I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
When have Republicans had either?
Here's a hint blacks do not like illegals either.
Good point

Republicans get about 8% of the black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote. What happens when the Hispanic vote increases like it has for the last 50 years? Florida, Texas and Arizona go with it.......as do any chances of a Republican White House
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it

Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.
*cough *cough Reagan *cough *cough
I know right? :lol: Raygun had 32 convictions in his Admin ROFL
:up: Gladly. Here- bone-up on your limited knowledge of your fav President:
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wiki? I don't think so... sorry.

Got anything reliable?
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it

Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.
*cough *cough Reagan *cough *cough
I know right? :lol: Raygun had 32 convictions in his Admin ROFL
:up: Gladly. Here- bone-up on your limited knowledge of your fav President:
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

So, lets see now, what you are saying is if Reagan did something wrong that makes it OK for obama to do the same thing?????????? really? you love Reagan that much?
Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.
*cough *cough Reagan *cough *cough
I know right? :lol: Raygun had 32 convictions in his Admin ROFL
:up: Gladly. Here- bone-up on your limited knowledge of your fav President:
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wiki? I don't think so... sorry.

Got anything reliable?

It's either factual or not. You being all sanctimonious about the choice of a source is not a valid rebuttal.
OK, back to topic. The GOP will not impeach obama no matter what he does.

1. the media would destroy them with lies
2. its better to leave him in power and let him continue his imcompetence and corruption, the a GOP victory in 2016 will be a sure thing.
3. they have more important matters to attend to. Pass the 300 bills that reid has been sitting on and put them on obama's desk. Then the people will understand who the real party of NO is.

They won't impeach Obama, because there are no grounds for it.

There will be plenty of grounds if he tries to use an EO to change our immigration laws.

Look, it's either lawful or it is not.

Check the books.

Congress has had multiple chances to deal with the problem, of course, they have done NOTHING ... as usual.

The president HAS THE AUTHORITY to use an EO.

not to change laws. only congress can do that.

So ... what else would he use it for? What you're saying makes no sense.

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush

Please look at this list from the prior administration and note - every one of this had something to do with changing the law.

executive orders allow presidents to IMPLEMENT laws passed by congress when the law is not explicit on the implementation process. executive orders cannot be used to make or change existing laws.

obama cannot change our immigration laws by executive order.

and, if previous presidents violated the EO statutes, does that excuse a sitting president? Or are you saying that everything that Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Carter, and all the others did was right and legal and that obama can do the same things?
executive orders allow presidents to IMPLEMENT laws passed by congress when the law is not explicit on the implementation process. executive orders cannot be used to make or change existing laws.

obama cannot change our immigration laws by executive order.

and, if previous presidents violated the EO statutes, does that excuse a sitting president? Or are you saying that everything that Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Carter, and all the others did was right and legal and that obama can do the same things?

Are you saying that ALL THOSE PRESIDENTS broke the law?
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
When have Republicans had either?
Here's a hint blacks do not like illegals either.
Good point

Republicans get about 8% of the black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote. What happens when the Hispanic vote increases like it has for the last 50 years? Florida, Texas and Arizona go with it.......as do any chances of a Republican White House

why do you think obama wants to grant amnesty to them? Duh-------------

But the elections this month disproved your claim about both black and hispanic votes.

So, as the good republican that you claim to be, you can celebrate the downfall of the dem party and obama's destruction of it.
*cough *cough Reagan *cough *cough
I know right? :lol: Raygun had 32 convictions in his Admin ROFL
:up: Gladly. Here- bone-up on your limited knowledge of your fav President:
Reagan administration scandals - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Wiki? I don't think so... sorry.

Got anything reliable?

It's either factual or not. You being all sanctimonious about the choice of a source is not a valid rebuttal.
"It's either factual or not," ya, that's right, and that's also the problem with the left wing source of so called information title wikipedia, it's not credible as to whether it's all factual or not, which is exactly what I eluded to.

So was I "sanctimonious" about it? No, but I think that in your small brain using that word made you feel smart, even though it was out of context.

Was my reply valid? Yes, yes it was.
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executive orders allow presidents to IMPLEMENT laws passed by congress when the law is not explicit on the implementation process. executive orders cannot be used to make or change existing laws.

obama cannot change our immigration laws by executive order.

and, if previous presidents violated the EO statutes, does that excuse a sitting president? Or are you saying that everything that Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Carter, and all the others did was right and legal and that obama can do the same things?

Are you saying that ALL THOSE PRESIDENTS broke the law?

I think thats what you have been claiming. Even if they did, does that make it OK for the current president to violate the law?
"It's either factual or not," ya, that's right, and that's also the problem with the left wing source of so called information title wikipedia, it's not credible as to whether it's all factual or not.

So was I "sanctimonious" about it? No, but I think in your small brain that using that word made you feel smart, even though it was out of context.

Was my reply valid? Yes, yes it was.

No, you dismissed the source out of hand, because you yourself, did not think it was valid.

A proper way to finagle this would be to show evidence to the contrary; prove that the source is wrong - just dismissing it is a cop-out.
I think thats what you have been claiming. Even if they did, does that make it OK for the current president to violate the law?

They did not break any laws! They followed proper channels.

Which of them do you think changed any law passed by congress, or violated the constitution? None of them? OK, great.

Now, what gives obama, or any president, the authority to change our immigration laws by EO? Changing a law is not implementing that law.

you do understand the difference between 'implementing' and 'changing' don't you?
I think thats what you have been claiming. Even if they did, does that make it OK for the current president to violate the law?

They did not break any laws! They followed proper channels.

Which of them do you think changed any law passed by congress, or violated the constitution? None of them? OK, great.

Now, what gives obama, or any president, the authority to change our immigration laws by EO? Changing a law is not implementing that law.

you do understand the difference between 'implementing' and 'changing' don't you?

Oh, this is an argument about semantics?

Right, lets impeach him.
I think thats what you have been claiming. Even if they did, does that make it OK for the current president to violate the law?

They did not break any laws! They followed proper channels.
Sure they did. Can you show me the guilty verdict from the jury of that young boy's peers that allowed Obama to "execute" a U.S. Citizen for eating at a cafe?
I think thats what you have been claiming. Even if they did, does that make it OK for the current president to violate the law?

They did not break any laws! They followed proper channels.

Which of them do you think changed any law passed by congress, or violated the constitution? None of them? OK, great.

Now, what gives obama, or any president, the authority to change our immigration laws by EO? Changing a law is not implementing that law.

you do understand the difference between 'implementing' and 'changing' don't you?

Oh, this is an argument about semantics?

Right, lets impeach him.

NO, its about whether a president has the authority to change the provisions of a law (in this case immigration law) by an executive order.

Does he or not?
I don't think there would be a repudiation. Let's see how the people feel when half a million tech jobs go to the "newly deportation protected illegal aliens." There are still a lot of black and white Americans out of jobs that could be taking those jobs he saving for those special people he just saved.
i'd love to hear how you think tech jobs play into this.

One of the parts of his draft of the immigration bill is giving half a million tech jobs to the newly protected illegal aliens. Jobs that would have gone to American citizens. Don't you think that would piss off the people and their representatives?

Also, the entire immigration EO could be an impeachable offense. Obama said that himself at one time. It was against the constitution.
The lefties should read about Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, about how those 3 Presidents deported around 15 million illegal immigrants with executive orders to protect American workers jobs. After wars were fought. Obama wants illegals to have those jobs so they can vote for Democraps. We're at the end of another war, sheeple.

wtf does that have to do with a pipedream impeachment ? hell of a lot of dancing, no music ... get a life assfly, yer dun here .
It shows there was no protest when real Presidents gave an EO. Lot of difference between them and this poser we have defiling the Oval Office.

Oh there was protest, but not from the repubs. Your are very forgetful and just stupid.
I would doubt if the Republicans have the votes to bring up impeachment charges. No doubt, TeaTards would vote for impeachment but regular Republicans realize they can't take the political backlash
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it

Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.

That is true but since when has it ever mattered to the dictator wannabe? He needs this move for his legacy., and revenge. It IS after all, a great way to destroy our economic system of capitalism he so hates.

Charles Krauthammer said Friday on 'Special Report with Bret Baier' that President Obama knows it's not constitutional to take executive action on immigration, but he has at least two reasons for doing so.

"He's now free of pressure groups. What he's doing for the long run, this is legacy," the syndicated columnist and Fox News contributor said. "Look at the presidency he's had, six years. He passed one historic thing, ObamaCare, which is now in deep jeopardy; without that, he will have nothing."

"In the short term," Krauthammer said, "He wants to enrage the Republicans. He's lost an election badly. He wants road rage on their part... this is bait for impeachment, or for a shut down, each of which would be disastrous."

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