I Just Looked at my College Transcripts

They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.


I've been reading your posts for a while now and I doubt you could get a GED in anything but foul language.

Too bad you couldn't get into the military. Maybe you could have gotten an education. Oh wait, they don't like queers in the Army.

Seriously, you are pathetic. WHY would you make such a ridiculous claim?

3.990 GPA. that is hillarious. If true the boy overdid some serious drugs after college.
Do you have proof of that dear? The world would love to see it.

Please post up!!!

actually, hon. yes. he was on law review. you don't get on law review unless you were top 10%.

so either that proves he was top 10% at harvard law, or harvard must be part of a great conspiracy starting decades before anyone even knew who barack obama was.

so what say you, buddy?

can anyone say " affirmative action"?

Law review is strictly by grades, racist 'tard
actually, hon. yes. he was on law review. you don't get on law review unless you were top 10%.

so either that proves he was top 10% at harvard law, or harvard must be part of a great conspiracy starting decades before anyone even knew who barack obama was.

so what say you, buddy?

can anyone say " affirmative action"?

Law review is strictly by grades, racist 'tard

Seems like someone with a 3.990 GPA would know that doesn't it?
They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.


I've been reading your posts for a while now and I doubt you could get a GED in anything but foul language.

Too bad you couldn't get into the military. Maybe you could have gotten an education. Oh wait, they don't like queers in the Army.

Seriously, you are pathetic. WHY would you make such a ridiculous claim?

3.990 GPA. that is hillarious. If true the boy overdid some serious drugs after college.

Your Vietnam service - that's truly fucking hilarious, assfucker.
They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.

The problem is

1. Obozo's transcripts prove he was unqualified and thus an affirmative action baby

2. They also show he claimed foreign status to get a scholarship and that is the crime of fraud.

Is so funny watching stupid people criticize the presidrnt's intellect.

Thanks for the giggle.
Against the rules to discuss mod business in open forum.

Please highlight the violation - douchenozzle....

Or just pull it out of your fat, lazy ass...

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They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.

The problem is

1. Obozo's transcripts prove he was unqualified and thus an affirmative action baby

2. They also show he claimed foreign status to get a scholarship and that is the crime of fraud.

Is so funny watching stupid people criticize the presidrnt's intellect.

Thanks for the giggle.

Dear, dear.... LOL
actually, hon. yes. he was on law review. you don't get on law review unless you were top 10%.

so either that proves he was top 10% at harvard law, or harvard must be part of a great conspiracy starting decades before anyone even knew who barack obama was.

so what say you, buddy?

can anyone say " affirmative action"?

Law review is strictly by grades, racist 'tard

No. It's not. Why are you repeating this lie?

Harvard Law Review: Harvard Law Review Membership Selection Policies
They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.

You're too funny. Maybe, maybe if you or your family knew someone, you could have gone to college to clean the bathrooms. Though I doubt even that, given your unhealty and profane focus on sexually provocative language; it's not likely you would have worked long enough to clean more then a toilet or two.

Didn't sorento use "profane" language or inuendos when speaking to a GBLT group, regarding his wife?
3.99? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Do you think the posters at USMB are that gullible and that stupid?

Happy to show you my transcripts.

What's your fax number?

Don't understand why Obama/Sotereo....whatever the fuck his Muslim name is, finds this concept so difficult
They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.

People I know are proud to show them, well at least most people. Those who majored in Partying 101 just prefer to show off the diploma. In Obama's case, we often hear how brilliant he is and that he was an exceptional student. Something tells me that releasing the transcripts would reveal otherwise. If the left still insists that his grades were impeccable, then there must be something else in the records that would cause controversy. I would be interested to know if he received aid as a foreign student. It would mean he was one or that he lied about his status for personal gain. There have been two instances in the past where he declared himself a Kenyan born author and then later a Kenyan born senator.

Either this is true, or his step father had indeed adopted him and Obama became a citizen of another country. Given the decrepancy in his social security number, which wasn't obtained until he was an adult and in a state he never lived in, would certainly suggest this.

His selective service registration has been proven to be a forgery, at least the one that was released. They did a poor job recreating the date stamp. The first two numbers, 1 and 9 are missing and the number 8 was reversed. It's simply not valid. Compared to other registrations from the same place in the same time frame, it's clear only his is different.

Either all of his original records were destroyed in a fire, or they simply made some up for another reason.

His birth certificate shows that his father was a citizen of Kenya, though that wasn't even a country the year Obama was born and wouldn't be for another 3 years. The name of the hospital listed on his birth certifcate did not yet exist. There are many other inconsistencies on the document released, but the ignorant ones accept it as real without question despite some glaring red flags.

The left will simply call names and try to marginalize anyone taking note of some obvious falsehoods that beg an explanation. They will do this in hopes of turning people against those who ask such questions and to warn others who may speak out that they, too, will be ridiculed and deemed crazy.

The tactic being used has been done successfully before by the likes of Stalin and Hitler, to name a few. Anyone wanting to fully understand how the trick works can refer to Alinsky's book. It's an old trick, but people fall for it every few decades. Not understanding history makes a person an easy target to fool.

So, come on lefties, hit me with your best shot. The information on the birth certificate is out there, on Obama's own website, and it doesn't hold up to the light of day. He took measures to seal all of his records and such a deliberate act isn't done just for the hell of it. There is a reason, but you don't want to know what it is. You can't handle it and you have too much to lose by having him exposed. Either your ideology, your government career or your welfare check depend on it, so attack anyone who seeks to shine the light of truth on his past. Divert attention to less important matters and make as many excuses as you have to in order to protect your master. Defend, defend, defend.

Also his law license was revoked for fraudulent info on his application. Why would you spend all those years in school to become a lawyer and lie on your application, knowing it would mean the loss of your license?
What's he hiding?

I've had to show my transcripts to employers before too. It's no big deal. Why is it a big deal to Obama to show his transcript to his employer, which is us?

He's complied with the legal requirements, what more do you need? Or does that only apply to Romney?

No, he did not comply with legal requirements, Pelosi changed the form and signed it knowingly. When will we hold the crimminals in congress accountable?
I think that I find, as a middle class earner, Romney's tax returns more revelent to this election than President Obama's college transcripts.

It already came out earlier today that he paid around 13%. Had he not made donations he would have paid around 20%. I can live with that. He earned it and did nothing illegal.

People should strive to be in his position instead of trying to make it sound like being a success is evil.

No, it did not come out that he had paid 13% in income taxes earlier today. It came out that he stated that he had paid 13% in taxes. Taxes and income taxes, two differant things, and stated only means that he is saying "Trust me". I don't, and not very many others do.

Then why do you trust Obama?
What's he hiding?

I've had to show my transcripts to employers before too. It's no big deal. Why is it a big deal to Obama to show his transcript to his employer, which is us?

He's complied with the legal requirements, what more do you need? Or does that only apply to Romney?

No, he did not comply with legal requirements, Pelosi changed the form and signed it knowingly. When will we hold the crimminals in congress accountable?

It doesn't take an act of Congress to unseal one's transcripts. He refuses. For whatever reasons.
They're "unsealed," in my file cabinet.

Have used them many times over the years when seeking employment. Pleasure to show the future boss a 3.990 GPA

Don't understand what Sotereo's (or whatever the fuck his name is) problem is.

People I know are proud to show them, well at least most people. Those who majored in Partying 101 just prefer to show off the diploma. In Obama's case, we often hear how brilliant he is and that he was an exceptional student. Something tells me that releasing the transcripts would reveal otherwise. If the left still insists that his grades were impeccable, then there must be something else in the records that would cause controversy. I would be interested to know if he received aid as a foreign student. It would mean he was one or that he lied about his status for personal gain. There have been two instances in the past where he declared himself a Kenyan born author and then later a Kenyan born senator.

Either this is true, or his step father had indeed adopted him and Obama became a citizen of another country. Given the decrepancy in his social security number, which wasn't obtained until he was an adult and in a state he never lived in, would certainly suggest this.

His selective service registration has been proven to be a forgery, at least the one that was released. They did a poor job recreating the date stamp. The first two numbers, 1 and 9 are missing and the number 8 was reversed. It's simply not valid. Compared to other registrations from the same place in the same time frame, it's clear only his is different.

Either all of his original records were destroyed in a fire, or they simply made some up for another reason.

His birth certificate shows that his father was a citizen of Kenya, though that wasn't even a country the year Obama was born and wouldn't be for another 3 years. The name of the hospital listed on his birth certifcate did not yet exist. There are many other inconsistencies on the document released, but the ignorant ones accept it as real without question despite some glaring red flags.

The left will simply call names and try to marginalize anyone taking note of some obvious falsehoods that beg an explanation. They will do this in hopes of turning people against those who ask such questions and to warn others who may speak out that they, too, will be ridiculed and deemed crazy.

The tactic being used has been done successfully before by the likes of Stalin and Hitler, to name a few. Anyone wanting to fully understand how the trick works can refer to Alinsky's book. It's an old trick, but people fall for it every few decades. Not understanding history makes a person an easy target to fool.

So, come on lefties, hit me with your best shot. The information on the birth certificate is out there, on Obama's own website, and it doesn't hold up to the light of day. He took measures to seal all of his records and such a deliberate act isn't done just for the hell of it. There is a reason, but you don't want to know what it is. You can't handle it and you have too much to lose by having him exposed. Either your ideology, your government career or your welfare check depend on it, so attack anyone who seeks to shine the light of truth on his past. Divert attention to less important matters and make as many excuses as you have to in order to protect your master. Defend, defend, defend.

Also his law license was revoked for fraudulent info on his application. Why would you spend all those years in school to become a lawyer and lie on your application, knowing it would mean the loss of your license?

Debunked I do believe

snopes.com: Barack and Michelle Obama's Law Licenses

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