I hope Haley wins New Hampshire


Diamond Member
Jun 22, 2020
The title says it all. I hope, by some long shot of crossover voters, that Nikki wins New Hampshire. I have no doubt that Trump will be the nominee, but would love to see the useful idiots get their hopes up and continue posting about how great she is, only to get the rug pulled out from under them again.
How does a crazed elitist like Haley, who supports censorship and control of all speech along with a desperate desire for war with everyone, have any support?

Well, there's a growing number of folks who yearn to be censored and led by the nose. You'll hear the never trumpers and kasich lovers cheerlead for more big govt. The drumbeat is war war war.
She will be outta the Race by Super Tuesday
Yep, probably right. Then what do Republicans have? The orange turd.

I mean, your fawked. A part of me wants to think that Trump is an evil genius. He is going to destroy the Republican party, and maybe he is doing it on purpose. But then I snap back into reality and understand that the only people dumber than Donald Trump are the dumbasses that support him.
Well, there's a growing number of folks who yearn to be censored and led by the nose. You'll hear the never trumpers and kasich lovers cheerlead for more big govt. The drumbeat is war war war.
The Socially Liberal Never Trumper / Never GOPer Closet Turd Party Wing of the Viva Juan McCain / Mittens Liz Adam Krispy GOP has their Candidate
Will she continue for much longer?.. personally I would hope so, but... Farage (nigel for those on here who don't know him) tweets:

Hmm.. wait to see.
I still like her.. I was a bit shocked to find she's an indian.. I was sure she was white gal.
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Eihter Haley or DeSantis had to hang around in case Trump's legal problems go south (which is looking less likely). So she wants to keep crawling along for as long as she can.

This is his party now, so it would take something huge to happen.
Not gonna happen. Trump is the nominee. Even if he's convicted on any of the 91 counts, he can still run (the appeals process). I am pretty sure that's what both Haley and DeSantis were thinking when they got into the race. That Trump would already be long gone. If I were her, I'd give it another two or three weeks. If she can't get the margin to within 15 points of Trump in her home state (I don't think she's even on the ballot in Nevada), then it's time to pack it in. It may happen before that.
Not gonna happen. Trump is the nominee. Even if he's convicted on any of the 91 counts, he can still run (the appeals process). I am pretty sure that's what both Haley and DeSantis were thinking when they got into the race. That Trump would already be long gone. If I were her, I'd give it another two or three weeks. If she can't get the margin to within 15 points of Trump in her home state (I don't think she's even on the ballot in Nevada), then it's time to pack it in. It may happen before that.
When you're running against a sexual abuser who would still win the nomination even if convicted of a felony, you're probably wasting your time.

When you're running against a sexual abuser who would still win the nomination even if convicted of a felony, you're probably wasting your time.

As I said in 2022, I'm not why ANY Republican ran when they knew Trump was going to run again. I would have just ceded the field to him and saved my run for 2028.
FOX news has turned into the Nikki channel... especially on the weekend... so I hope she get trounced so we don't have to hear her anymore... calling to bring Palestinians into America... she is either very stupid or she is.... well lets stay with stupid for now...

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