I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Gramps, they don't actually have a reason to impeach Obama that would stand up.

He has the right to sign executive orders in order to deal with a situation like this.

He does have a say in the matter - he's the president. It is lawful for him to take action if congress does not.
He cannot throw out legislation and write his own. Bush's EO were written to ensure laws were enforced. Obama isn't enforcing the law. His EO is subverting it. He doesn't have the privilege to not enforce laws he disagrees with.
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Gramps, they don't actually have a reason to impeach Obama that would stand up.

He has the right to sign executive orders in order to deal with a situation like this.

He does have a say in the matter - he's the president. It is lawful for him to take action if congress does not.
He cannot throw out legislation and write his own. Bush's EO were written to ensure laws were enforced. Obama isn't enforcing the law. His EO is subverting it. He doesn't have the privilege to not enforce laws he disagrees with.
you need to read a bit more on this, because you are so WRONG on President Bush's executive orders.

Start here:

The top Bush executive orders that Obama should scrap immediately.
Says the gullible Democrat.

I remember going over this with Greenbeard. He kept showing me portions of the ACA that did everything Obama said. How it wasn't a tax, would cut costs, all of that nonsense. My response was always "but it's a lie". It was tortured language intended to mislead. For some reason he couldn't argue with that. He would just disappear.

Now we know why. It was a pack of lies.

What does "the ACA is a lie" even mean? It's a policy, not a statement...
Says the gullible Democrat.

I remember going over this with Greenbeard. He kept showing me portions of the ACA that did everything Obama said. How it wasn't a tax, would cut costs, all of that nonsense. My response was always "but it's a lie". It was tortured language intended to mislead. For some reason he couldn't argue with that. He would just disappear.

Now we know why. It was a pack of lies.

What does "the ACA is a lie" even mean? It's a policy, not a statement...
A lie is a lie is a lie. Period
Sorry, hater dupes, no impeachment and no reason to. Only you ignorant Beckbots or ? believe it...

Oh really? What about the illegal war in Libya that he didn't get congressional approval for? He lied about troops on the ground there.

How about him electing 35 "czars" that answer only to him? This is a clear violation of the separation of powers doctrine.

There are many others. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
BS- Under War Powers Act, he had 60 days...He appointed 35 administrators- only media call them Czars. Total hater dupe idiocy. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

And these people have far too much power.
Because Rush/Sean/Glenn told you so lol...a million times. Strange, eh?
Better than being told by Chris Matthews. The thrill up his leg is scary wierd.
On the other hand, he's not a bought off lying scumbag. Doesn't make 70 million a year like Glenn. He's an actual journalist- you wouldn't understand.
Says the gullible Democrat.

I remember going over this with Greenbeard. He kept showing me portions of the ACA that did everything Obama said. How it wasn't a tax, would cut costs, all of that nonsense. My response was always "but it's a lie". It was tortured language intended to mislead. For some reason he couldn't argue with that. He would just disappear.

Now we know why. It was a pack of lies.

What does "the ACA is a lie" even mean? It's a policy, not a statement...
A lie is a lie is a lie. Period
What lie, brainwashed dingbat? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh really? What about the illegal war in Libya that he didn't get congressional approval for? He lied about troops on the ground there.

How about him electing 35 "czars" that answer only to him? This is a clear violation of the separation of powers doctrine.

There are many others. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
BS- Under War Powers Act, he had 60 days...He appointed 35 administrators- only media call them Czars. Total hater dupe idiocy. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

And these people have far too much power.
Because Rush/Sean/Glenn told you so lol...a million times. Strange, eh?
Better than being told by Chris Matthews. The thrill up his leg is scary wierd.
On the other hand, he's not a bought off lying scumbag. Doesn't make 70 million a year like Glenn. He's an actual journalist- you wouldn't understand.
Matthews? :rofl: He's a tick on Obama's crotch :suck:
Dictator | Define Dictator at Dictionary.com
Dictator Define Dictator at Dictionary.com
a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Randall, you may have your own opinion but not your own terms and definitions.

In my humble opinion - this clown is a clear and present danger to the citizens of the United States of America.

That's fine. The great majority of citizens don't find him "a clear and present danger" to most anything, unfortunately, including our enemies.

Get one thing through your thick skull, Nazi. The ONLY people that this asshole is a clear and present danger to ARE the American People.

You are entitled to your opinion.
So are you even though 98% of the time it's wrong, but that's on you.
Oh really? What about the illegal war in Libya that he didn't get congressional approval for? He lied about troops on the ground there.

How about him electing 35 "czars" that answer only to him? This is a clear violation of the separation of powers doctrine.

There are many others. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
BS- Under War Powers Act, he had 60 days...He appointed 35 administrators- only media call them Czars. Total hater dupe idiocy. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

And these people have far too much power.
Because Rush/Sean/Glenn told you so lol...a million times. Strange, eh?
Better than being told by Chris Matthews. The thrill up his leg is scary wierd.
On the other hand, he's not a bought off lying scumbag. Doesn't make 70 million a year like Glenn. He's an actual journalist- you wouldn't understand.
You are correct your fairy tale is hard to understand
Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?

Sure, but you're not equipped to handle what you'll learn about it....First off, are there illegal grounds for impeachment?:confused-84: Nah, you'll keep repeating defeated phrases or run away claiming your dog is on fire. Simple really...."high crimes and misdemeanors"....archaic language from the late 1700's meaning the president has either broken or failed to enforce laws in force. There can be a multitude of levels.....each one easily exceeded by this president's treachery. The House impeaches....the Senate convicts.....step one is a forgone conclusion if he tries to back-door in the illegals.

Your turn. :doubt:
Look ...the asshole Republicans in the House impeached over a blowjob.....they will obviously impeach if Obama is acting as President
Funny and I thought it was about him lying to the court at the hearing about all those women he had abused, not about the very young girl / intern he was sticking his dick in.
If our GOP is stupid enough to impeach the president, we will lose the 2016 election in a massive landslide to the Dems.

Once again, you far righties do not get your own definitions and facts and terms, only your own opinions.
If our GOP is stupid enough to impeach the president, we will lose the 2016 election in a massive landslide to the Dems.

Once again, you far righties do not get your own definitions and facts and terms, only your own opinions.
We? Who the hell do you think you are fooling libtard?
RKM, you are not a Republican, so no one who cares is worried about what you natter.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.
obama was beaten or the democrats were beaten last November 4 because of obama and his policies that they help to pass and push.. People do not support obama's immigration reform.
You can keep saying people elected obama twice, but if the election was held back in November 4 I doubt he would have won.

the GOP was given control to stop obama, not to get along with him. They should do what is necessary and let the politics be damned.
Where's your proof of that?

exit polls for one. the fact that obama-supporting dems were defeated for two.
So how do you explain the MAJORITY of American voters who did not even vote?

they never do. a majority always stays home. I know you dems think you can somehow blame voter turn-out for your massive loss, but it won't work. You lost because the american people are fed up with obama and his marxism, incompetence, and his hatred of what has made this country great.
If our GOP is stupid enough to impeach the president, we will lose the 2016 election in a massive landslide to the Dems.

Once again, you far righties do not get your own definitions and facts and terms, only your own opinions.

Just the opposite is true. If the GOP allows obama to continue his violations of the constitution and allow him to grant amnesty to millions of illegals, then yes, they will lose in 2016.

The GOP was given control to stop obama, not to stand by and watch him continue to destroy this country.
If our GOP is stupid enough to impeach the president, we will lose the 2016 election in a massive landslide to the Dems.

Once again, you far righties do not get your own definitions and facts and terms, only your own opinions.

you are a left wing tool, jake. Everyone knows that. Why continue the lie?
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it
Says the gullible Democrat.

I remember going over this with Greenbeard. He kept showing me portions of the ACA that did everything Obama said. How it wasn't a tax, would cut costs, all of that nonsense. My response was always "but it's a lie". It was tortured language intended to mislead. For some reason he couldn't argue with that. He would just disappear.

Now we know why. It was a pack of lies.

What does "the ACA is a lie" even mean? It's a policy, not a statement...
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers?
No, he's not. In fact he knows he's over stepping his authority, but he's betting on republicans not doing anything about it.

Pretty simple really. It's been what's happening for the last six years. Thing is now the republicans hold both houses, things have changed in the republicans favor, not obama's, so he better think twice. The people WANT him stopped, and I believe the republicans have finally figured that out.

Status quo ain't gonna cut it any more. We have a president, not a KING.
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Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
He isn't passing any laws.
Do you think Obama isn't verifying whether his EOs are within the scope of his presidential powers ?
The EO will be carefully crafted. Republicans will not like it, but there is not much they can do about it

Granting amnesty to 5 million here illegally would be changing our immigration laws, no president has that authority.
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