I know it won't make a difference to the radicalized people....

Is it a coincidence that I live in a rural "white" town and over 60% of the Drs. are Indian or Asian?
No, it's because 'white' doctors are not prepared to put up with rural town living. It's not rocket science.
I've cleaned this thread up and handed out infractions. Stop trolling, stop flaming each other, and stick to the topic at hand
If we paid top dollar to our police force, teachers, fireman and paramedics....
What would happen? (serious question....)
They already get paid top dollar. Look at the mess in California because of the $100,000 plus retirement benefits. Same with Detroit and it's bankruptcy woes.

so then this begs the questions, if high pay brings high quality, why is it not?
or is that a false deduction?
Pay does NOT equate to quality, professionalism, dedication, expertise, skill, education, or most other commonly held ideals.

So, Sonny Clark, what does?
Many factors. Sometimes it's being in the right profession. Sometimes it's who you know. Sometimes it's what one can get by with. Sometimes it's union protection. There are many factors that determine pay rate and pay scale.

So you say you are not going to attract a better quality teacher if you pay them more, correct?
There is no correlation? You really don't "get what you pay for"?
If we paid top dollar to our police force, teachers, fireman and paramedics....
What would happen? (serious question....)
We would get better cops, teachers, firemen, and paramedics.

I would like to think:

(1) Crime would be reduced, and we'd have better protection
(2) Our children would be better educated
(3) More lives would be saved

But maybe these are jobs driven by passion rather than wages?

Unfortunately in the case of übermilitarized police, that's in effect true, although it's got nothing to do with their wages. But it has plenty to do with end results.

Maybe it's more of a "societal culture" that truly drives education in particular.
Why are Asian cultures more disciplined and driven? More successful? Is that a racist generalization?
Is it a coincidence that I live in a rural "white" town and over 60% of the Drs. are Indian or Asian?

Those are cultural generalizations.

well maybe we should be looking at changing our culture.....
would that necessarily change the Government?
The man on the left should easily be making 25 per hour for such skilled labor.
Wow. You are omniscient as well.
How did you determine that figure? Did you look at comparable pay scales in the same city? Did you figure what different companies in that industry in his market pay?
Or did you just pull a number out of your ass, which is your usual MO?
They already get paid top dollar. Look at the mess in California because of the $100,000 plus retirement benefits. Same with Detroit and it's bankruptcy woes.

so then this begs the questions, if high pay brings high quality, why is it not?
or is that a false deduction?
Pay does NOT equate to quality, professionalism, dedication, expertise, skill, education, or most other commonly held ideals.

So, Sonny Clark, what does?
Many factors. Sometimes it's being in the right profession. Sometimes it's who you know. Sometimes it's what one can get by with. Sometimes it's union protection. There are many factors that determine pay rate and pay scale.

So you say you are not going to attract a better quality teacher if you pay them more, correct?
There is no correlation? You really don't "get what you pay for"?
It all depends. In some cases, yes, money attracts talent. But, that is not the only factor that can determine the quality of professionalism obtained. You do NOT always get what you pay for. An example would be doctors, lawyers, government employees, auto mechanics, plumbers, electricians, and members of law enforcement. Money is NOT the determining factor. I've personally known teachers that have no business teaching kids. I've known daycare workers that should be put in jail. I've heard about social workers that should be put in jail. You do NOT get what you pay for.
Not all jobs deserve a "living wage". Entry-level jobs that don't require a specialized skillset and are not intended to be a career certainly do not.

I love how people use the phrase "not intended" as it has anything to do with the current state of being.

Entry level jobs were not intended to be worked by 30 year olds either, but that hasnt stopped it from being true
The man on the left should easily be making 25 per hour for such skilled labor.

But he's not and the reason conservatives say he isnt is because hes not skilled enough. How's that for shitting in someones hat?
What conservatives say that, moron?
The reason is the market dictates what he should make and the market for that skill set is $15. If it were more, he'd quit that job and work somewhere that paid him more.
Simple, unless your an econ ignoramus.
If we paid top dollar to our police force, teachers, fireman and paramedics....
What would happen? (serious question....)
We would get better cops, teachers, firemen, and paramedics.

I would like to think:

(1) Crime would be reduced, and we'd have better protection
(2) Our children would be better educated
(3) More lives would be saved

But maybe these are jobs driven by passion rather than wages?

Unfortunately in the case of übermilitarized police, that's in effect true, although it's got nothing to do with their wages. But it has plenty to do with end results.

Maybe it's more of a "societal culture" that truly drives education in particular.
Why are Asian cultures more disciplined and driven? More successful? Is that a racist generalization?
Is it a coincidence that I live in a rural "white" town and over 60% of the Drs. are Indian or Asian?

Those are cultural generalizations.

well maybe we should be looking at changing our culture.....
would that necessarily change the Government?

Absolutely. It changes everything. Government has to follow what the culture dictates. Take slavery -- legal and utilized until the culture demanded that it go.away. Take smoking -- we didn't even illegalize it, yet there are far fewer smokers today than 75 years ago, because the culture changed. It's no longer occupying a top spot in our personal value system.

That's why I keep saying about gun control that it misses the point; gun violence doesn't happen because this law exists or that law doesn't --- it happens because of the values in the culture.

Culture is where it's at baby.
Who do you consider vulnerable?
Those in full time work not earning a living wage who must be subsidised by the taxpayer.

So it's either screw the people making money or screw the business, and let the slackers continue to slack?
I don't think so....

No one is talking about slackers. The most vocal people in the debate are those working multiple jobs just to make ends meet. Everyone deserves a roof over their head, food in their stomach, and the chance to better themselves and their situation, period.
They do that by bettering themselves. Not by forcing people to pay them more money for doing unskilled work badly.

Again, HOW?

You can't tell people to better themselves without also providing the necessary tools and opportunity to do so.
Wage suppression! That's a great plank for any Republican to run on!

What have working families done to Conservatives to have such scorn heaped upon them?

Raise the minimum wage for all workers clocking in 30 hours a week or greater. Now.
I've cleaned this thread up and handed out infractions. Stop trolling, stop flaming each other, and stick to the topic at hand
Well, alright then.

stop flaming me Sonny, you're so hot .... I have lost control... ;)
Ha Ha .... I wondered when you'd tell me to get lost and stop giving you a hard time. Ok, I'll stop for awhile. But, only for awhile.

no baby, never stop.............

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