I like Nikki Thread

It is not my words that are important. It is the reality they accurately describe that you really don’t give a shit about.

Yet here you are defending the current admin which IS fascist. From censorship to corrupt lawfare being waged against a political opponent.

Either you are epically stupid, or you support Joe bidens authoritarianism.

Which is it?
I don’t think I have ever responded to westwall. It would surely be unproductive at this point. But I’m very glad that — as “far gone” as he is — he still reads my comments, if only to vote his disagreement.

I really hope one day he learns to ask questions more thoughtfully, think more deeply, and understands the real meaning of words like “fascism.”
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fake news????

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :auiqs.jpg: :113:





You morons even use the very words of Marxist revolutionaries to give yourself courage and a sense of importance.

You dream that you and your mad Orange Cult leader will sweep away only the corruption of modern bourgeois capitalism and replace it with something better? Fat chance!

Leon Trotsky, the brilliant but fatally naive author of the famous phrase about sweeping his capitalist opponents into the dustbin of history, ended up with a pickax in his brain … courtesy of his fellow “communist” Joseph Stalin.

In truth, you idiots far more closely resemble the ignorant and angry types who overthrew the Weimar Republic, calling themselves “German National Socialists.” Of course they ended ruining their country, and much of the world too.

Only those deluded Germans had a real fascist leader and a real fascist party leading them, whereas you have only a spoiled billionaire conman and a bunch of unprincipled grifters leading you. Your talented and dangerous moron, however, has won the hearts of millions of Americans and put himself at war with the strongest and most successful bourgeois democracy that capitalism has yet produced.

Biden may be a poor candidate and Democrats may have supported some really dumb policies. But at root that is not the real issue. Nikki is younger and has done much the same on the Republican side. Likewise not the real problem.

Of importance is that Haley is not a full-on cultist and thus is a danger to what you Trumpsters really stand for. She is not satisfactory to morons like you because she is unwilling to divide and destroy our nation completely, and she understands that there are dangerous enemies abroad who want us to fail.
As you well know, I’m not a Trump supporter but Haley is worse than dumb Don. She supports war everywhere including the genocide in Gaza. She wants internet censorship and elimination of the 1A. She is completely controlled by the MIC, billionaires, and big corporations.
I don’t think I have ever responded to westwall. It would surely be unproductive at this point. But I’m very glad that — as “far gone” as he is — he still reads my comments, if only to vote his disagreement.

I really hope one day he learns to ask questions more thoughtfully, think more deeply, and understands the real meaning of words like “fascism.”

Fascism is easy. Censorship. Gun control. Vaccine mandates. Lock people up for political reasons. Use power of government to destroy political opponents.

All hallmarks of a fascist regime and ALL being done by the demofascists.

And here is good old Tommy boy ignoring all of that.

You would make heydrich proud.
Fascism is easy. Censorship. Gun control. Vaccine mandates. Lock people up for political reasons. Use power of government to destroy political opponents.

All hallmarks of a fascist regime and ALL being done by the demofascists.

And here is good old Tommy boy ignoring all of that.

You would make heydrich proud.
And yet you both support the genocide in Gaza. WTF!
Defending Ukraine defends Democracy and us from WW III.
Defending Israel defends an important ally in the Middle East.

We should be careful about war, but these things save lives not spend them.

Ukraine along with the aristocrats in Russia are laughing all the way to the bank with US money. Ukraine recently sending mentally disable people to the front line really, really means they have a chance of defeating Russia. Yes, Ukraine is the most democratic of all the democratic countries with Zelenskyy suspending elections and eliminating is political rivals. I'm sure Biden canceling US natural gas exports to Europe and handing Putin yet another huge revenue stream will REALLY help avoid WW3. Nikki lobbies for companies that make weapons of war, do you really think she's interested in avoiding war?

Israel needs to grow up and defend itself without turning to the US like a scared child at every corner. Any funding to Israel should be performance based. For example, successful Espionage against Iran should be rewarded. Diminishing the capability of crazy zealots helps the US and the world. We should not be giving them a massive lump sum of money every year "just because".
She can make America stronger.
That’s just as ridiculous as making America ‘great’ again – America is currently strong and great.

Like any other Republican, Haley is wrong on the issues; from reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation to culture war wedge issues to immigration and foreign policy.

Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
They doubled my hours at my school, but I will still try to defend my post.

She can make America stronger.

Charade: "an absurd pretense intended to create a pleasant or respectable appearance." That's exactly what Nikki's campaign is. The only reason she wasn't in the single digits in Iowa or New Hampshire is because of Democrats and their ilk conspiring to stick it to the "big meany" Trump. Her campaign continues because of her being cocky about false numbers derived from people that would never vote for her in the general election. It's time to baley on Haley.
That’s just as ridiculous as making America ‘great’ again – America is currently strong and great.

Like any other Republican, Haley is wrong on the issues; from reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation to culture war wedge issues to immigration and foreign policy.

Voting for a Republican for president is the definition of insanity.
Greetings comrade Clayton, I agree that no such tax cuts should be made so the government can waste as much money as possible. America is very strong, Biden just has to say "don't" to prevent hundreds of attacks on our forces. The culture war thing the pubs are trying to do is like so totally plagiarism! Aside from the copying, we should like so totally waste the rest of our money on other countries too!

In case your feeble mind didn't realize, I was mocking you like the clown you are.
Business is business and she seems to have gotten them to help her in her cause.
And it's big business to fund anti-Trump rhetoric. Nikki amounts to nothing more than a political landmine. Nikki's Democrat donors are hoping Trump with step on that landmine when Nikki WILL be defeated. Nikki will likely go on a temper tantrum upon her inevitable defeat and tell everyone how Trump is a big meany.
Prove Carroll did then

lol , nikki haley once said that trump was sent by god. she also said she would willingly pardon him, AND claims she doesn't know about his rape case.

THAT is the difference between CONsent, & sexual assault.

....you won Donny's appeal.

rumor has it, that donny will not be able to appeal based on his incompetent mouthpiece not objecting to evidence that was presented. there isn't anything in her back pocket to appeal on.

snicker snicker.
lol , nikki haley once said that trump was sent by god. she also said she would willingly pardon him, AND claims she doesn't know about his rape case.

THAT is the difference between CONsent, & sexual assault.

rumor has it, that donny will not be able to appeal based on his incompetent mouthpiece not objecting to evidence that was presented. there isn't anything in her back pocket to appeal on.

snicker snicker.
Still triggered I see.......

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