I Have A Question For Republicans

many welfare leeches are white and vote democrat. What point are you trying (and failing) to make?

i know, I know....ALL welfare recipients vote for democrats....even the ones in Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia and Texas,
they, together with sane voters, must really piss you right wingers off.
Free stuff is the reason, the dems keep the blacks down on the ole plantation and when one wakes up and smells the coffee you assholes label them an Uncle Tom

The above, a "perfect" confirmation why this country overwhelmingly elected a black president.....TWICE, Correct? (The WH is now the "ole plantation"......or so, the moronic right wing "concludes.") LOL

People whine about free stuff when it comes to minorities forgetting that the majority of the population is white! If you look at welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, or any number of benefits, they are making out ok I'm sure! It's still mostly white folks getting the lion share! It's been framed by Republicans that it's only Blacks who are cleaning up with these programs which is total BS! I still get PO'd thinking about Reagan and his diatribe about "welfare queens" and the like! He was so full of s#!t! :bs1:

Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

The right says he never left a surplus. That's because they just simply changed what surplus means to claim it never happened.
That would be Congress and the United Nations who gave President Bush the administration.

WOW.....I sincerely did not know that the U.N. declared war on Iraq.......They too must have been "scared" of Cheney's mushroom clouds.

I certainly believe you are ignorant of the facts. This vividly demonstrates a great part of our problem since your buds, Progressives, refuse to even somewhat reasonable educate yourself. How do you make a rational decision, about ANYTHING with this attitude?

Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

Same inane baits by slow-witted right wing hicks.....The ISSUE is whether welfare recipients are bribed into voting for democrats AND the dilemma faced by these same hicks as to why WHITES who also receive welfare are too dumb to vote for their own best interests and instead vote, republican......

(I typed the above real slllllllooooowww so that even hicks could comprehend.)
I certainly believe you are ignorant of the facts. This vividly demonstrates a great part of our problem since your buds, Progressives, refuse to even somewhat reasonable educate yourself. How do you make a rational decision, about ANYTHING with this attitude?

You may be dead by then, but in a few decades (the census bureau estimates by 2038) whites will be in the minority in this country.......With the current tacit-racist and misogynist attitudes shown by republicans (like you) the WH will be just an impossible dream....unless you change your perspective to be MORE inclusive.
Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

You can ask your "simple" questions all you want, especially when you don;t like the answers....But here.....once again.......

According to the New York Times blacks comprise 22 percent of the poor, but blacks only take in 14 percent of government benefits. Conversely, whites make up 42 percent of the poor , but take in a disproportionate 69 percent of government benefits.

Wealthy people, who are disproportionately white, receive a higher share [through] corporate welfare and other tax benefits
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

I have a better question, why did Obama add 10 trillion after calling President Bush un-American for adding 4 trillion? If President Bush is "un-American", Obama must be an outright traitor.
did responding to 9/11 cost government money? is it money that would not have been spent if 9/11 had not happened?

Is that a serious question or are you being facetious? Few writers can effectively convert sarcasm to the written page. IF you're serious, you know the 9/11 act of war cost our nation over $2 TRILLION plus the costs worldwide.
Act of war?? By the Saudis? Only a republican moron would go invade a 3rd world country and make it seem it was about 9/11

Al Qaeda’s Second Fatwa
BY ADMIN February 23, 1998 at 12:13 PM EDT

Praise be to God, who revealed the Book, controls the clouds, defeats factionalism, and says in His Book: “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)”; and peace be upon our Prophet, Muhammad Bin-‘Abdallah, who said: I have been sent with the sword between my hands to ensure that no one but God is worshipped, God who put my livelihood under the shadow of my spear and who inflicts humiliation and scorn on those who disobey my orders.

Al Qaeda's Second Fatwa
Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

Same inane baits by slow-witted right wing hicks.....The ISSUE is whether welfare recipients are bribed into voting for democrats AND the dilemma faced by these same hicks as to why WHITES who also receive welfare are too dumb to vote for their own best interests and instead vote, republican......

(I typed the above real slllllllooooowww so that even hicks could comprehend.)

Thank you! Once again my Progressive good friends are AFRAID to post the truth and FACTS.

Who might be surprised? Still a chance for you, what is the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, and other forms of welfare? Come on, no guts, no glory!
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

The executive branch executes the law. Congress makes the law, including tax law. Bush didn't slash rates. Congress did.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?
Doesn't matter... Shrub was not a Republican... he was an Oligarch... the anointed mouthpiece for the Oligarchy...
Liberal talking points. You need a villain. So, you REALLY believe America's economy is doing great?



YES...regardless of how right wingers espouse their ignorance (fed by FOX and Limbaugh) the U.S. economy is doing MUCH better than the economies of most other countries......NOT great, but much, much better than you dimwits would like to admit because there a black democrat in the WH.

Did you consider that the US economy usually does better that the socialist countries in Europe, or does that fact escape you as well?

Lets say we did what you said, I agree. However, 9/11 caused a huge business slowdown, because people were scared of what was to happen next. I owned a Midas at the time, and my business dropped about 30% immediately. So, you really want to pull the tax cuts at that time, and put the country in a full blown recession?

It amazes me that people seem to "know" the answer better than the people that actually had to do so.

As unfortunate as it may be, WARS are great for businesses...Ask Halliburton. You dimwits on the right "think" you're the only ones who were around 15 years ago and are the only ones who witnessed the tragedy of 9-11.

YES, Bush was wrong in perpetuating the tax cuts while having to borrow money from Japan and China to BOTH finance the wars AND continue the tax cuts.

I have already shown you the time line, why do you resist debating the facts?

I have already voided one of your beliefs(Bush gave a tax cut during wartime), I really have no need to do it again. Believe what you will.

NO, dimwit......Bush may have started the tax cuts BEFORE 9-11......But once he invaded both Afghanistan AND Iraq, those tax cuts were insane.

Like I stated earlier, even the DEMOCRATS would not have repealed the tax cuts after 9/11.

Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

Same inane baits by slow-witted right wing hicks.....The ISSUE is whether welfare recipients are bribed into voting for democrats AND the dilemma faced by these same hicks as to why WHITES who also receive welfare are too dumb to vote for their own best interests and instead vote, republican......

(I typed the above real slllllllooooowww so that even hicks could comprehend.)

Thank you! Once again my Progressive good friends are AFRAID to post the truth and FACTS.

Who might be surprised? Still a chance for you, what is the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, and other forms of welfare? Come on, no guts, no glory!
Can we include all the big businesses on welfare that pay no taxes and get millions of dollars in grants etc etc ??
Simple question.

Please share with us all the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, Medicaid and whatever.

Same inane baits by slow-witted right wing hicks.....The ISSUE is whether welfare recipients are bribed into voting for democrats AND the dilemma faced by these same hicks as to why WHITES who also receive welfare are too dumb to vote for their own best interests and instead vote, republican......

(I typed the above real slllllllooooowww so that even hicks could comprehend.)

Thank you! Once again my Progressive good friends are AFRAID to post the truth and FACTS.

Who might be surprised? Still a chance for you, what is the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, and other forms of welfare? Come on, no guts, no glory!
Can we include all the big businesses on welfare that pay no taxes and get millions of dollars in grants etc etc ??

Who is that?
His wars? both parties in congress authorized and funded those fiascos. HRC voted for all of that wasted money and lives.

I get it that you hate Bush, but try the truth once in a while.

This is the typical...and lame....retort usually used by right wingers.....

YES, Hillary and many other democrats were WRONG....does that take away from the wrong of republicans..
Yes or No?

Democrats in congress voted based on the "intelligence" given to them by the executive branch....If that "intelligence" was faulty or cooked up, should the liars and fabricators be MORE or LESS guilty than those stupid democrats who went along with the lies and fabrications?

Are you ready to OPENLY fault Cheney and his sidekick, Bush, for the fiasco...Yes or No?

I really tire of teaching you history, but, at least others here will see the facts. I'm sure you have heard of "TruthOut, and that it is a liberal organization.

Here is what they think of your claims:

Democrats Share the Blame for Tragedy of Iraq War

Give it a read, learn, then calm down.


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