I just revealed incontrovertible evidence of false flag in National Radio

So just to satisfy my curiosity, who died so that you could become Lord High Decider of what constitutes a "mass shooting" because the last time I looked it was the FBI who set it a 4+ victims.

In the war on civil rights, a shooting of 4 people doesn't get the public motivated. Particularly if it is in the commission of a crime. You look at the USlessrAgToday story, and it's a list of violent crimes, sad, disturbing, but not enough to warrant the revocation of civil rights that you folks seek.

Now a RANDOM massacre that leaves 13 dead, that's another story. THAT has legs in the propaganda war against basic liberty.
You are crazy.

Wish I was.

When I made the quip, I never dreamed it would actually happen.

You think this shooting was planned by someone to counter a recall vote in Colorado?

I don't "think" anything. I do question the amazing coincidence of this.

Hey, coincidences happen - but this is two that support the anti-liberty agenda of the left in less than a year.

You are a kook. A nut. A weirdo. A loser. You ought to be mocked right the fuck out if here by left and right alike. You and the nut who began this OP can get together and whisper about devious government schemes while you spoon.

Of course, ad hom and straw man arguments, the basis of pretty much everything you post...
You are crazy.

Wish I was.

When I made the quip, I never dreamed it would actually happen.

You think this shooting was planned by someone to counter a recall vote in Colorado?

I don't "think" anything. I do question the amazing coincidence of this.

Hey, coincidences happen - but this is two that support the anti-liberty agenda of the left in less than a year.

You are a kook. A nut. A weirdo. A loser. You ought to be mocked right the fuck out if here by left and right alike. You and the nut who began this OP can get together and whisper about devious government schemes while you spoon.

Of course, ad hom and straw man arguments, the basis of pretty much everything you post...


How many times are you going to dismiss this conspiracy AND promote it in the same thread.


You are, therefore, out of your mind and deserve to be ridiculed by every sane person here. Not ad hom....no straw men. Just you being a nut.
The recall election was last week. So much for your theory.

So, the anti-liberty crowd suffers a serious blow to your war on civil rights, and a few days later, you get a mass shooting.

What INCREDIBLE luck you have, it couldn't have served you better if it was planned.

I don't really pay much attention to shootings anymore. Not even mass shootings. To the NRA, which is little more than a shill for gun manufacturers these days, the gun violence that pervades our society is obviously little more than an acceptable cost of doing business and trying to sell as many guns as possible to as many people as possible regardless of their mental fitness to own weapons capable of taking human life in an instant and at a distance. And since Congress was so unwilling to tackle gun violence in the wake of what happened to small children last year in Connecticut because the gun lobby would turn their metaphoric sites (and money) toward defeating them in a coming election, and most politicians are little more than craven cowards when it comes to retaining their seats and their relatively cushy lives inside the beltway (at least until they can parlay their time in office into a more lucrative lobbying position like Jim DeMint did), I don't pay it much mind. It will keep on happening until the people decide that they've had enough of how the system currently works. Or should I say doesn't work?
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Nothing in there looks even remotely like an apology or an absolution for that matter. Instead it looks more like you are justifying your leaping to a completely false accusation without making any effort whatsoever to eliminate any other probable causes. In my opinion you owe each every agency that you named a public apology.

As soon as the Progressive MSM issues a retraction and apology claiming the shooter used an AR-15.

You are, therefore, out of your mind and deserve to be ridiculed by every sane person here. Not ad hom....no straw men. Just you being a nut.

Gulf of Tonkin


Nero burning Rome

So just to satisfy my curiosity, who died so that you could become Lord High Decider of what constitutes a "mass shooting" because the last time I looked it was the FBI who set it a 4+ victims.

In the war on civil rights, a shooting of 4 people doesn't get the public motivated. Particularly if it is in the commission of a crime. You look at the USlessrAgToday story, and it's a list of violent crimes, sad, disturbing, but not enough to warrant the revocation of civil rights that you folks seek.

Now a RANDOM massacre that leaves 13 dead, that's another story. THAT has legs in the propaganda war against basic liberty.

Let's get the facts on the table;

1. I support the 2nd amendment.
2. I put the welfare of the American people first and foremost.
3. No one is taking away anyone's legitimate rights to bear arms.
4. The FBI decides what classifies as a mass shooting.

There is no conflict in my mind behind having universal background checks and everyone's 2A rights. The paranoia about the "government taking away guns" is nothing more than NRA BS propaganda. It is never going to happen and universal background checks aren't going to be the first step either.

Owning guns is more than just a right, it comes with a RESPONSIBILITY too. A responsibility towards our children who die in gun related shootings by the thousands each and every year. No, don't give me that BS about gangs. None of the kids at Sandy Hook were in gangs. 3 year olds shooting 2 year olds are not in gangs. These killings have got to stop.

So if it means accepting accountability and responsibility for owning weapons with the single purpose of killing then sobeit. I will volunteer to be the first person to undergo a background check. I have nothing to hide.

How many times are you going to dismiss this conspiracy AND promote it in the same thread.

I think that this doesn't smell right. I don't have any grand conspiracy theory, I don't have any real answers. Like everyone else, I have to wait for the facts to be slowly doled out.

BUT, this doesn't smell right, not at all.


You are, therefore, out of your mind and deserve to be ridiculed by every sane person here. Not ad hom....no straw men. Just you being a nut.

It is mighty convenient for the radical left who has a clear agenda of crushing civil liberties.

Sane people question and investigate everything.

Mindless sheep bleat the party line and become incensed that anyone should ever question the greatness of your god and your infallible party.
I don't really pay much attention to shootings anymore. Not even mass shootings. To the NRA, which is little more than a shill for gun manufacturers these days,

Now see, if I really did buy into conspiracy theories, I'd think Obama was a plant for the gun manufacturers.

Obama has sold more guns than any single person in history.

the gun violence that pervades our society is obviously little more than an acceptable cost of doing business and trying to sell as many guns as possible to as many people as possible regardless of their mental fitness to be own weapons capable of taking human life in an instant and at a distance.

Except, if we are honest - and the media never is, nor are politicians, BUT if we were to be honest for a moment, we don't have an issue with "gun violence," we have an issue with violence.

And since Congress was so unwilling to tackle gun violence in the wake of what happened to small children last year in Connecticut because the gun lobby would turn their metaphoric sites (and money) toward defeating them in a coming election, and most politicians are little more than craven cowards when it comes to retaining their seats and their relatively cushy lives inside the beltway (at least until they can parlay their time in office into a more lucrative lobbying position like Jim DeMint did), I don't pay it much mind. It will keep on happening until the people decide that they've had enough of how the system currently works. Or should I say doesn't work?

Congress knows that assaulting civil rights is a difficult sell in an election.

Oh and bludgeoning is the #1 form of murder. When will the warriors against civil liberty work for comprehensive hammer and crowbar reform?

How many times are you going to dismiss this conspiracy AND promote it in the same thread.

I think that this doesn't smell right. I don't have any grand conspiracy theory, I don't have any real answers. Like everyone else, I have to wait for the facts to be slowly doled out.

BUT, this doesn't smell right, not at all.


You are, therefore, out of your mind and deserve to be ridiculed by every sane person here. Not ad hom....no straw men. Just you being a nut.

It is mighty convenient for the radical left who has a clear agenda of crushing civil liberties.

Sane people question and investigate everything.

Mindless sheep bleat the party line and become incensed that anyone should ever question the greatness of your god and your infallible party.

Nope. That does not work. The subject here is you and your belief that the US Government is complicit in two mass shootings as part of a plan to take gun rights away from law abiding Americans.

The subject is not my party affiliation ( independent ) nor the greatness of any god ( especially since gods do not exist ). You have outed yourself as a certified freak in this thread. You used to just be an abrasive nutter. Now you are a joke.

You "investigate" everything? Bullshit. You imagine anything......then you convince yourself that what you imagine is reality.
Nothing in there looks even remotely like an apology or an absolution for that matter. Instead it looks more like you are justifying your leaping to a completely false accusation without making any effort whatsoever to eliminate any other probable causes. In my opinion you owe each every agency that you named a public apology.

As soon as the Progressive MSM issues a retraction and apology claiming the shooter used an AR-15.

That is a cop out. A real man apologizes when he is wrong and does not expect anything in return. Think about it.
Nope. That does not work.

Omagawd - a partisan hack disapproves of me questioning the party line - WHATEVER shall I dooooo?


The subject here is you and your belief that the US Government is complicit in two mass shootings as part of a plan to take gun rights away from law abiding Americans.

The subject is the shooting of 13 people by a deranged man who had a history of violence, including gun violence, yet somehow was let on a military base in the nation's capital WITH A SHOTGUN - full length.

Yet, never question, Our Obama provides all wisdom.

Dude, you're a fucking nutjob, a mindless drone hacking up ThinkProgress vomit. You REALLY think I give a fuck about your opinion of me?

The subject is not my party affiliation ( independent ) nor the greatness of any god ( especially since gods do not exist ). You have outed yourself as a certified freak in this thread. You used to just be an abrasive nutter. Now you are a joke.

You "investigate" everything? Bullshit. You imagine anything......then you convince yourself that what you imagine is reality.

Yawn, you are a mindless, partisan hack.

I wondered what happened to TM - now I know....
Nope. That does not work.

Omagawd - a partisan hack disapproves of me questioning the party line - WHATEVER shall I dooooo?


The subject here is you and your belief that the US Government is complicit in two mass shootings as part of a plan to take gun rights away from law abiding Americans.

The subject is the shooting of 13 people by a deranged man who had a history of violence, including gun violence, yet somehow was let on a military base in the nation's capital WITH A SHOTGUN - full length.

Yet, never question, Our Obama provides all wisdom.

Dude, you're a fucking nutjob, a mindless drone hacking up ThinkProgress vomit. You REALLY think I give a fuck about your opinion of me?

The subject is not my party affiliation ( independent ) nor the greatness of any god ( especially since gods do not exist ). You have outed yourself as a certified freak in this thread. You used to just be an abrasive nutter. Now you are a joke.

You "investigate" everything? Bullshit. You imagine anything......then you convince yourself that what you imagine is reality.

Yawn, you are a mindless, partisan hack.

I wondered what happened to TM - now I know....

Feeling silly, huh?

I get it. People who are unable to handle reality often flow in and out of a state of awareness. Anything is possible, crazy person. Let your imagination wander. It is working for you thus far.
Nothing in there looks even remotely like an apology or an absolution for that matter. Instead it looks more like you are justifying your leaping to a completely false accusation without making any effort whatsoever to eliminate any other probable causes. In my opinion you owe each every agency that you named a public apology.

As soon as the Progressive MSM issues a retraction and apology claiming the shooter used an AR-15.

That is a cop out. A real man apologizes when he is wrong and does not expect anything in return. Think about it.

I already did apologize and retract the error.

I am not obliged to do any more until the Progressive Gun Grabbing media does the same about the AR-15, but they haven't even acknowledged their mistake, nor do they intend to, because it is an intentional error.

You can't hold only your opposition to a higher standard. I've done quite enough already.

Not to mention, everything I reported was and remains to be true, we simply didn't know why it was true; the title itself remains true, it is/was incontrovertible evidence of a false flag, what we didn't know (again) was WHY that evidence existed. The title does not say "proof" it says "evidence.

So I'm +2 over the phony Progressive agenda driven media.

Oh wait, I'm also not a professional journalist.

So that makes me +3
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