I Just Saw a Muslim Cover a Homeless Black Guys Coffee, How Many of You Islamophobes Would do That?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
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At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Two words......."DIEversity Kills!". America wasn't created for Muslims.

At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

Muslim Brotherhood in America, Part 1: The Threat Doctrine of Shariah & the Muslim Brotherhood
18,292 subscribers
Published on Apr 24, 2012
Find out more at Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Enemy Within - YouTube

The first section of this briefing explains what shariah is according to the authorities and institutions of Islam and as promoted most aggressively by an organization called the Muslim Brotherhood.

@ 16:10

"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not be dominated.

To impose it's law on all nations and to extend it's power to the entire planet."

Hassan Al Banna

The Founder of "The Ikwan" (Also known as, "The Muslim Brotherhood")

“Islam is not here to integrate, it’s here to dominate”, the Muslim leader told the conference goers. He is a member of Hizb Ut-Tahrir America which promotes sharia law in the United States. The organization self-describes as a political party whose ideology is Islam.

Muslim Leader in America Says Islam Is "Here to Dominate" - www.independentsentinel.com
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

You don't even know what the guy was...but because you wanted to start a string insulting Trump supporters...you declared him a Muslim! "Looked like not from around here, you know"? Not for nothing, Munkle but you're a bit of an idiot, you know!
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

You don't even know what the guy was...but because you wanted to start a string insulting Trump supporters...you declared him a Muslim! "Looked like not from around here, you know"? Not for nothing, Munkle but you're a bit of an idiot, you know!

Well there's no denying I'm trolling a bit. But for the sake of argument, doesn't this mean there can be good Muslims and bad Muslims? Look at the answers already here, already quoting Sharia and painting all Muslims with the same brush. This guy didn't even know anyone noticed, I just happened to hear from a ways away. I've seen Muslims do this sort of thing when I knew they definitely were Muslims. So why all the vitriolic Muslim bashing here? There are good people and bad people.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Do it all the time...its called being nice, and not being self-absorbed prick.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Do it all the time...its called being nice, and not being self-absorbed prick.

Great. So there are nice Muslims. I wonder what it's like being a Muslim at a Trump rally.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Do it all the time...its called being nice, and not being self-absorbed prick.

Great. So there are nice Muslims. I wonder what it's like being a Muslim at a Trump rally.
Well, if they are with Antifa they were / are probably paid by Hillary or Russia to beat up Trump supporters...
what about a muslim who voted for trump ?or are ALL muslims on your totalitarian democratic slave plantation ?
what about a muslim who voted for trump ?or are ALL muslims on your totalitarian democratic slave plantation ?

What ABOUT a Muslim who voted for Trump? Is he ok, and not trying to impose Sharia law on every bullshit podunk town in America?
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?

You don't even know what the guy was...but because you wanted to start a string insulting Trump supporters...you declared him a Muslim! "Looked like not from around here, you know"? Not for nothing, Munkle but you're a bit of an idiot, you know!

Well there's no denying I'm trolling a bit. But for the sake of argument, doesn't this mean there can be good Muslims and bad Muslims? Look at the answers already here, already quoting Sharia and painting all Muslims with the same brush. This guy didn't even know anyone noticed, I just happened to hear from a ways away. I've seen Muslims do this sort of thing when I knew they definitely were Muslims. So why all the vitriolic Muslim bashing here? There are good people and bad people.
I'm a muslim and I dont give rats ass about some ***** think of me for q simple reason...they dont know me they dont know muslims, they were on fox news/ movies the stereotypical pictures of muslims.
" Is he ok, and not trying to impose Sharia law on every bullshit podunk town in America?"

i answered your question with an answer to ask them
let me ask you ya stupid redneck :04:
IN what tiny little shithole did you maybe of just caught a glimpse of a Muslim doing a good deed
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Bigotry is predicated on ignorance and an unwarranted fear of those perceived to be ‘different’ – over time that ignorance and fear develop into hate which manifests as bigotry.

Conservative political dogma thrives on fear – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of inclusion; Muslims are part of the right’s dogma of fear, to perceive Muslims and Islam as a ‘threat,’ and to vilify Muslims for some perceived partisan gain.

The good works of one Muslim won’t change that.
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Would you do that? Or would you demand the government pay for the guy's beverage instead?

Look at you. You're virtue signaling.
Never feed the homeless from the table ... they get spoiled...

YEs we're all bigots

still no answer where this heart touching act of kindness took place. I ask because A lot of white progressives who claim we're all scared of the towel heads have never seen a brown ,black gook or muzz till they hit college (lil north koreas)

what if hes a daisy dot head and not a muzz rat ?
hes guessing its a muzz and painting right wingers with one awfully large brush stroke dont cha think ?

white champions of the colored down trodden
At least I think he was Muslim, looked from that part of the world. Nice western dress but looked like not from around here, you know.

The shabby like homeless black guy is counting out some change and it looks like he's not going to have enough, and the guy overhears from nearby and jumps over and says I got the coffee covered to the cashier. Payed for the whole coffee. Old homeless guy says thanks.

so the question is what do you trumptard islamophobes who think all Muslims are bad think about that? I know all trumpers are not islamophobes. But a good part of you seem to be. judging by these pages.

Would you a done it? This guy wasn't virtue signaling he just did it kind of quiet and let it lay. What does that say about your world view on Muslims?
Muslims are the most intolerant people on the planet

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