, secure borders, and sanity in DC. Its about damn time.
74 straight months of nice job gains after bush losing 700000 per and you still bellyache ?? shame on you and all your anti dem friends

Republicans can't and won't see that! They just "make up $#!t" trying to justify opposition! It's pathetic and their hypocrisy will continue to be mind-numbing to me! ;-/
Republicans can't and won't see that! They just "make up $#!t" trying to justify opposition! It's pathetic and their hypocrisy will continue to be mind-numbing to me! ;-/

The problem is that liberals refuse to accept that their ideology is a failed ideology. Barack Obama, Pelosi, and Reid illegally dumped trillions of dollars into the economy when they first took over in 2008 promising that unemployment would "never reach 8%" if they did. What happened? Unemployment went over a staggering 10%. In typical libtard fashion to their catastrophic failure, their response was "well it would have been worse".

You know that liberalism is failed ideology. Obama knows it. The Dumbocrats know it. But you're not willing to trade in your handouts for the truth. And your sure as hell not willing to allow someone to have more than you (even though they work harder and deserve more).
Republicans can't and won't see that! They just "make up $#!t" trying to justify opposition! It's pathetic and their hypocrisy will continue to be mind-numbing to me! ;-/

The problem is that liberals refuse to accept that their ideology is a failed ideology. Barack Obama, Pelosi, and Reid illegally dumped trillions of dollars into the economy when they first took over in 2008 promising that unemployment would "never reach 8%" if they did. What happened? Unemployment went over a staggering 10%. In typical libtard fashion to their catastrophic failure, their response was "well it would have been worse".

You know that liberalism is failed ideology. Obama knows it. The Dumbocrats know it. But you're not willing to trade in your handouts for the truth. And your sure as hell not willing to allow someone to have more than you (even though they work harder and deserve more).

Whatever! Keep revising history if you like! It'll all be written up and reviewed years from now and they'll wonder how the country survived "W" and this lame arse Congress! ;-/
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The national debt was $10 trillion when Bush left office. You have zero credibility since you can't even take the time to get your facts straight.

Its these moronic right wingers(like Poodle, above) that shouldn't be allowed to vote...

Funny thought but if that was some repub with 74 straight months of job gains Repubs would be screaming MT RUSHMORE MT RUSHMORE

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