I have changed my avatar for the first time since i joined.

I posted a pic that was intended to put a smile on EVERYONE'S face and what happens? The lunatic left plays hate mongering with it.

Do his parents know that you use his picture here as your avatar, scumbag?
Of course. Does every person you've ever shown your family photos to have the blessing of you showing those photos?

Why are you such a hateful prick in a benign thread? Are you incapable of separating political ideology from everyday life?

Get a grip man
I know we all put up the "I hate you and your ideology" front but I honestly though most of that was just posturing.
I don't hate ANYONE on this site and I would never come unglued when they shared something personal.

I have shared with several of you in private as well as publicly. A couple of you have shared things with me. It is possible to set aside our differences and partake in HUMANITY outside of our political discourse.
I miss the monkey
I do too lol. That angry evil monkey certainly represented me better than a cute kid.

But i digress, I'm falling into the old person trap were we brag on our grandkids cause there's nothing more important at the moment.

They're such a damn blast. Fill em full of candy and toys and send them back to mom and dad for the ultimate revenge on a sugar high....

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