I like the Catholics, The Jews make me feel really guilty, thank God for my new Spirit adviser

Given that the first reference to Mithra in Veda dates to 1400 years BEFORE Jesus ... it's much more likely that the story of Jesus is based on the life of Mithra.
There’s a problem: the island of Yezo (Hokkaido) and Jizu, the Chinese Christ, 250 B.C.
You must, then, have some clues about the potency of the knowledge that replaces faith. The evil that is within you is to be hopelessly envious of knowledge while living your life reifying faith. Jealousy requires three entities. Only two entities are required for envy.
My faith is informed by knowledge.
Like Jesus? lol....

I am not attacking Christianity anymore than Jesus was attacking Judaism. I am edifying the lost by showing where right and wrong and judgment lie, something truly evil only to the accursed.

If you feel attacked it is because your own conscience condemns you.......
My conscience is clear. It's you that condemns me. Over and over again.

You are nothing like Jesus.
Two thoughts here. What does God look like? What will we see? How will we visualize Him. He commanded us not to try to make any images of Him.

However, the Book of Wisdom (2:23) teaches: For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of His own nature he made him, confirming Genesis 1:26 that God made us in His own image.

Is purity of mind proclaimed so that we might see God in our fellow man? This is what I was taught, and thus far there has been only one person, a young teen, in whom I was not able to see that spark of the Divine. I still pray for him to this day.

Is this how you see God as well? In your fellow human beings?

Seeing God is not about anything visual. It is about perceiving him through comprehension of the law, being in accord with his judgments, and seeing his hand intimately involved in human affairs.

Jesus said there were some people standing around listening to him who would not die until they saw the kingdom of God already in full power. That was 2000 years ago. They died. Nebuchadnezzar saw the kingdom of God in power in 600 b.c.e.. If you do not see the kingdom of God already in power, his law already in full force, then you must purify and refine your own mind. I assure you the flaw is not in God. The flaw is not in me. You are the one who can't see.

Occam's razor dear.

If there is something in your eye blinding you to what was visible 2000 years ago try plucking out the obvious. Stop perjuring yourself in the name of God. Stop defying his law. Stop turning to a lifeless matzo for spiritual life. Stop being stupid. The penalty is death. The dead see nothing.

Stop confusing obstinate stupidity with faith or you will never see God. Never is a very long time.

People are like seeds scattered by God all around the earth. He only tends to the ones who are rising above the dirt, the ones that respond to light and water, the ones that are living.

I see God in the living, not the dead.
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You are the one who can't see.
Never a good discussion when one party tells the other what they "really" believe, or what they "really" see or "really" don't see.

When it comes to God and scripture, I feel focusing on what you, as an individual, sees about their own faith is enlightening.

Telling me what you think I "really" believe about my faith puts us into a territory of your understanding not anywhere close to my understanding. It also shows that you haven't a clue about my own personal beliefs.

It's like someone discussing bowling when the other is discussing football--a waste of time for both.
Never a good discussion when one party tells the other what they "really" believe, or what they "really" see or "really" don't see.

When it comes to God and scripture, I feel focusing on what you, as an individual, sees about their own faith is enlightening.

Telling me what you think I "really" believe about my faith puts us into a territory of your understanding not anywhere close to my understanding. It also shows that you haven't a clue about my own personal beliefs.

It's like someone discussing bowling when the other is discussing football--a waste of time for both.

I was just responding to you saying that you have never seen God. Did you lie? Based on what you said I was thinking that you might want to know what has been preventing that. My mistake.

I didn't tell you what you believe I told you what scripture teaches. Scripture teaches one thing or another.

Turning to the lifeless work of human hands for spiritual life results in a curse, the death. Insanity. If you don't believe me, you can look it up.

Yours and my 'beliefs' are irrelevant. It's about truth. Facts. You "believe" that you worship God at mass. I see you on your knees worshipping something made by human hands that is not God.

You do this. I don't. You have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire catholic life.

Do the math.
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You have never seen or heard a single word from God in your entire catholic life.
Ah. Once again you telling me what I have "really" seen/heard, completely unaware of the reality.

It is quite possible it is you who cannot see, hear, or perceive God via the Catholic faith. And that's fine if you can see, hear, and perceive Him in another place.
Ah. Once again you telling me what I have "really" seen/heard, completely unaware of the reality.

It is quite possible it is you who cannot see, hear, or perceive God via the Catholic faith. And that's fine if you can see, hear, and perceive Him in another place.

Ahem. No. If scripture is true then it is impossible for any practicing catholic to perceive God. God does not reward idolatry with anything other than death, and so, you have your reward already.

And what you profess to believe is irrelevant if you find yourself on your knees in the deranged adoration of a matzo that some clown told you was the body of Christ, the source of spiritual life.

Are you completely unaware of the fact that according to scripture, what your church teaches is the very word of God, such a practice, to worship the work of human hands, is vile and degrading in the sight of God and forbidden by Divine Law under penalty of death.

Do you think that just because your body is still alive and flailing about that you are not dead, under a curse, and somehow have escaped the hand of God?

Do you think that just because Jesus was tortured and crucified by the Romans you can violate the law of God with impunity??

Are you really that gullible?

Didn't you ever read the story of Adam and Eve? Never learned the lessons of the past?

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Are you really that gullible?
I will let you decide.

Scripture commands us to love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, our entire being. Here love is defined as action, not simply emotion.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (upon opening his wife's coffin after she had been dead for a year: The first and last lesson of religion: the things that are seen are temporal; the things that are unseen are eternal.

Perhaps you are familiar with the statement (based on Isaiah 45:15): Truly you are a hiding God.

I know you do not believe Jesus was of God, let alone one with Him. One God, who Is a truly hiding God. But in our communion, you see solely--and merely--a Matzo. You do see what is temporal, but you do not see what is eternal. You do not see or perceive a hiding God or His hidden communion with those who love Him.

We do perceive it, even despite your own disbelief and contempt.

A bit of wisdom from the Orient: Offer your guest a flower petal. If he shows no interest, he will have no interest in seeing the entire garden. That is you and I. You have no interest in the Eucharist....And I have no interest in your contempt and bashing of it. Let's choose something else to discuss.
Scripture commands us

You cannot demonstrate love for God by doing the exact opposite of what he commanded.

Worshiping the work of human hands is a desecration of the teaching of Jesus, the Actual Body of Christ. Worshiping a trinity is an open demonstration of pure hatred for he who truly is God.

But in our communion

The true nature of God is hidden in the words spoken, the words used in the law, that strange language of the prophets that Jesus used and spoke of. Being in communion with God is about conforming to his codified instruction. It has nothing whatever to do with eating bread. If you are not in communion with that teaching, you are not in communion with God. Obviously you are not.

Manna from heaven is a metaphor for the word of God, teaching from heaven. This bread from heaven became the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for teaching from God.

As Jesus said, "How can you fail to see that I was not speaking about bread" when he was talking about the teaching of the pharisees. Bread = teaching in that strange figurative language.

You cannot be in communion with God by defying his command to not bow down and worship the lifeless work of human hands, even a tasteless matzo.

You are under a delusion.

We do perceive it

How many of you are there?
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You cannot love demonstrate love for God by doing the exact opposite of what he commanded.
Shrug. And here we are at a standstill. You say He made no such command; Catholics say He did. I know following the Command as I do has been a great blessing to me, more that can be said.
Shrug. And here we are at a standstill. You say He made no such command; Catholics say He did. I know following the Command as I do has been a great blessing to me, more that can be said.
LIAR. Now who's bearing false witness?

I do say that Jesus commanded people to eat his flesh and drink his blood, just like you.

Where you and I differ is in how that command is interpreted and followed. I say to eat his flesh and drink his blood is to internalize his teaching, and do it. The body of Christ consists of words that form the body of the teaching of Jesus, teaching that Jesus received from God like manna from heaven, the food of angels. You say its a matzo made by human hands that can neither see, hear, speak words, has no life, and is not God. DUH. derp, Derp, DERP.

It's the difference between life and death.

If you are content with your absurd beliefs, then I am happy for you.
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If you act like a swine in my thread towards all my Catholic friends you get ignored (no casting pearls here heathen ) move along.......lol:
You practice Mithraism, a pagan Roman religious cult popular in the first thru fourth century which mysteriously disappeared when it became known as Catholicism. . No wonder Jewish people make you feel guilty. I heard that Jesus was Jewish, but that's just what I heard.

never heard Jesus was born in October.. have heard he was born in the early spring

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