I like Gorsuch........I hope he doesn't get the job

If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

So you don't have a reason. It's just a petty get back.
It's not petty

It's just an acknowlegement of the new norm in selecting justices

Competency is not an issue
Partisan politics will decide if and when a vacancy will be filled

So do you admit to being a partisan hack?
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

So you don't have a reason. It's just a petty get back.
It's not petty

It's just an acknowlegement of the new norm in selecting justices

Competency is not an issue
Partisan politics will decide if and when a vacancy will be filled

So do you admit to being a partisan hack?
I am merely acknowledging the new norm of our political system
Filling judicial seats is optional
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled

For argument sake I'll agree with your premise. Why don't democrats show us that they're better than republicans and and actually do things that will better the country? Do you think that would be a bad idea?
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

So you don't have a reason. It's just a petty get back.
It's not petty

It's just an acknowlegement of the new norm in selecting justices

Competency is not an issue
Partisan politics will decide if and when a vacancy will be filled

So do you admit to being a partisan hack?
I am merely acknowledging the new norm of our political system
Filling judicial seats is optional

You're kind of letting yourself off the hook. If you think Gorsuch is good but won't support his nomination because he wasn't nominated by your party. You are by definition a partisan hack.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled

It's a dead end. Republicans will simply change the rules to majority confirmation and put their guy in anyway.

We are not going to win this one and are down to salvaging the best outcome possible.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled

For argument sake I'll agree with your premise. Why don't democrats show us that they're better than republicans and and actually do things that will better the country? Do you think that would be a bad idea?

Is giving Republucans what they illicitly obtained good for the country?
If Democrats give in to this one "for the good of the country" will Republicans reciprocate?
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled

It's a dead end. Republicans will simply change the rules to majority confirmation.

We are not going to win this one and are down to salvaging the best outcome possible.
It is not a dead end.....it creates a new precedence by Republicans....the majority vote overruling a filibuster
It will now be the norm for all judicial appointments and the next step will be elimination of all Senate filibusters

It's a whole new world
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

So you don't have a reason. It's just a petty get back.
It's not petty

It's just an acknowlegement of the new norm in selecting justices

Competency is not an issue
Partisan politics will decide if and when a vacancy will be filled

So do you admit to being a partisan hack?
I am merely acknowledging the new norm of our political system
Filling judicial seats is optional

You're kind of letting yourself off the hook. If you think Gorsuch is good but won't support his nomination because he wasn't nominated by your party. You are by definition a partisan hack.

Partisan politics is now now how we select Justices

Garland proved that
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


Obama failed to get the position filled, now according to the Constitution the duty falls on President Trump.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


He comes off to me as a poor impersonation of Jimmy Stewart. I think he is a complete phony. I listened to him all day today and he doesn't want to answer a single fucking question. It is all about gosh and golly and evasion. But that should not be shocking since he is Donald Trump's appointment.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy
Your a victim of the Biden rule. Kinda sucks when your own people are the ones pissing in your cheerio's.

The filibuster is still in force for SCOTUS appointments.
Is it really? After eight years of you left wing retards changing all of the rules from passing obiecare to the nuclear option you now want limits on that kind of thing? Isn't that cute. You all of sudden think the law should be something we should look into as a guide on how we do things. Funny how that was never a problem on your end.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


He comes off to me as a poor impersonation of Jimmy Stewart. I think he is a complete phony. I listened to him all day today and he doesn't want to answer a single fucking question. It is all about gosh and golly and evasion. But that should not be shocking since he is Donald Trump's appointment.
If you watched the entire day you saw nothing other than a very smart man take every one of your democrat morons to the woodshed and beat their asses. I think you were watching something else.
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Ok so the Democrats do as the OP suggest which then gets McConnell to use the nuclear option Gorsuch is still on the Supreme Court then you have the possibility of Kennedy retiring during Trumps Presidency and it's by no means a sure thing Ginsberg will make it through the next four years you could have Trump getting three Supreme Court nominees on the court with just a simple majority vote doesn't seem like a very wise plan to me.
Gorsuch: "Trump's attack on judges is disheartening and demoralizing. "

That will piss off the orange clown. Will he now withdraw his nomination?
Ha ha

Gorsuch will say whatever he needs to say. He would have never been offered the job if he hadn't already agreed to do what he is told. An unflattering remark about Trump doesn't matter as long as he rules as he is told.
I didn't care for what Biden said about filling a Supreme Court vacancy. I didn't care for how Republicans acted when a vacancy came up last year. In my view seeing two opponents mimic the other's irresponsible action is never called for and thus I don't see the logic of not judging Gorsuch simply on his merits.

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