I Have A Question For Republicans

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.

No surplus, a link was provided for you spelling it out....read it, comprehend it then shut up

No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are
No surplus, a link was provided for you spelling it out....read it, comprehend it then shut up

No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
yeah 9/11 didnt affect the economy at all.........
No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with cheany gwb and scalia
Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/
Last edited:
No point in trying to educate Progressives. If they do not see it in Media Matters, DailyKOS or The Nation it did not happen.

Studies have also shown that Progressives are far less likely to read opposing views than are Conservatives. No surprise there either. Conservatives know we have the TRUTH AND FACTS on our side and are not afraid to consider opposing views.

Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:

If you respond to me respond to what I wrote...I couldn't care less you lick Obama's ass....and your use of emoticons is middle school at best....noob
Total garbage.

The logic behind the checks was that there was a surplus. That was the only reason it was done. If what you’re saying is true, the move (at best) worsened the deficit.

As for conservatives and honesty, thanks for another reason to Laugh. Don’t believe me ….Start a thread and ask cons here if Obama was born in the US. I dare you…. That you’re too scared to have your opinion trounced in public is a given and we all know you won’t do it. But if you did, you would either get your doors blown off or you would get answers as crooked as a corkscrew as to where there are no answers at all.

No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:

If you respond to me respond to what I wrote...I couldn't care less you lick Obama's ass....and your use of emoticons is middle school at best....noob

I'm no fan of Obama's, but I'll take him over any RUBE Republican! Collectively they lost their minds decades ago wanting to undermine anything beneficial to the people for some reason! They want to protect the sanctity of life and marriage, but they don't seem to care if kids are starving while they're caught marrying 2 or 3 times themselves! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing! :argue:
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.

Nyah, they're just caught up in sex scandals and fraud like their fearless "past" leader Hastert! :blahblah:
I'm no fan of Obama's, but I'll take him over any RUBE Republican! Collectively they lost their minds decades ago wanting to undermine anything beneficial to the people for some reason! They want to protect the sanctity of life and marriage, but they don't seem to care if kids are starving while they're caught marrying 2 or 3 times themselves! The hypocrisy is mind-numbing

NOT ALL, but many within the [slowly dwindling] conservative ranks, are still mired in racism, bigotry, misogyny and love of guns and money/power......Like cornered rats, they'll fight for their survival but eventually lose
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn
No it's not, you;re just too fucking stupid to understand it. Get an education and then comment, you look like a fool....and I'm onto your stupid ass

SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/
Outright lie any honest person can see.
SO you're denying a good number of idiotic conservative Republicans believe Obama isn't from this country and is holding the Presidency illegally? Delusion reigns it seems! It's so sad and pathetic that these people actually have a vote and aren't relegated to mental institutions! A 2 term Democratic President is actually running things and has higher favorable than any of their loser candidates and they still can't get over It! :blahblah: :ahole-1: :dunno: :funnyface:

Maybe you'd better read through the thread and then comment, how you got that out of a link about Clinton's "surplus" is beyond me.

I don't need to read the thread! I lived back when the deficit was actually going down! It made no sense to disburse those checks to stimulate the economy; total fiction "W" inherited a recession! He and his supporters were full of $#!t and they couldn't stand the man trying to destroy all he accomplished during his presidency! I blame the people for being such idiots going back to loser tactics of Republicans after one of the most successful presidencies in memory! It's bad enough they won't acknowledge what Obama's done to bring the country back after certain collapse of "W's" administration, but to support Trump shows they really don't give a $#!t about their country! They just assume we fail under him than continue any level of prosperity under another Clinton who they've been trying to destroy for over 25 years! Truly pathetic people who'll burn in HELL soon enough! :argue: :blahblah: :bang3:
For a new guy on the block you're pretty dam good thank you ..and may trump burn in hell with Cheney, GWB, and Scalia.

911 probably wouldn't have occurred if "W" wasn't in charge and vacationing in Texas! They totally ignored the warnings and we'll be paying for his incompetence for decades to come! Thanks! ;-/

Outright lie any honest person can see.

You probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton alone; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:
there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round….your turn

Well, how many have they taken out again? Give us a number. I’ll help you out (it’s between 0 and 0).
PS: DO you know when Ryan’s district when they did when will vote/voted on his future in the GOP?
there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
No surplus ? So where did all those checks to everyone come from and all those paid for tax cuts to billionaires?

So let me get this straight….

Bush issued a bunch of checks and we didn’t have a surplus?
Texas “logic” for you.
Gee isnt that whats going on today........yet I dont see libs trying to toss big spenders out of Congrees like repubs wwere and are

Really? How many lawmakers have “repubs” primaried and have lost their seat in 2016? I think the number is somewhere between 0 and 0.
Uh several ...Those teabaggers you hated on .......Took out rhino in leadership last time and are after Ryan this go round....your turn

PS: Boehner retired. The only thing that got taken out was his ability to expense his spray on suntans as a result.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

by the electoral college, he beat your clowns twice in close elections, and you still aren't over it.

well, get ready, because your current female clown is going to lose just like Gore and Kerry.
ou probably wouldn't know an honest person if they came up and smacked you in the face! "W's" whole admin. was a lie from beginning to end! There was this fake recession he inherited from Clinton he kept hammering, then of course those imaginary "weapons of mass" destruction Iran/Suddam supposedly had, and of course allowing Lehman's to go under which triggered so much bad news we almost went bankrupt! We were actually losing 600-800 thousand jobs a month, the auto industry almost went under, and the DOW went down to 6600! To this day, Republicans still won't take responsibility for the turnaround of what Clinton had done to improve all our lives! He even went along with welfare reform and it didn't placate these losers; insisting on tax cuts we didn't need and starting 2 wars we weren't obligated to start! Revisionist history won't save your pathetic legacies! Reagan and 2 Bushes didn't create as many jobs as Clinton along; not forgetting the recovery of Obama's led us to! :9:

Please don't forget to also mention HOW our "beloved" GWB got selected/elected

I lost all respect for the Supreme Court after that! It was already teetering when they unanimously thought Clinton could be sued while in office with no repercussions to the country! They were all idiots to believe that; turning the country upside down! When they selected "W," I was done! It's just been one rotten ruling after another with the Cons politicizing issues the way they keep accusing progressives! ;-/

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