I like the Catholics, The Jews make me feel really guilty, thank God for my new Spirit adviser

If you act like a swine in my thread towards all my Catholic friends you get ignored (no casting pearls here heathen ) move along.......lol:

is there an example you had in mind, or just being a rittenhouse - howabout your jewish friends ... or maybe the liberation theologist's.

If any of those groups of people you mentioned act like swine (lol) toward my Catholic friends in a specifically catholic topic thread you will be on ignore for me. I hope this clarifies it.

If any of those groups of people you mentioned act like swine (lol) toward my Catholic friends in a specifically catholic topic thread you will be on ignore for me. I hope this clarifies it.
is there an example you had in mind,

as in the same for them -The Jews make me feel really guilty - sortof an odd inclusion were they also meant to bend their knees for your comfort level.

just wondering, who's your new spiritual adviser ...
BreezeWood what's wrong ? Do you want to pray the rosary with me?

better not to sin than acquiesce w/ prayer ...


just wondering if the guy holding the cross might by chance be your new spiritual adviser ... asking for a friend.
The command was given in the New Testament. And, no, I am not bewildered. I am quite certain.

As I said I do believe that Jesus commanded followers to eat his flesh and drink his blood without which no one can have life in them, eternal life in the sanctuary of God while still living on earth as promised by God for compliance with the instruction of Divine Law.

You profess to believe that Jesus meant for followers to worship and eat a trinity in the form of a lifeless matzo made by human hands to be worthy of eternal life (after you die) which amounts to idolatry and teaching this abomination that causes desolation to others amounts to intentional murder. Clear irrefutable and inexcusable violations of Divine Law. Maybe bewildered isn't the right word.

I say the command to "eat my flesh" is a direct reference to kosher law which reveals that the hidden subject of kosher law, the flesh of Jesus, hidden manna from the hidden God, is about teaching whether clean or unclean, the described animals, cattle, swine, dogs, bottom feeders, etc. are metaphors for human archetypes. Unless you receive this teaching and do it you cannot cannot have the life promised for complying with the Law in you even if you ate all of the eucharists in the world.

You are just wrong. This teaching from God came into the world through Jesus. Words from God cannot be made by human hands or handed out and eaten like a cheap snack food. Derp.

Your problem is that your church also taught you to 'believe' that any rational and logical objection to the absurdity of their professed beliefs and practices are a satanic attack from the devil himself whether those objections arise in your own mind or come from others. This effectively turns your mind against itself and isolates you from anyone with the integrity to alert you to your errors preventing any possibility of you escaping from your hell or ever noticing that the real devils are the ones who beguiled you into becoming and remaining Catholic.

The Church of Rome has misled you using the power of death consequent to defying the Law of God to enslave you. You have been fooled, conned out of control of your own mind, life, and cash.

Is that too hard for a believer in Jesus to believe?
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Is that so hard for a believer to believe?
It is when all through the years it has brought to me such a peaceful, rich, and amazing spiritual life. It has also been with me in everyday life. I am joyful, content.

The jews who make me feel guilty are my ancestors the Jacobs and Rosenows in my family history. I clarified that in one of these threads. :lol:
It is when all through the years it has brought to me such a peaceful, rich, and amazing spiritual life. It has also been with me in everyday life. I am joyful, content.

I understand. Thinking of baby Jesus on Christmas, God in diapers, is a strong maudlin delusion.

Some of the best times of my life were spent in hell running around with the wild beasts of the field or celebrating religious holidays with family. God really isn't into torture or such a meanie. Jesus came so that you and I can have a more perfect experience of life in the presence of the living God with beliefs that conform to and are confirmed by reality.

I believe what I have told you because I have experienced the passing from death in hell to eternal life with God here and now and I didn't even have to die, get down on my knees, worship anything, pay some conman 10% of my income for life , or wait till the end of time.

It's pleasing to the eye, good to eat, verifiable, and free.

Nothing that your church or beliefs offer can compete with that.
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Some of the best times of my life were spent in hell. God really isn't into torture or such a meanie. Jesus came so that you and I can have a more perfect experience of life in the presence of the living God with beliefs that conform to and are confirmed by reality.
I am sorry you spent time in hell; never had the opportunity myself. What I have lived through is some of the pain and sorrows in this life, and with the guidance of a living and loving God, I have been blessed along side those dark valleys.
I believe because I have experienced the passing from death in hell to eternal life with God here and now and I didn't even have to die or wait till the end of time..
I, too, am on the Way of Eternal Life, have been for decades. I am happy to be in your company.
I am sorry you spent time in hell; never had the opportunity myself.

I hate to break the news to you sister, but in the very day that you first got down on your knees decades ago in deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo made by human hands, you died and descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you remain to this day tormented day and night by reality which , like a consuming fire, will never go out.
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It was the teachings of the Catholic Church that I am almost certain put me there ahead of you. But we're together now. :)

I am not on the way to anything. I received the teaching of Jesus and so I always do exactly as God commands. I have already passed from death to life. You defy the law of God by worshipping the eucharist. You have chosen death. I have chosen life.

Like you, I have my reward already.
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You have chosen death. I have chosen life.
We may not be as close as I thought. You speak of condemnation whereas I speak redemption. You speak of despair whereas I speak of joy.

Do you wish to tell me what the Catholic Church has done to you personally?
We may not be as close as I thought. You speak of condemnation whereas I speak redemption. You speak of despair whereas I speak of joy.

Do you wish to tell me what the Catholic Church has done to you personally?

God gave the law as instruction for human beings, very absurd creatures, to help them 6000 years before they had developed enough intelligence to seek answers from aliens on voyager..

According to scripture, there is no redemption for the unrepentant. If scripture is true, God condemns you, the blood of Jesus condemns you, the apostles and martyrs condemn you.

Not me. I have gagged and hogtied the devil giving a multitude an opportunity to escape hell.

The only thing the church did to me personally was to try and trick me at 8 years old, the age of reason, into doing the exact thing they had already taught me would result in death and hades. Didn't work. My parents always told me to pay attention. I did. At my first and last confession I told the priest that I had not sinned. He called me a liar. I told him fuck you. And that was that.

That being said one of my favorite people in life was my spiritual advisor, a Jesuit Priest who had the balls at 74 to research my revelation that the wine and blood ceremony was a curse. His love for Jesus and dedication to the truth was impeccable. To his credit he gave up on blind faith in the ridiculous, became a believer, and finally saw Jesus face to face (so to speak) before he died.
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The jews who make me feel guilty are my ancestors the Jacobs and Rosenows in my family history. I clarified that in one of these threads. :lol:

is that their dissents today are influencing your life, how else could you be made to feel guilty by your ancestors, sure that could be possible ... somehow, maybe - and those that think they are chosen really do have nervey mentalities however they may sound otherwise.

all three desert religions abandoned the prescribed religion of antiquity for their own nefarious self interests.

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