I like Gorsuch........I hope he doesn't get the job

If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy
TRANSLATION: I think Gorsuch is quite qualified to be a USSC justice. But I’ll still use every cockamamie excuse I can think of to keep him off the court, for no particular reason. If he were a leftist fanatic, then and only then would I let him on the court.

In other words, my attitude is no different from the attitude of every leftist fanatic who hates everything Trump and will simply block and obstruct everything he does.[/QUOTE]
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


Obama failed to get the position filled, now according to the Constitution the duty falls on President Trump.


Obama got to nominate justice fair and square. The justice was an eminently qualified moderate, there was no reason to not nominate him except politics.

Republicans have failed their constitutional duty to consent on the nomenee.

And the question for Democrats is to keep devolving this country with eye-for-eye partisan gridlock warfare or to take the highroad and show feckless Republicans who the grown-ups in the room are and how you really put America first.
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If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

Yeaaaa....but where does it end? That's the question without answer.

Trump is sure as hell isn't going to nominate Obama's pick. Even if he personally didn't give a shit who gets nominated the right would never forgive him THAT.

Here is what makes sense for Democrats - let him nominate this guy, block any nomination if it happens in the 3rd or 4th year of his presidency.
That is surrender
Dems need to embrace the new norm that Republicans have created....Delay, obstruct, block.....do whatever is necessary to prevent a court seat from being filled

For argument sake I'll agree with your premise. Why don't democrats show us that they're better than republicans and and actually do things that will better the country? Do you think that would be a bad idea?

Is giving Republucans what they illicitly obtained good for the country?
If Democrats give in to this one "for the good of the country" will Republicans reciprocate?

They might, which is more than forcing their hand on going nuclear
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

The Democrats could always force the nuclear option... there is a possibility Trump could have three nominations for the Supreme Court
Gorsuch: "Trump's attack on judges is disheartening and demoralizing. "

That will piss off the orange clown. Will he now withdraw his nomination?
Ha ha

Gorsuch will say whatever he needs to say. He would have never been offered the job if he hadn't already agreed to do what he is told. An unflattering remark about Trump doesn't matter as long as he rules as he is told.
Maybe that will make up for roberts. I hope he was having a good time in whatever pictures Obama has of him. A tax......my freaking ass!
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy

TRANSLATION: I think Gorsuch is quite qualified to be a USSC justice. But I’ll still use every cockamamie excuse I can think of to keep him off the court, for no particular reason. If he were a leftist fanatic, then and only then would I let him on the court.
Gorsuch seems highly qualified and would make a good conservative Justice

But the world has changed. It used to be Justices were routinely confirmed unless there were extenuating circumstances

But now filling vacancies is a matter of politics. There is no longer any urgency to even fill the seat. Who cares if we have eight judges for four more years? The voters don't

That's only true when Republicans are in power. Obama's leftwing justices sailed through without any controversy.
The Rats can't "take down" Gorsuch.....Mitch will go nuclear and he'll be confirmed 52-48. If Trump accomplishes nothing else, we'll own the Surpreme Court for the duration of his presidency and do considerable damage to the communist coup of the last 8 years.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


Except for the fact that Scalia, easily one of the most conservative justices, died under dubious circumstances.

When Ginsburg kicks the bucket, I wouldn't mind seeing a libertarian replace her.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy
I like Brussels sprouts but I still make em even thought the wife won't touch em........ :eusa_whistle:

George HW Bush hates broccoli but I like broccoli. Brussels Sprouts are little cabbages to me and I like cabbage. The ancient Greeks called cabbage a brain food.
We already went a year without that seat being filled. No reason to go for the first one offered now.
You won't be getting another choice, moron. Either take Gorsuch are take the nuclear option.

Calm down goober. While the right is run by idiots, I don't think you are the particular idiot that makes that decision.

Goober means peanut in Georgia and a good name. What have you got against peanuts?
If DEMS use up their powder to take down Gorsuch then what happens when Ginzburg is no longer fit to serve? You gotta think strategery. Gorsuch would be the best SC justice we have had since....Scalia.

I agree. The mans a constitutionalist and will judge using the constitution just as he should.

He won't be ruling on things and making up his own rules to do so.

He would be a great SC judge and we all know he will get the seat.
guy will be a scotus judge in 3-4 weeks!! A celebration with a few pics of the bumpy cucumber will ensue.............

My new Ford Super Cab pickup is Flex-Fuel and has diesel pistons and only 3.7 L and six banger and it will burn the tires running on regular. I haven't tried E85 yet but someone on another forum said I will feel increased performance. I haven't decided to try that yet because it is fast burning regular.

My PU had to do a lot of automatic shifting when going over the mountains of Tennessee. Should I use E85 traveling over the mountains? Just curious because Flex-Fuel is new to me.
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As toxic as things are in DC, imagine what they'd be like if Trump gets a pick to replace Ginsburg or Kennedy.


I hear violins playing in the background and giving Ginsburg the boot will be a great achievement for the conservative movement.
If Gorsuch were filling a vacancy during Trumps term, I would support his nomination. He seems like a straight shooter, with strong values, even if they are conservative

But since he is filling a vacancy that occurred during Obama's term, I urge Democrats to take every available action to block filling the vacancy


I agree. What better way to completely destroy the Democrats? Then you can make yourself available to help bring down the GOP. The GOP was going down but the Democrats (needing to be first) destroyed themselves faster.
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The Rats can't "take down" Gorsuch.....Mitch will go nuclear and he'll be confirmed 52-48. If Trump accomplishes nothing else, we'll own the Surpreme Court for the duration of his presidency and do considerable damage to the communist coup of the last 8 years.

In that case. Democrats have forced Republicans hands and now get a brand new precedence thanks to Republicans.....nuclear option

Like I said at the start of the thread. We have a whole new way of selecting judges. It has nothing to do with competence and everything to do with politics

Thanks Republicans

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