I have cancer, maybe I should move to Massachusetts For Romney Mandated Health Care


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Christmas, and truly understand the concept of High Medical Costs and Treatments, High Deductibles and Premiums, and of coarse the fear of loosing our health insurance....period. 2 Major surgeries, Chemo, Doctors, Blood Tests..on and on

We have a small business and have worked our buttes off for our whole life's, and are now going into our retirement money. What I should be penalized because I got dealt with the cancer card..It could happen to any of us any time folks.The Chemo rooms are packed full people

I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

Sorry to be so blunt, but it seem that the right wants to get in a woman's face or let say vagina for her reproductive rights of not wanting to get pregnant, but they want to run from me when my body is sick....It just doesn't make sense

There are so many like me who own a home and a business who just don't qualify for free hand outs, not that I would want them anyway, because I am a proud hard working woman

There I got that off my chest among other things
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There are dozens of chairitable foundations that give excellent care to those without funds. Look into them.
There are dozens of chairitable foundations that give excellent care to those without funds. Look into them.

Thing is Katz this is what Obama is fighting for pre-existing conditions so we can not be denied healthcare. I don't qualify because I own a home and a business, so my insurance is kicking my ass
The prohibition against not insuring people with pre existing conditions is to discourage people from going without insurance their entire lives then when they are diagnosed with catastrophic illness getting insurance for the first time.

Insurance is predicated on spreading the risk. Insuring people who are already very sick does not pose any risk. It's a given. What would make more sense than mandating insurance companies provide coverage for people who never had insurance and got very sick would be to have a separate fund applicable only to catastrophic illness.

Presently you are not denied healthcare, you just have to find a charitable foundation to provide it. My son's sister in law didn't have insurance and was diagnosed with cancer. She went to the City of Hope. She got surgery, chemo and radiation. Her family was given an apartment when they came to visit so they could spend a few days with her while she was in the hospital. She never got so much as a bill.

My husband passed away two years ago. He was on the liver transplant list through the Cedars Sinai Transplant Center supported by the Max Factor Foundation and the Cedars Sinai Medical Care Foundation. We paid for no treatment, nor would we have paid for the transplant or follow up treatment. He was hospitalized several times for care and treatment. We never got a bill either. And, he had property himself and we had a business.
First thing you need to do is get of the idea that Western Medicine will cure you. It will not. The Medical Industrial Complex is there to drain as much money as it possibly can from every source. Why do you think the US Gov't want's in on the action?

Your frustration stems from your instinct that says "there HAS to be a simple explanation for all this" and there is. It's your diet.

Diet is the source of 80-90 percent of all illnesses. I don't know what your diet is like, but I suspect you eat a lot of soy? Soy increases a woman's chance of Breast Cancer and feminization in men.

The Gerson Method has been around since WWII and has cured thousands in a wide variety of illnesses:
Gerson Institute

The Gerson method does not use any of the following expensive and toxic methods of Western Medicine:

1. Cut (Surgery)
2. Burn (Radiation)
3. Poison (Drugs)


So you can do this or you can get expensive Western Medicine that will eventually kill you. It's your life, the choice is yours.
The prohibition against not insuring people with pre existing conditions is to discourage people from going without insurance their entire lives then when they are diagnosed with catastrophic illness getting insurance for the first time.

Insurance is predicated on spreading the risk. Insuring people who are already very sick does not pose any risk. It's a given. What would make more sense than mandating insurance companies provide coverage for people who never had insurance and got very sick would be to have a separate fund applicable only to catastrophic illness.

Presently you are not denied healthcare, you just have to find a charitable foundation to provide it. My son's sister in law didn't have insurance and was diagnosed with cancer. She went to the City of Hope. She got surgery, chemo and radiation. Her family was given an apartment when they came to visit so they could spend a few days with her while she was in the hospital. She never got so much as a bill.

My husband passed away two years ago. He was on the liver transplant list through the Cedars Sinai Transplant Center supported by the Max Factor Foundation and the Cedars Sinai Medical Care Foundation. We paid for no treatment, nor would we have paid for the transplant or follow up treatment. He was hospitalized several times for care and treatment. We never got a bill either. And, he had property himself and we had a business.

I am sorry for the loss of your husband, it must have been a hard journey for the both of you.

Personally I have paid out of pocket for my own insurance for almost 30 years.
You get sick and they start slamming in the medical bills, they start changing your policy year to year.
We met our high deductible fast, so they are covering us until Oct. where we will now pay the high monthly payments, deductible, and 20% of anything we do.

This story got to me this morning... a little emotional today This is exactly what is happening to us
Aware of 'no options,' woman dies fighting for medical coverage - CNN.com

they describe as the best medical coverage to having none. In between came skyrocketing insurance premiums, high deductibles, and stacks of unpaid medical bills following each cancer diagnosis.
At a certain point, feeling like her pre-existing conditions were to blame for her soaring and unaffordable insurance rates, Elder gave up on coverage.
Her insurance company Aetna later said Elder's previous cancer diagnoses were not the culprit for the rate increases.
First thing you need to do is get of the idea that Western Medicine will cure you. It will not. The Medical Industrial Complex is there to drain as much money as it possibly can from every source. Why do you think the US Gov't want's in on the action?

Your frustration stems from your instinct that says "there HAS to be a simple explanation for all this" and there is. It's your diet.

Diet is the source of 80-90 percent of all illnesses. I don't know what your diet is like, but I suspect you eat a lot of soy? Soy increases a woman's chance of Breast Cancer and feminization in men.

The Gerson Method has been around since WWII and has cured thousands in a wide variety of illnesses:
Gerson Institute

The Gerson method does not use any of the following expensive and toxic methods of Western Medicine:

1. Cut (Surgery)
2. Burn (Radiation)
3. Poison (Drugs)


So you can do this or you can get expensive Western Medicine that will eventually kill you. It's your life, the choice is yours.

I have had plenty of time to talk with others with cancer while getting chemo. The rooms are packed with people of all races, and diets. Cancer doesn't give a crap who you are.
But thanks for the link, will look at it.
People that whine about being sick to score political points are despicable liars.

Be careful what you say clueless, I don't think there is not one of us who will avoid some kind of major illness in their family. Your an idiot.
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Eaglewings, you need to start looking into other options. When my husband died, our accountant gave me the bad news. Under obama's tax policies our little business would not survive. He advised us to sell it if we could and get out while something was salvageable. Because of my husband's illness, we couldn't immediately put it up for sale. By the time I did, it was worthless. I sold off the equipment for pennies. I got less than $2,000 for everything. Closed the doors and walked away. There was nothing more I could do. There is no way I could have afforded everything obama mandated. Especially obamacare. That would have put us under all by itself. So I lost everything.
I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.
People that whine about being sick to score political points are despicable liars.

Be careful what you say clueless, I don't think there is not one of us who will avoid some kind of major illness in their family. You an idiot.

Lots of people get sick, only despicable liars whine about them to score political points. That does not make me an idiot, it does make you a despicable liar.
I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.

The real joke is no one has to move anywhere to get health care.
I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.

What you will have to worry about instead is whether or not the medical assessment board approves your treatment. A cost benefit analysis will be applied and you have to pass that first.

It's amazing the number of people who believe that they will actually get treatment under obamacare.
I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.

What you will have to worry about instead is whether or not the medical assessment board approves your treatment. A cost benefit analysis will be applied and you have to pass that first.

It's amazing the number of people who believe that they will actually get treatment under obamacare.

It's amazing the number of people who believe that they will actually get treatment

that won't.
I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.

Yeah, ironic.

Fuck off, asshole
The irony is that as long as Romney isn't elected President, you won't have to move to his state to take advantage of the health plan he passed as governor.

The real joke is no one has to move anywhere to get health care.

It's very much not a joke; it's progress.


What you will have to worry about instead is whether or not the medical assessment board approves your treatment. A cost benefit analysis will be applied and you have to pass that first.

I rarely worry about things crazy rightwingers make up to amuse themselves.
I was diagnosed with breast cancer last Christmas, and truly understand the concept of High Medical Costs and Treatments, High Deductibles and Premiums, and of coarse the fear of loosing our health insurance....period. 2 Major surgeries, Chemo, Doctors, Blood Tests..on and on

We have a small business and have worked our buttes off for our whole life's, and are now going into our retirement money. What I should be penalized because I got dealt with the cancer card..It could happen to any of us any time folks.The Chemo rooms are packed full people

I just don't understand that if I were a Romney citizen of Massachusetts, I would not have to break a sweat of fear while going through these horrible treatments. Or fear that my husband is going to have a heart attack
What the fuck is the difference that this Flip Flop man wants to take away or that the Right doesn't want unless if they have been personally affected by a horrible disease.

Sorry to be so blunt, but it seem that the right wants to get in a woman's face or let say vagina for her reproductive rights of not wanting to get pregnant, but they want to run from me when my body is sick....It just doesn't make sense

There are so many like me who own a home and a business who just don't qualify for free hand outs, not that I would want them anyway, because I am a proud hard working woman

There I got that off my chest among other things

Hang in there! You are braver than ANY of those that would try to take away what you worked your life to achieve.

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