I hope you don't support Ted Cruz

Cruz is the only true conservative running and gets my vote if he's the nominee. Unfortunately he'll get beat up in the media due to his social conservative views.
Ted Cruz is dangerous

He's as bad as Trump honestly.

Hey great left wing regressive propaganda site. Only in the regressive world is it a bad thing to be a constitutionalist, and to believe in the ideas and values that made this country great. They say Teds ideas are regressive, yet you can't get more regressive than to want to return to ancient Roman times when it was kewl for a dude to diddle another dude.
Cruz is "dangerous." He is dangerous to progressive socialist left wingers because he can expose their weaknesses. He is dangerous to them because if he gets elected he will reverse about 30 years of progressive failed policies. The left is afraid of Cruz Very afraid.
I hope you don't support Hillary.

She's OWNED by International Banking Interests, Takes advice from the CFR and Tri-Lateral Commission and takes millions in donations from countries that oppress women.

I'd rather have Bernie Sanders as Prez.
I hope you dont support Ricky Ricardo. He licks up the feces of billionaire donors and he says and thinks what they tell him to say and think.
Rafael Cruz ..

excellent name to represent Republicans, ECELLENT !
Whatever works. The guy who is G-d among economic conservatives is Milton Friedman.
Cruz is the Constitionalist conservatives. They don't give a rip about his name, they care that he defends liberty
Whatever works. The guy who is G-d among economic conservatives is Milton Friedman.
Cruz is the Constitionalist conservatives. They don't give a rip about his name, they care that he defends liberty

and they don't give a rip about liars either ... unless the liar is named Clinton .. big surprise.

it is what it is.

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