I have noticed that no liberal in my area is using public trans or riding a bike.

Public transport is different everywhere but it's main purpose is to ease congestion in cities and allow working class people transport to work downtown.

In theory yes but in reality all it ever amounts to is subsidize transportation for the poor.

In my AO it is usually the Illegals.
That's funny. I'm relatively conservative and ride my bike to work whenever I can and like maximizing the use of public transportation .

The man made climate change movement is purely political, not environmental. It is a wealth and income redistribution scam.
I drive my electric golf cart around as much as I can.
Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.

How the fuck do you know ANY of this? You don't. And what would this have to do with the science? Is the theory of gravity refuted if someone refuses to stay away from the edge of a cliff?

Because liberal infested California, Oregon, and Washington have 40 mile traffic jams daily. :itsok:
Buses are subsidized welfare wagons.

Only welfare queens and idiots that lost their license because of DUIs rides them.

Many an underpaid working class uses them along with seniors on a very limited income.

Fuck 'em. Go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to provide subsidizes for your transportation. Pay your own goddamn bills.

Seniors where I live use buses and public buses for the handicapped to get to doctors appointments and tests all the time. These people worked hard their whole lives, paid taxes, and are law abiding and many live alone.
I draw a line at how crass I can be. But that's just me.
Public transport is different everywhere but it's main purpose is to ease congestion in cities and allow working class people transport to work downtown.

In theory yes but in reality all it ever amounts to is subsidize transportation for the poor.

In my AO it is usually the Illegals.


Imagine doing ANYTHING that might also help poor folks out!

Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.

How the fuck do you know ANY of this? You don't. And what would this have to do with the science? Is the theory of gravity refuted if someone refuses to stay away from the edge of a cliff?

Because liberal infested California, Oregon, and Washington have 40 mile traffic jams daily. :itsok:
Surprised that scumbag hypocrite isn't lying and bragging that he rides his little bike everywhere to help save the planet.

I will bet my balls that crick uses plastic straws.
Public transport is different everywhere but it's main purpose is to ease congestion in cities and allow working class people transport to work downtown.

In theory yes but in reality all it ever amounts to is subsidize transportation for the poor.

In my AO it is usually the Illegals.
No one wants all those cars downtown. I am amazed at the things you people gripe about. Poor people get a marginal benefit from every kind of public infrastructure. Deal with it.
Buses are subsidized welfare wagons.

Only welfare queens and idiots that lost their license because of DUIs rides them.

Many an underpaid working class uses them along with seniors on a very limited income.

Fuck 'em. Go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to provide subsidizes for your transportation. Pay your own goddamn bills.

Seniors where I live use buses and public buses for the handicapped to get to doctors appointments and tests all the time. These people worked hard their whole lives, paid taxes, and are law abiding and many live alone.
I draw a line at how crass I can be. But that's just me.
A few years ago I helped my friend with his father. Had to put him in an assisted living facility. I visited there when I could. Got to be where me and him volunteered time at the place.

It is a sad thing and we are all called to be charitable. Everyone is under that test. We all have that opportunity.

I am also personally not making fun of those that have it tough economically. Especially the elderly.

The problem is the hypocrites who want everyone to use them to save the planet. The problem is the hypocrites that say we should ride bikes to save the planet.
Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.

you know every single liberal in your area?
Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.

You're stopping cars and frisking the drivers for their Certified Liberal Cards? You go on board cruise ships and demand the voting record of all the passengers?

I've got news for you.

Your OP is a lie.

BUT having said that, you can do a lot more for the planet by not eating meat.

EXACTLY what are YOU doing to save the planet from ... well, from idiots like you?
You know, back in the early 80's, I was stationed at Norfolk Naval base, and the traffic getting into the base was pretty jammed every morning. So, I thought that since I only lived around 4 miles from the base (easy bike ride), I'd start riding. One of the biggest benefits that I noticed was that my neighbors were leaving at 5:30 to be to work by 7:30 because of all the traffic. Me? I didn't leave until around 6:45 or 7:00, and I made it to work on time.

Then, a few years later, I decided to start riding a bicycle everywhere I went. I bought a 300 dollar Univega Aeropace SIS, and started riding 7 miles each way to work. Well, that bike led to me trading it in on a better model, until I finally ended up riding the bike I currently have, a Lemond Zurich, with Campagnolo Chorus ergo power gruppo, Mavic Cosmic aero rims, Selle Italia titanium saddle, and Modolo ergo handlebars, with a Cateye computer with cadence.

I've probably ridden more miles on a bike than most people have put on their cars. After I got to the point where I was ranked 20th in the city of Memphis for amateur racers, I decided to see if I could ride my bike to my next duty station, which was Jacksonville FL. Went from Memphis to Jacksonville in 7 days. And, my commute was around 12 miles each way while stationed there.

Then, I when I transferred from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI, it was in the middle of winter, so I bought a cheap car, drove to Newport, sold the car and started riding bikes again. But, because I wanted to be able to say that I had rode to my next duty station, I rented a car in the summer of '94, drove to Jacksonville, left the rental there, and rode a bike from Jacksonville FL to Newport RI. Took me 12 days. And, when I left Newport for Norfolk VA, I rode a bike again, and did that trip in 5 days. My commute in Newport was only 4 miles from my house to work, but I'd throw in an extra 10 mile loop when I went home. When I left Norfolk, I bought a car and a motorcycle, because I was being stationed in Amarillo, which had pretty crappy public trans, but I would still ride a bike to stay in shape.

Sorry, but I'm one of those people that conservatives on this board call a "looney liberal", and yes, I utilize both public transportation and ride a bicycle when I can. And, at almost 55, I'm still capable of cruising at 17 to 20 mph.
Buses are subsidized welfare wagons.

Only welfare queens and idiots that lost their license because of DUIs rides them.

Many an underpaid working class uses them along with seniors on a very limited income.

Fuck 'em. Go be poor some place else. It is not my responsibility to provide subsidizes for your transportation. Pay your own goddamn bills.

Seniors where I live use buses and public buses for the handicapped to get to doctors appointments and tests all the time. These people worked hard their whole lives, paid taxes, and are law abiding and many live alone.
I draw a line at how crass I can be. But that's just me.
A few years ago I helped my friend with his father. Had to put him in an assisted living facility. I visited there when I could. Got to be where me and him volunteered time at the place.

It is a sad thing and we are all called to be charitable. Everyone is under that test. We all have that opportunity.

I am also personally not making fun of those that have it tough economically. Especially the elderly.

The problem is the hypocrites who want everyone to use them to save the planet. The problem is the hypocrites that say we should ride bikes to save the planet.
The problem is saving the planet. Are you doing anything towards that end? It didn't used to be a political statement to conserve and not make a mess of things, it's just what people did before the industrial revolution. Trouble is we were spoiled there in the 20th century and the bill has come due.
The only bike a liberal should ride.
Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.
How would you know unless you rode the bus or drove one of the buses?
Huh, I thought icky oil and car emissions are causing the global warming and they all really really believe the earth will be ending in 12 years.

Yet, none of them are giving up their cars, or have stopped flying, or have stopped taking cruises.

What filthy dirty scumbags.

How would you know, do you ask them what they are, Dem, Rep, Libertarian , Green party? Do you take an poll before they get on the public transportation, do you stop bike riders.

Have you not got better things to do. I worry about someone so obsessed as you seem to be. Not good for your health.
Hey penelopiss, did you give up your cars that your husband paid for?

Do you ride your little bike everywhere?

They sure aren't doing that around here.

You know why penelopiss? Cause you are all filthy lying hypocritical scumbag liars.

That is why.
You actually talk to God with that mouth?
"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me."

That is why they created midget throwing and wrestling because they never grew up..
So wher does owl reside? In California everyone uses mas transit except republicans as they are to fearful to ride with unknown people.

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