I like the Catholics, The Jews make me feel really guilty, thank God for my new Spirit adviser

So if you want to live
I am living...and have been almost since the day I was born, certainly since I was a toddler. And, when one has life, one does not back away nor back down. It was through the Catholic faith that I landed in the arms of God and experienced His love. Love is who He is. This experience did not assure me Catholicism is the one true faith. It taught me that God meets us all where we are and takes things from there. He has never taken me from Catholicism, and I feel truly blessed for that.

As far as I know, no one has ever become Catholic because of me. I do know I have been of help for two wishing to become Jews. You might find that ironic, but not me. As I said, God meets us where we are and takes it from there. I am a strong believer in His holy Spirit.
You practice Mithraism, a pagan Roman religious cult popular in the first thru fourth century which mysteriously disappeared when it became known as Catholicism. . No wonder Jewish people make you feel guilty. I heard that Jesus was Jewish, but that's just what I heard.

* Mithra was born on December 25th. Called "Birthday of the Unconquered Sun", it was incorporated into the church in the 4th century AD as the birthday of Christ. Although Jesus was born in October, christians today celebrate Mithra' birthday, believing it was Jesus' birthday.

* Mithra' birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi (wise men) who brought gifts to his sacred birth-cave of the Rock

* He was considered a great travelling teacher and master.

* He had 12 companions or disciples, which in Mithraism were represented by the 12 astrological signs.

* He performed miracles.

* He was buried in a tomb.

* After three days he rose again, but with no witnesses to the event

* His triumph over death and ascension to heaven were celebrated at the Mithran's most important festival, Easter, held at the spring equinox when the sun rises toward its apogee

* Mithra was called "the Good Shepherd."

* He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."

* In the cult's rituals, Mithra was identified with both the Lion and the Lamb.

* His sacred day was Sunday, and was called "the Lord's Day" hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.

* Mithraism had a Eucharist or "Lord's Supper" in which bread was eaten as a symbol of Mithra' body, and wine was drunk as a symbol of the blood shed when Mithra overpowered and killed the bull

* Mithra performed many miracles, including raising the dead, healing the sick, making the blind see and the lame walk, casting out devils.

* Mithra was said to carry keys to the kingdom of heaven.

* Mithra was called the god of light and truth, the god of mediation between god and man. He was to his worshippers The creator of life; The Mediator between man and the higher gods; The God of light; The All-seeing one; The Guardian of oaths (covenants); The Protector of the righteous in this world and also in the next.

* A trinity godhead comprised of Mithra (divine god of truth), Rashnu (divine god of justice, judgement and righteousness), Vohu Manah (divine spirit of enlightenment). These three persons were separate yet they were one.

Before returning to heaven, Mithra was said to have celebrated a Last Supper with followers, who represented the twelve signs of the zodiac. In memory of this, his worshippers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with the Mithran cross of light. This was one of the seven Mithraic sacraments, believed to be the models for the Christians' seven sacraments, which follow them identically. It was called mizd, latin missa, in other words, English mass. Mithra' image was buried in a rock tomb, the same sacred cave that represented his mother's womb. He was withdrawn from it and said to live again.

Mithraism was an ascetic, anti-female religion. Its priesthood consisted of celibate men only.
24,000 written manuscripts say otherwise. :)
Any person whether Catholic, protestant, episcopalian, fundamentalist, evangelical and every other of the 30,000 some odd Christian denominations who perpetuates the evil of worshiping a matzo or a trinity is a member of a pack of wolves or a brood of vipers.
I would argue that anyone who attacks the faith of another is the one who perpetrates evil.
No one can be healed without going through the pain of removing the cause of their disease.

Most people do not have the stones to do it to themselves. What's sad is that you think that you know my frame of mind and intentions.

You neither know where I am coming from nor where I am going.
It's obvious where you are coming from and where you are going. Your attack on the Christian faith is constant and consistent. It's easy to extrapolate it. ;)
God does not show mercy or have compassion for the unrepentant. God is not a human being.

Think of yourself as fortunate that you are having this discussion with me and not God. If you refuse to listen, the subjects and issues raised by me will haunt you on the last day, not to mention the rest of your life living naked in the wilderness teeming with wild beasts east of Eden.
You don't speak for God.
I am living...and have been almost since the day I was born, certainly since I was a toddler. And, when one has life, one does not back away nor back down. It was through the Catholic faith that I landed in the arms of God and experienced His love. Love is who He is. This experience did not assure me Catholicism is the one true faith. It taught me that God meets us all where we are and takes things from there. He has never taken me from Catholicism, and I feel truly blessed for that.

As far as I know, no one has ever become Catholic because of me. I do know I have been of help for two wishing to become Jews. You might find that ironic, but not me. As I said, God meets us where we are and takes it from there. I am a strong believer in His holy Spirit.

Great. I am happy for you. Yet in spite of the many wonderful things that you attribute to your faith, you seem incapable of facing the fact that your faith teaches to openly violate the first command which, if scripture is true, results in death not life.

The fact remains, you worship and eat the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life which can neither see, hear, speak, has no life, and is not God, as a matter of religious devotion.

If you don't believe me snap out of your trance and pay attention at your next mass.

I am sure that you are having a religious experience every time you defy the law of God, it's just not a very good one anymore than dying every sunday is without ever finding peace in death.

You have never seen and do know Jesus nor God... Enjoy your delusions.......
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I would argue that anyone who attacks the faith of another is the one who perpetrates evil.

oh, sure, and where and when do you do your arguing ...


when it suits your own interests. and against the liberation theology the 1st century religious itinerant died for ... christian.
I would argue that anyone who attacks the faith of another is the one who perpetrates evil.

Like Jesus? lol....

I am not attacking Christianity anymore than Jesus was attacking Judaism. I am edifying the lost by showing where right and wrong and judgment lie, something truly evil only to the accursed.

If you feel attacked it is because your own conscience condemns you.......
If you don't believe me snap out of your trance and pay attention at your next mass.
Isaiah comes to mind. Indeed you hear, but you do not understand. You think that pertains to me as I am just as confident it pertains to you.
You have never seen and do know Jesus nor God... Enjoy your delusions.......
I have never seen Jesus. I have never seen God. I said I had an experience, not a delusion. (I mention this as I am sure you wish to keep the Ninth Commandment and not bear false witness?)
Blessed are the pure of mind, for they shall see God.

God is God of the living.....not the dead.

would that not exclude any that fail to reconcile their sins to sin never again ... to be eligible for judgement required for admission to the Everlasting.

one does wonder what sins christians are unable to stop committing - before their time is up ... they'll be waiting quite a while to be "saved".
Blessed are the pure of mind, for they shall see God.
Two thoughts here. What does God look like? What will we see? How will we visualize Him. He commanded us not to try to make any images of Him.

However, the Book of Wisdom (2:23) teaches: For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of His own nature he made him, confirming Genesis 1:26 that God made us in His own image.

Is purity of mind proclaimed so that we might see God in our fellow man? This is what I was taught, and thus far there has been only one person, a young teen, in whom I was not able to see that spark of the Divine. I still pray for him to this day.

Is this how you see God as well? In your fellow human beings?
Never heard of mithra. Sounds like a myth to me based on the life of Jesus Christ, the son of God, who suffered a brutal death to serve as a sacrifice to free mankind of all burdens that make men slaves to wrongdoing.
Sounds like a myth to me based on the life of Jesus Christ,

Given that the first reference to Mithra in Veda dates to 1400 years BEFORE Jesus ... it's much more likely that the story of Jesus is based on the life of Mithra.
Given that the first reference to Mithra in Veda dates to 1400 years BEFORE Jesus ... it's much more likely that the story of Jesus is based on the life of Mithra.
First I've ever heard of such an excuse not to live a Christian life which brought the USA into a life the much hated and banned Christians from the Old World of sin and misery.

I personally think Christianity brought about the best way of life for common, middle calass, every day human beings this world has ever known. Jesus loves me, and I love Him. :thup:
First I've ever heard of such an excuse not to live a Christian life which brought the USA into a life the much hated and banned Christians from the Old World of sin and misery.

I personally think Christianity brought about the best way of life for common, middle calass, every day human beings this world has ever known. Jesus loves me, and I love Him. :thup:

not sure that sentence makes any sense ... oh, and


just ask jeronimo what he thought of christianity in the new world. and your - jesus.

- your certain of the last line, the former anyway.
I would argue that anyone who attacks the faith of another is the one who perpetrates evil.
You must, then, have some clues about the potency of the knowledge that replaces faith. The evil that is within you is to be hopelessly envious of knowledge while living your life reifying faith. Jealousy requires three entities. Only two entities are required for envy.

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