I just got back from voting for The Donald and it was the best vote I ever cast!

Thank it is very particular your election ..Hillary lost a lot of the key state that could give her more votes.
Ohio, Florida , Texas, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, etc.. strange because CNN seem pretty sure of some states Hillary was going to win.

Election analytics website FiveThirtyEight identifies the states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan,Minnesota, Ohio, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin

.i did follow the explanation on the magic wall about what could happen

And that was the problem. The states she thought she had in the bag didn't show up.

Now part of that was voter suppression, where they've been denying minorities the right to vote. Part of that was people didn't show up.

We are all going to pay for it for years.
The French média said that Trump win on all side including the the popular vote ? but it was very close.
You're a bad loser as if the Americans were forced to vote for Trump.

MOre people voted for Hillary.

Read my post - I don't want to repeat it.

You mean your post that had no sourcing?

Who Won the Popular Vote?

2016 presidential election results

Clinton's Lead in the Popular Vote Is Going to Get a Lot Bigger

“We probably have about 7 million votes left to count,” said David Wasserman, an editor at Cook Political Report who is tracking turnout. “A majority of them are on the coasts, in New York, California, and Washington. She should be able to win those votes, probably 2-1.” By mid-December, when the Electoral College officially casts its ballots, Wasserman estimates that Clinton could be ahead by 2 percentage points in the popular vote.
You're a bad loser as if the Americans were forced to vote for Trump.

MOre people voted for Hillary.


Nice, do you have a source for that, because that isn't going to be correct.

CNN and Wikipedia are showing different numbers.
The best vote I ever cast was against Crooked Hillary. The second was against John "Asshole" Kerry.
To see The Donald and Mike Pence on that ballot was great. I filled in the circle which was not easy on the stupid little desk they have that are like 3 feet off the floor. I also voted for a local state senator because she got in my face, and with conviction said she was MY senator, and commented on my wearing shorts when it was 32 degrees out. :p

Congrats, that's awesome.

But I got you beat, I did that three times for Hillary yesterday. And I'll probably throw her 9 or 10 more votes her way today.

Remember, vote early, vote often.

The Democratic Party's motto.

It's not so bad. Is that what you were afraid of? Is that why you voted for Trump, because you didn't want to be a 'loser'?

You are confused. I didn't vote for Trump. Trump is a big government Liberal. He did not earn my vote.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is a thousand times better than that Crooked Hillary bitch. Of course a thousands times zero is still pretty much zero, isn't it?

It's not so bad. Is that what you were afraid of? Is that why you voted for Trump, because you didn't want to be a 'loser'?

You are confused. I didn't vote for Trump. Trump is a big government Liberal. He did not earn my vote.

The only good thing about Trump is that he is a thousand times better than that Crooked Hillary bitch. Of course a thousands times zero is still pretty much zero, isn't it?

It is indeed. My apologies for misinterpreting your post. Who did you vote for?

It is indeed. My apologies for misinterpreting your post. Who did you vote for?

My joy on election night was not from Trump winning. It was because Crooked Hillary lost, which was good for this country. Very good. She would have been a disaster, probably even worse that Obama, if that is possible.

Like I said Trump is a big government Liberal that will be much better than the Crooked Hillary bitch but will not fix the structural things that are wrong with this bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive welfare state that we have.

I think Trump will stimulate the economy and put Americans back to work. We will finally get an economy with more than 3% GDP growth, which that dumbass Obama was never able to achieve. We will probably get a tax cut, which is great. He will probably cut back on a few regulations that will help the economy. Hopefully he will seal the border but I am not holding my breath.

However, at the end of his eight years I suspect we will still have a bloated out of control debt ridden oppressive welfare state Federal government.

It is indeed. My apologies for misinterpreting your post. Who did you vote for?

My joy on election night was ...

I'm just curious who you voted for. You were saying you voted 'against' Clinton - which is fine, so did I. But who did you vote for?

If I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump does it really make any difference? It is kinda moot now, isn't it?

It is indeed. My apologies for misinterpreting your post. Who did you vote for?

My joy on election night was ...

I'm just curious who you voted for. You were saying you voted 'against' Clinton - which is fine, so did I. But who did you vote for?

If I didn't vote for either Clinton or Trump does it really make any difference? It is kinda moot now, isn't it?

Voting logic is still on open concern. A lot of people who voted for Trump are trying to water it down by saying they voted 'against' Clinton. Since you called me a loser for saying I voted 'against' both Clinton and Trump, I'm just wondering what your game is.

Voting logic is still on open concern. A lot of people who voted for Trump are trying to water it down by saying they voted 'against' Clinton. Since you called me a loser for saying I voted 'against' both Clinton and Trump, I'm just wondering what your game is.

The reason I used the term "loser" is the assumption that you voted for Crooked Hillary. If that assumption is not valid then I apologize. If you did vote for her then the label is accurate, wouldn't you agree?

My "game" is real Conservatism. I would like to see the filthy ass Federal government dismantled down to its basic functions of defense, courts, state department etc. No more welfare state or the transfer of money from those that earn it and given it to those that didn't earn it. Not many candidates that were on the ballot here in Florida subscribed to my "game".

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