I have the solution to these school shootings. This is ironclad, unstoppable.

Politicians dont really care about the kids. They want chaos. And use it to divide the nation
Most politicians do care about kids but they are more concerned about keeping their jobs. I guess that is saying the same thing you did. They are disgusting.
If it comes to doing something that will save children but jeopardize their job, they choose their jobs over kids.
Most politicians do care about kids but they are more concerned about keeping their jobs. I guess that is saying the same thing you did. They are disgusting.
If it comes to doing something that will save children but jeopardize their job, they choose their jobs over kids.
We agree there then. Unless its taking guns from law abiding citizens.

I favor defensive training for teachers and use of simple devices to help protect them. I also favor some being armed if they volunteer and pass training
Pot meet Kettle. You are one of the biggest lying trolls on this board, moron. A brief look at your posts over the past year is proof.
A brief look at ...... Just because you are apparently terrible at the English Language, doesn't excuse your lack of candor.
Candor's definition is more than just telling the truth. It's the willingness to come forward. As you can infer, a lack of candor suggests more than just dishonesty. It's dishonesty by omission, which means the element of directness and truth is intentionally ignored.

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You know good and goddamn well none of this would've happened had the NRA not been having a convention in Houston.

It happens every fucking time from Columbine to all the other school shootings all the way up.
So you are telling me these wacko's all had enough sense to WAIT until the NRA convention was to be held in a nearby city?

Yea Right.
Billions of dollars sent to schools for covid and the schools still closed for two years... To think there are no cameras and alarms on doors letting someone know every time a door is opened is a complete failure of our government....
Take the McConnell / Pelosi Ukraine 40 billion and put fucking cameras up and stick a retired cop in front of a monitor for crying out loud... All you have to do is put America first to make smart decisions....
A brief look at ...... Just because you are apparently terrible at the English Language, doesn't excuse your lack of candor.
Candor's definition is more than just telling the truth. It's the willingness to come forward. As you can infer, a lack of candor suggests more than just dishonesty. It's dishonesty by omission, which means the element of directness and truth is intentionally ignored.

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You might go study English. Stating that "a brief look" would bring a particular result in no way suggests that anyone has done that you stupid mf. Try again.
When 19 children are killed and all you care about is your gun rights is the thinking of the most despicable person possible.

The thoughts should be about the children and how can we prevent this from happening again. There are many things that can be done and must be done. Gun regulations are part of what has to be looked at.
Why are you scared at not even looking at common sense regulations that protect gun owners and protect children. I will tell you why. You and your kind are despicable. All you care about is gun owners and not children or other innocents. DISGUSTING. How do you live with yourself.
What gun laws that we don't have now would have prevented this tragedy?
You might go study English. Stating that "a brief look" would bring a particular result in no way suggests that anyone has done that you stupid mf. Try again.
So you are saying "a brief look' is totally different than a search?

or are you saying now that you never took 'a brief look' even though those are your exact words.

To look into my posting history one would have to search for them.
You keep digging a deeper hole trying to defend your LIE.

Pot meet Kettle. You are one of the biggest lying trolls on this board, moron. A brief look at your posts over the past year is proof.
When 19 children are killed and all you care about is your gun rights is the thinking of the most despicable person possible.

The thoughts should be about the children and how can we prevent this from happening again. There are many things that can be done and must be done. Gun regulations are part of what has to be looked at.
Why are you scared at not even looking at common sense regulations that protect gun owners and protect children. I will tell you why. You and your kind are despicable. All you care about is gun owners and not children or other innocents. DISGUSTING. How do you live with yourself.
it was your thread you stupid asswipe....but you are too stupid to even understand why i posted it...elmer that thread is just as phony as you are....
How many of those were in Joe Biden's gun-free zones?
those werent bidens

are you saying now that you never took 'a brief look' even though those are your exact words.
There may be hope for your ignorant ass yet. How about this, Einstein, "A brief look at the sun would prove you could be blinded by the light." Do you think that suggests that I looked at the sun? Get your head out of your ignorant ass.

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