I just revealed incontrovertible evidence of false flag in National Radio

Frankly, it's long past time that the gov't gets involved in tightening up industry standards for what goes over the air since they are PUBLIC airwaves and the stations are licensed to broadcast by the gov't.

So you want a government agent to delay all broadcasts in order to filter the content by government standards?

No, I want the standards and practices tightened as to what is acceptable in terms of claims made over the airwaves. It would apply to advertising more than the content of shows.

This is pretty much the venue of gov't oversight in much the same way that nudity and vulgarity is restricted on broadcast television and the fact that advertisers are not permitted to engage in fraudulent product claims. Radio has been pushing the envelope under the phony guise of 'freedom' of speech and free enterprise, and they've been getting away with it for too long, much like vitamin supplement makers and herbal remedy suppliers have been slipping through a loophole in the law that they're not covered under FDA guidelines.

As long as you get to choose what's acceptible right fascist?
Alex Jones is a fear mongering bullshit artist with zero credibility.

Even when he's telling the truth, you can bet his manipulated it with lies, exagerated or taken things out of context.

I agree with you more often than not but you do yourself a disservice by posting his bullshit.

AM Talk Radio has become the go to venue (and haven) in this country for every fantasy, every conspiracy, and every ad for a questionable product with dubious claims. Just today, I listened to Jerome Corsi promote his new book about who REALLY killed Kennedy right after Stephen Jimenez was on the same show promoting his new book which promotes the theory (both unsubstantiated and denied by Aaron McKinney) about how Matthew Sheppard was killed by McKinney as a result of a previous consensual relationship which was fueled by meth use.

AM talk radio embraces the idea that they can promote any whacky idea or product as long as they run enough legal disclaimers at the beginning which attempt to deny any connection or responsibility to the content of what they broadcast over the air.

Frankly, it's long past time that the gov't gets involved in tightening up industry standards for what goes over the air since they are PUBLIC airwaves and the stations are licensed to broadcast by the gov't.

The government does not have the right to censor them. They can say whatever they want as long as they don't cause panic and incite violence.

Our primary defense to their insanity is ridicule. But We the People cannot censor others simply because we disagree with what they are saying. I will defend their right to spout drivel to their hearts content because that is what this nation is all about!

You're wrong. The companies that broadcast this drivel are licensed by the gov't to broadcast. That gives our representatives the power and the right to determine what is and is not acceptable, and hence legal. For example, cigarette ads were outlawed on television over 40 years ago. They're also not on the radio anymore, either.

If certain radio companies (radio stations are increasingly owned and operated by large national companies) are not willing to comply with the rules, we can yank their license to broadcast, and I'm SURE other owners would be willing to step forward to broadcast under provisions less likely to result in the defrauding of the general public.
I saw something about a 34 year old, that is no longer present. Maybe someone get 34 years old got tazed or won an award. Yes, I do review your far left gun grabbing websites regularly, especially that one.


Please stop. You are guilty of lying to support one of your crazy theories. You were convinced that this was a "false flag" operation perpetrated by the government as a means of moving closer to your guns. You wanted to be the nutjob who broke this story...and yiu called Jones.

Later...you posted here and were met with a wall of common sense. And you decided to lie at that point...about seeing the story the night before it happened....but didn't know what it meant.

This should serve as a wakeup call for you. You should immediately stop posting on the internet and should seek some help....before you snap and hurt someone.

Take this advice.

It was already debunked, and I provided some of the Google Crawler research to debunk it. Yes, I helped debunk my own story.

Btw, have you found those WMD's in Iraq?

The United States Government is notorious for lying and fabricating. It's our job to check every lead.

Also, there is a difference between "evidence" and "proof." I never claimed to have proof, just evidence that was incontrovertible, and the evidence remains incontrovertible; and it was revealed that is neither faulty software nor conspiracy, it was intentionally "shortcut" programming to save space.

One wonders why those websites have timestamps at all?

Notice how I reserved myself on the air as much as possible, because I knew it wasn't proof, just evidence --- evidence that was very strong at the time.

Also, at the beginning of my phone call I said "Before I talk about ... I just noticed that..."

I wasn't originally calling in to discuss the timestamps, I just happened to notice it while I was on the waiting line for the call ins.

You can watch the video and hear me say that.

That is another lie. You called with an agenda to discuss this topic. Please......stop lying.

And...you did not reserve yourself..."Mr. Alex Jones" forgot you were there because he likes to hear himself talk most of all. You couldn't get a word in with that blowhard.
So you want a government agent to delay all broadcasts in order to filter the content by government standards?

No, I want the standards and practices tightened as to what is acceptable in terms of claims made over the airwaves. It would apply to advertising more than the content of shows.

This is pretty much the venue of gov't oversight in much the same way that nudity and vulgarity is restricted on broadcast television and the fact that advertisers are not permitted to engage in fraudulent product claims. Radio has been pushing the envelope under the phony guise of 'freedom' of speech and free enterprise, and they've been getting away with it for too long, much like vitamin supplement makers and herbal remedy suppliers have been slipping through a loophole in the law that they're not covered under FDA guidelines.

As long as you get to choose what's acceptible right fascist?

If you mean what's acceptable, you should be glad it's not me making the decision because if it was me, I would start fraud prosecution cases against a whole slew of televangelists who hide behind the 2nd Amemdment's freedom of religion provision and end up stealing the life savings of sick and elderly viewers who end up being taken care of by the state (which means taxpayers like you and me).
Alex Jones is a fear mongering bullshit artist with zero credibility.

Even when he's telling the truth, you can bet his manipulated it with lies, exagerated or taken things out of context.

I agree with you more often than not but you do yourself a disservice by posting his bullshit.

This one had nothing to do with Alex Jones. This fruitcake came up with this one all by himself.

Does it concern you at all that you find yourself agreeing often with a person who no ability to discern fact from fiction?

Well bed wetter, since you probably believe in Global Warming. You "think" the moonbat messiah arbitrarily destabilizing governments all over the middle east is in our interests. You're sure obozo acting with zero congressional authority to launch missles all over the place is morally superior the the 2 wars Bush waged.

You've demonstrated yourself to be:

a bed wetter said:
a person who no ability to discern fact from fiction

What I can agree with 2A on are policy issues. If he chooses to believe a bullshit artist like Jones, so be it. That's the "far right" equivalent of MSLSD or the Huffing and Bitchington Post.
AM Talk Radio has become the go to venue (and haven) in this country for every fantasy, every conspiracy, and every ad for a questionable product with dubious claims. Just today, I listened to Jerome Corsi promote his new book about who REALLY killed Kennedy right after Stephen Jimenez was on the same show promoting his new book which promotes the theory (both unsubstantiated and denied by Aaron McKinney) about how Matthew Sheppard was killed by McKinney as a result of a previous consensual relationship which was fueled by meth use.

AM talk radio embraces the idea that they can promote any whacky idea or product as long as they run enough legal disclaimers at the beginning which attempt to deny any connection or responsibility to the content of what they broadcast over the air.

Frankly, it's long past time that the gov't gets involved in tightening up industry standards for what goes over the air since they are PUBLIC airwaves and the stations are licensed to broadcast by the gov't.

The government does not have the right to censor them. They can say whatever they want as long as they don't cause panic and incite violence.

Our primary defense to their insanity is ridicule. But We the People cannot censor others simply because we disagree with what they are saying. I will defend their right to spout drivel to their hearts content because that is what this nation is all about!

You're wrong. The companies that broadcast this drivel are licensed by the gov't to broadcast. That gives our representatives the power and the right to determine what is and is not acceptable, and hence legal. For example, cigarette ads were outlawed on television over 40 years ago. They're also not on the radio anymore, either.

If certain radio companies (radio stations are increasingly owned and operated by large national companies) are not willing to comply with the rules, we can yank their license to broadcast, and I'm SURE other owners would be willing to step forward to broadcast under provisions less likely to result in the defrauding of the general public.

Truth in advertising is not the same thing as censorship. Cigarette ads are off the air as part of the legal settlement against the tobacco industry. But unless you can prove that there is an attempt to defraud the public they get to speak whatever passes through the vacuum where they should have a mind. Certain words are FCC violations but not much else is circumscribed.
No, I want the standards and practices tightened as to what is acceptable in terms of claims made over the airwaves. It would apply to advertising more than the content of shows.

This is pretty much the venue of gov't oversight in much the same way that nudity and vulgarity is restricted on broadcast television and the fact that advertisers are not permitted to engage in fraudulent product claims. Radio has been pushing the envelope under the phony guise of 'freedom' of speech and free enterprise, and they've been getting away with it for too long, much like vitamin supplement makers and herbal remedy suppliers have been slipping through a loophole in the law that they're not covered under FDA guidelines.

As long as you get to choose what's acceptible right fascist?

If you mean what's acceptable, you should be glad it's not me making the decision because if it was me, I would start fraud prosecution cases against a whole slew of televangelists who hide behind the 2nd Amemdment's freedom of religion provision and end up stealing the life savings of sick and elderly viewers who end up being taken care of by the state (which means taxpayers like you and me).

Just admit it, if you had the authority you'd shut down any voice of opposition and permanently "silence" dissent. You would erase the 1st and 2nd Amendment, since you have no respect for anyone else's rights, let alone tolerance for dissenting views.

On more than one occasion when I was very young, I believed something wholeheartedly which I later discovered to be unture. The details are unimportant, but I learned something profoundly important about the dangers of jumping to conclusions. It was a valuable lesson which has served me well over the years as I maintained a skeptical attitude toward things unproven. That was doubly true regarding things that seemed so outrageous in terms of the claims themselves. Consequently, when Kitty Kelley made a claim that Nancy Reagan fooled around with Frank Sinatra, I certainly was not inclined to believe it just because I wasn't a Reagan fan.

My questions are these: Why are people on the right so gullible? Why don't they ever seem to learn from their past mistakes which always seem to blow up in their faces? Or do they simply not care about what is and isn't factually true if they can somehow make money from it or use it to undermine opponents in the eyes of others?
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As long as you get to choose what's acceptible right fascist?

If you mean what's acceptable, you should be glad it's not me making the decision because if it was me, I would start fraud prosecution cases against a whole slew of televangelists who hide behind the 2nd Amemdment's freedom of religion provision and end up stealing the life savings of sick and elderly viewers who end up being taken care of by the state (which means taxpayers like you and me).

Just admit it, if you had the authority you'd shut down any voice of opposition and permanently "silence" dissent. You would erase the 1st and 2nd Amendment, since you have no respect for anyone else's rights, let alone tolerance for dissenting views.

Just can't help ginning up the fear, can ya?

People will continue to believe nonsense regardless of what laws are passed. That's just the nature of human beings. And there will always be people who will exploit the ignorance of others. That too won't change.

However, it's the use of the public airwaves to disseminate false and misleading information in an effort to cheat and defraud those trusting listeners that I have a problem with. Our representatives in gov't are under no obligation to facilitate a criminal enterprise which is what much of AM radio advertising represents when it comes to get rich quick schemes and miracle cures (the latter of which may actually delay the necessary medical attention to save someone's life).

I don't know if you remember Don Lapre, but he did this kind of thing on TV back in the mid 90's, and he was arrested after several attempts to get him to cease and desist. He eventually committed suicide in custody while awaiting trial.

My contention is that radio owners and executives are fully aware of the fraudulent nature of their advertisers products and claims, and their on-air legal disclaimers remind me very much of the kind of disclaimers prostitutes have been known to run where they claim that the money is for their time alone and anything that happens between consenting adults is a private matter.
I hate conspiracy theories, and I'm no fan of Alex Jones.

BUT last week I posted in this forum, in a smart-assed kind of way, that "Obama will need to create another mass shooting to offset the recall of the two anti-civil rights Senators in Colorado."

And just like magic - we have a mass shooting. Couldn't have worked out better for that anti-liberty coalition if it were planned - just like the Newtown shooting couldn't have worked out better.
The government does not have the right to censor them. They can say whatever they want as long as they don't cause panic and incite violence.

Our primary defense to their insanity is ridicule. But We the People cannot censor others simply because we disagree with what they are saying. I will defend their right to spout drivel to their hearts content because that is what this nation is all about!

You're wrong. The companies that broadcast this drivel are licensed by the gov't to broadcast. That gives our representatives the power and the right to determine what is and is not acceptable, and hence legal. For example, cigarette ads were outlawed on television over 40 years ago. They're also not on the radio anymore, either.

If certain radio companies (radio stations are increasingly owned and operated by large national companies) are not willing to comply with the rules, we can yank their license to broadcast, and I'm SURE other owners would be willing to step forward to broadcast under provisions less likely to result in the defrauding of the general public.

Truth in advertising is not the same thing as censorship. Cigarette ads are off the air as part of the legal settlement against the tobacco industry. But unless you can prove that there is an attempt to defraud the public they get to speak whatever passes through the vacuum where they should have a mind. Certain words are FCC violations but not much else is circumscribed.

Radio infomercials are fraudulent from the get go. They actually make every attempt to make it sound like a regular radio show where the seller is a guest being interviewed on someone else's show as opposed to the presentation being a paid advertisement with an announcer who's just paid to tee up softball questions and offer enthusiastic support for the product.

As I recall, the infomercials on TV weren't much better in terms of their approach to look as little like a paid ad as possible. But the medium itself made it easier to tell it wasn't a real TV show. But I don't watch TV anymore, so I can't speak to what it's like these days on TV.
I hate conspiracy theories, and I'm no fan of Alex Jones.

BUT last week I posted in this forum, in a smart-assed kind of way, that "Obama will need to create another mass shooting to offset the recall of the two anti-civil rights Senators in Colorado."

And just like magic - we have a mass shooting. Couldn't have worked out better for that anti-liberty coalition if it were planned - just like the Newtown shooting couldn't have worked out better.

The recall election was last week. So much for your theory.
I hate conspiracy theories, and I'm no fan of Alex Jones.

BUT last week I posted in this forum, in a smart-assed kind of way, that "Obama will need to create another mass shooting to offset the recall of the two anti-civil rights Senators in Colorado."

And just like magic - we have a mass shooting. Couldn't have worked out better for that anti-liberty coalition if it were planned - just like the Newtown shooting couldn't have worked out better.

Maybe because there's a mass shooting on a monthly basis now. These aren't exactly rare events in this country.....ya know...because we don't have enough guns.
The recall election was last week. So much for your theory.

So, the anti-liberty crowd suffers a serious blow to your war on civil rights, and a few days later, you get a mass shooting.

What INCREDIBLE luck you have, it couldn't have served you better if it was planned.
Maybe because there's a mass shooting on a monthly basis now. These aren't exactly rare events in this country.....ya know...because we don't have enough guns.


Could you list all the ones between Newtown and this one?

On more than one occasion when I was very young, I believed something wholeheartedly which I later discovered to be unture. The details are unimportant, but I learned something profoundly important about the dangers of jumping to conclusions. It was a valuable lesson which has served me well over the years as I maintained a skeptical attitude toward things unproven. That was doubly true regarding things that seemed so outrageous in terms of the claims themselves. Consequently, when Kitty Kelley made a claim that Nancy Reagan fooled around with Frank Sinatra, I certainly was not inclined to believe it just because I wasn't a Reagan fan.

My questions are these: Why are people on the right so gullible? Why don't they ever seem to learn from their past mistakes which always seem to blow up in their faces? Or do they simply not care about what is and isn't factually true if they can somehow make money from it or use it to undermine opponents in the eyes of others?

I think it is because they want so hard for it to be true and when it is found out not to be true....they just don't care
The recall election was last week. So much for your theory.

So, the anti-liberty crowd suffers a serious blow to your war on civil rights, and a few days later, you get a mass shooting.

What INCREDIBLE luck you have, it couldn't have served you better if it was planned.

Anti liberty crowd? Anti liberty coalition? War on civil rights?

Who are you getting that from?

And...you appear to NOT hate conspiracy theories all that much.

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