I have proof that the Muller report found no collusion

What in the name of fuck are you talking about little girl. You started this thread with what might be the stupidest premise of all time and you are not getting any smarter.

Well moron, per Mueller 's own words. There was no evidence of collusion between ANY American (including Trump and his associates) and the Russians. NO evidence of obstruction. Mueller got everything he wanted and found NOTHING. Go ahead and try taking that case to court and watch how much they laugh at you. The end result? Trump will be re-elected in a landslide and you embarrass yourself again.

Idiot, those are not Muellers words.

Mueller words are:

0. Sitting president can’t be indicted, or accused by the special investigation, only cleared. Congress is the body to ultimately charge and hold the President accountable.

1. Despite a number of Russian contacts and play-along, no evidence of criminal conspiracy. (Cleared)

2. On Obstruction, special investigator does not clear the president. Report lists 11 instances of Trump’s potentially obstructive behavior for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.

Well idiot, that means you had no evidence. Thus you have no case and have no charges. Not 1 of those alleged incidents rises to obstruction. Since there was no corrupt intent. Nice way you try to lie about the findings of NO collusion snowflake. Continue crying.

Tell me - in which way is pressuring FBI Director to end investigation into your guilty cabinet member can possibly be NOT Obstruction of Justice.

Tell us little boy, since Comey was required BY LAW to report any attempt at obstruction, where is the report? He filed no such report. So either there was no obstruction or Comey broke federal law. Your lies about pressuring Comey to end an investigation are noted. Cry all you want you still lose.

Sue him :rolleyes:

Comey told others at the time and made contemporaneous notes.
Only retards read the report. Do you feel empowered because you can read? What is your comprehension IQ?

My guess is about 85, 90 tops
Did you really post that comment?


So why would I waste my time reading it like you did.

Or are you so important that your opinion matters?

Grow up kid

Not so fast Einstein. This bears investigating being un retracted and talking to the Republicans who had 180 meetings with Russians and lied about it.

The Russian connection involved billions in bribes to the Clinton's. That my child is the story
Get some fresh air change the channel, you are a brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters now. You have no evidence just garbage propaganda all over your tiny little brain.
What channel is the impeachment on?
What in the name of fuck are you talking about little girl. You started this thread with what might be the stupidest premise of all time and you are not getting any smarter.

Well moron, per Mueller 's own words. There was no evidence of collusion between ANY American (including Trump and his associates) and the Russians. NO evidence of obstruction. Mueller got everything he wanted and found NOTHING. Go ahead and try taking that case to court and watch how much they laugh at you. The end result? Trump will be re-elected in a landslide and you embarrass yourself again.

Idiot, those are not Muellers words.

Mueller words are:

0. Sitting president can’t be indicted, or accused by the special investigation, only cleared. Congress is the body to ultimately charge and hold the President accountable.

1. Despite a number of Russian contacts and play-along, no evidence of criminal conspiracy. (Cleared)

2. On Obstruction, special investigator does not clear the president. Report lists 11 instances of Trump’s potentially obstructive behavior for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.

Well idiot, that means you had no evidence. Thus you have no case and have no charges. Not 1 of those alleged incidents rises to obstruction. Since there was no corrupt intent. Nice way you try to lie about the findings of NO collusion snowflake. Continue crying.

Tell me - in which way is pressuring FBI Director to end investigation into your guilty cabinet member can possibly be NOT Obstruction of Justice.

Tell us little boy, since Comey was required BY LAW to report any attempt at obstruction, where is the report? He filed no such report. So either there was no obstruction or Comey broke federal law. Your lies about pressuring Comey to end an investigation are noted. Cry all you want you still lose.
This is nowhere near over, super duper. These things don't go to Fox Rush Limbaugh etc brain-dead scheduling LOL
Did you really post that comment?


So why would I waste my time reading it like you did.

Or are you so important that your opinion matters?

Grow up kid

Not so fast Einstein. This bears investigating being un retracted and talking to the Republicans who had 180 meetings with Russians and lied about it.

The Russian connection involved billions in bribes to the Clinton's. That my child is the story
Get some fresh air change the channel, you are a brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut job like most GOP voters now. You have no evidence just garbage propaganda all over your tiny little brain.
What channel is the impeachment on?
It's a pre impeachment investigation for a few months. Just relax take it easy get some fresh air take a walk change the channel even. Because you are nuts just like them now LOL
Well moron, per Mueller 's own words. There was no evidence of collusion between ANY American (including Trump and his associates) and the Russians. NO evidence of obstruction. Mueller got everything he wanted and found NOTHING. Go ahead and try taking that case to court and watch how much they laugh at you. The end result? Trump will be re-elected in a landslide and you embarrass yourself again.

Idiot, those are not Muellers words.

Mueller words are:

0. Sitting president can’t be indicted, or accused by the special investigation, only cleared. Congress is the body to ultimately charge and hold the President accountable.

1. Despite a number of Russian contacts and play-along, no evidence of criminal conspiracy. (Cleared)

2. On Obstruction, special investigator does not clear the president. Report lists 11 instances of Trump’s potentially obstructive behavior for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.

Well idiot, that means you had no evidence. Thus you have no case and have no charges. Not 1 of those alleged incidents rises to obstruction. Since there was no corrupt intent. Nice way you try to lie about the findings of NO collusion snowflake. Continue crying.

Tell me - in which way is pressuring FBI Director to end investigation into your guilty cabinet member can possibly be NOT Obstruction of Justice.

Tell us little boy, since Comey was required BY LAW to report any attempt at obstruction, where is the report? He filed no such report. So either there was no obstruction or Comey broke federal law. Your lies about pressuring Comey to end an investigation are noted. Cry all you want you still lose.
This is nowhere near over, super duper. These things don't go to Fox Rush Limbaugh etc brain-dead scheduling LOL

So what are you waiting for dope? Go for the impeachment you're so sure the people will accept. Or are you afraid?
Idiot, those are not Muellers words.

Mueller words are:

0. Sitting president can’t be indicted, or accused by the special investigation, only cleared. Congress is the body to ultimately charge and hold the President accountable.

1. Despite a number of Russian contacts and play-along, no evidence of criminal conspiracy. (Cleared)

2. On Obstruction, special investigator does not clear the president. Report lists 11 instances of Trump’s potentially obstructive behavior for Congress to consider holding the president accountable for.
There is no impeachment

Thats for Congress to decide, not Mueller. His job as he saw it was to lay out the facts and clear the president where he could.
Pelosi already decided, no impeachment

Hold your breath, it's not happening
No she hasn't you simplistic fuck tard. It's just a little more complicated than your atrophied brain can comprehend

Pelosi's Trump impeachment approach is coming together
Try again little boy

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

Thank you for documenting that an ethics chief thinks that Trump should be impeached. Are you really so stupid as to not know that you are contradicting your position that there is nothing on him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no impeachment

Thats for Congress to decide, not Mueller. His job as he saw it was to lay out the facts and clear the president where he could.
Pelosi already decided, no impeachment

Hold your breath, it's not happening
No she hasn't you simplistic fuck tard. It's just a little more complicated than your atrophied brain can comprehend

Pelosi's Trump impeachment approach is coming together
Try again little boy

Nancy Pelosi's refusal to impeach Donald Trump is "insane" and "pathetic," Bush ethics chief

Thank you for documenting that an ethics chief thinks that Trump should be impeached. Are you really so stupid as to not know that you are contradicting your position that there is nothing on him?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What channel is the impeachment on
What in the name of fuck are you talking about little girl. You started this thread with what might be the stupidest premise of all time and you are not getting any smarter.

Well moron, per Mueller 's own words. There was no evidence of collusion between ANY American (including Trump and his associates) and the Russians. NO evidence of obstruction. Mueller got everything he wanted and found NOTHING. Go ahead and try taking that case to court and watch how much they laugh at you. The end result? Trump will be re-elected in a landslide and you embarrass yourself again.
Mueller said "no obstruction" ? Really. ? Pull you head out mister!

Take your own advice. The cowardly Mieller found nothing he could use as evidence. Private conversations and complaining about MUELLER'S illegal acts are not obstruction. You lost. Again. As usual. Now yellow bellied Mueller is trying to run away and not even defend his own report. Which is already being shown to have withheld transcripts and exculpatory evidence. As per Mueller's usual tactics.
See post 431 Slick. And what evidence did Mueller withhold? If Trump were so clean , why did he have a pre psychotic apoplexy when Mueller spoke last week? He is not running away from anything. He is handing it off to congress for the reasons that he stated and that you are too fucking stupid to undrstand.

Poor little fucktard. Don't read much do you. Already revealed at least 1 conversation was misrepresented by Mueller in an attempt to smear Trump. Nobody I know would be happy watching a known liar and a yellow coward like Mueller try to smear him then run away before anybody can ask questions. Trump is acting like an innocent man wrongly accused and harassed for 2+ years by a moron named Mueller. You are too fucking stupid to understand that Mueller is AFRAID of being asked questions by Republicans. Now STFU and enjoy 6 more years of Trump.
T-Rump acting like an innocent man? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

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