I like the Catholics, The Jews make me feel really guilty, thank God for my new Spirit adviser

Mithra is much older.
There are different theories. Some dispute that the original sect was of Persian origin. To me it does seem likely that wherever the origin, it was brought back to Rome by Roman soldiers.
I know you have a beef with Catholicism--you have never hidden that in all the time I have been here. You do Mithra a great disservice in trying to drag him into Catholicism. That is what bugs me. He deserves his own unique place in history. You are welcome to slam Catholics and Catholicism--just don't bring Mithra and other early religions into your quagmire of contempt and hate.

Screw you. It was a secret cult of the military and the Roman government. Pagans incorporated many rituals and beliefs about mithras into your religion which effectively preserved their pagan beliefs and rendered Christianity and the teachings of Jesus null and void, buried under a mountain of blasphemy.

I didn't drag mithras into Catholicism, superstitious Romans ignorant of figurative language used in scripture by Jewish authors did in 325 c.e.

Enjoy your own quagmire of lies and contempt for the truth.


Mithraism was a mystery cult that developed in the Roman empire. David Fingrut wrote: “The worshippers of Mithras held strong beliefs in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell. They believed that the benevolent powers of the god would sympathize with their suffering and grant them the final justice of immortality and eternal salvation in the world to come. They looked forward to a final day of judgement in which the dead would resurrect, and to a final conflict that would destroy the existing order of all things to bring about the triumph of light over darkness. [Source: David Fingrut in conjunction with a high-school course at Toronto's SEED Alternative School, 1993, based largely on the work of Franz Cumont (1868-1947) */*]

“Purification through a ritualistic baptism was required of the faithful, who also took part in a ceremony in which they drank wine and ate bread to symbolize the body and blood of the god. Sundays were held sacred, and the birth of the god was celebrated annually on December the 25th. After the earthly mission of this god had been accomplished, he took part in a Last Supper with his companions before ascending to heaven, to forever protect the faithful from above. */*

There are different theories. Some dispute that the original sect was of Persian origin. To me it does seem likely that wherever the origin, it was brought back to Rome by Roman soldiers.
BTW did someone teach you when you were a child and do you teach children now to memorize the ten commandments and then instruct them that to become a good Catholic they must worship the lifeless work of human hands and eat it for spiritual life ??
By the way, we don't need to go into either again. I am content reading primary sources on Mithra. No need to go down a rabbit hole discussing the Eucharist with fervent non-believers. These things always work better when we welcome others to share the beliefs without the need to tell them what they "really" believe. Peace.
By the way, we don't need to go into either again. I am content reading primary sources on Mithra. No need to go down a rabbit hole discussing the Eucharist with fervent non-believers. These things always work better when we welcome others to share the beliefs without the need to tell them what they "really" believe. Peace.

Right. I'll take that as a confession.

And there is no rabbit hole to go down into unless you go running from the truth into one. The matter is simple. What did Jesus mean by saying 'eat my flesh'.

My belief is that it is receiving the words that form the body of Jesus' teaching from God, specifically, that the words used in the law are figurative, the subjects hidden. This teaching, bread from heaven that became the flesh of Jesus, is the Actual Body of Christ. To eat his flesh is to internalize that teaching. To drink his blood is to conform to the law, to fulfill the laws demands, in light of that revelation. If you do not eat his flesh and drink his blood, if you do not have that teaching in you, and act on it, you cannot have the life promised for compliance to the law in you. Life is in the blood, in the doing. Simple. I always do exactly as God commands. It's easy.

See? I'm a fervent believer. Praise God! Thank you Jesus! Amen!, Hallelujah!, and all that shit.

Everyone already knows what you profess to believe and teach children to believe about the body of Christ being a lifeless matzo,made by human hands, that you worship and eat for spiritual life. What you claim is the way to eternal life is, in actuality, a curse, the way that leads to destruction. To seek spiritual life from the work of human hands is an abomination that causes desolation.

This is the truth. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin but because you say, "We see", your guilt remains.

In other words, your sins are not forgiven. STFU and go back to hell if you are just going to lie.

No peace for you!
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Everyone already knows
Apparently they do not...

In any case, what are pearls to some may not be valued by others. What I do know and have experienced is that God is pure love. He loves you, He loves me, He loves all. That is what we are given to pass on to others. Love.
Apparently they do not...

In any case, what are pearls to some may not be valued by others. What I do know and have experienced is that God is pure love. He loves you, He loves me, He loves all. That is what we are given to pass on to others. Love.

no, you pass onto others a book of forgeries and fallacies that has been used for centuries to persecute and victimize the innocent the same as what was done to the legacy of the 1st century main character the c bible deliberately misconstrues for its own purposes.

1st century events were the reaffirmation of the religion of antiquity, liberation theology - no where to be found in 4th century christianity.
Apparently they do not...

In any case, what are pearls to some may not be valued by others. What I do know and have experienced is that God is pure love. He loves you, He loves me, He loves all. That is what we are given to pass on to others. Love.

Love? Sure, and situations necessarily dictate how that love is expressed. Jesus who said "love your enemy" upbraided his enemies daily, calling them hypocrites, actors and lying frauds and asked how they expected to escape the condemnation of the hell that they were already in.

You brazenly violate the law of God as a religious expression of your love for and devotion to him, teach others to do the same, and so you died, decades ago, and descended into the realm of the dead. You have your reward already. Death and Hades. Just like they taught you when you were a child, the wages of sin., etc. I paid attention. Apparently you didn't. Now what's your excuse?

How do you expect to escape the condemnation of the hell that you are already in if not by repenting for the mortal sins that you have been made aware of? Obstinance? More matzos?

Just curious.
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Jesus healed people he didn't just call people out. He hung around people who weren't perfect. He went for the lost sheep. I think we should focus on just loving our neighbors and praying for them and ourselves. We need to give compassion to each other now more than ever. Look at this world condition ugh.
Jesus healed people he didn't just call people out. He hung around people who weren't perfect. He went for the lost sheep. I think we should focus on just loving our neighbors and praying for them and ourselves. We need to give compassion to each other now more than ever. Look at this world condition ugh.

Jesus preached truth to the dead. Those who listened to him rose from their graves. It was their faith in the revealed truth, and acting on it, that healed them.

Those who didn't listen to him were not healed and did not rise from the dead. Whoop di doo.

Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He spoke of bringing together another flock in the future consisting of people from every nation on earth. Guess what time it is?

If Jesus did not call people out no one would have been healed. The sheep would never have been separated from the goats, healed, or saved.

Love does not coddle evil, ever. If you seek eternal life learn this and then do it.

If you really just want to exchange your birthright as an individual that reflects the image and likeness of of Holy God only to become a shapeless 'we' or 'us' in a herd of swine that worships a nonexistent edible mangod, by all means, go for it.. Shit or get off the pot. There is no in between.

If you do you will be separated from God and eating all the eucharists in the world won't save you.

Crying won't help and prayer will do you no good.
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Jesus preached truth to the dead. Those who listened to him rose from their graves. It was their faith in the revealed truth, and acting on it, that healed them.

Those who didn't listen to him were not healed and did not rise from the dead. Whoop di doo.

Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He spoke of bringing together another flock in the future consisting of people from every nation on earth. Guess what time it is?

If Jesus did not call people out no one would have been healed. The sheep would never have been separated from the goats, healed, or saved.

Love does not coddle evil, ever. If you seek eternal life learn this and then do it.

If you really want to exchange your birthright as an individual that reflects the image and likeness of of Holy God only to become a shapeless 'we' or 'us' in a herd of swine that worships a nonexistent edible mangod, by all means, go for it.. Shit or get off the pot. There is no in between.

If you do you will be separated from God and eating all the eucharists in the world won't save you.

Crying won't help and prayer will do you no good.
He loved everyone and he saved lost sheep. I feel Jesus healed and cast out evil and his love saved and healed people. Plain and simple Love doesn't hate. Love doesn't fear either. Your posts seem like you are angry for some reason and I don't know why you should be if someone is loving God.

God knows everyone's heart and you and I, "we "don't know everyone's heart or what they are going through or how God is guiding them or using them for a purpose we are just ourselves how God made us and we do our best when we stay in Gods will for us and not our own will.

We have enough to worry about than trying to police someone else's prayer or faith. People discern and understand to the best of their ability. It's better to pray for them and let God unfold their plan.

What I meant about Jesus is that he may have as you say "called out" sin but he coupled it with healing. So that's where compassion, mercy, and prayer come in. You call out evil cast it out heals it, you don't just call sin out and leave sin where it is. what is the point of that if not to heal and show mercy?
He loved everyone and he saved lost sheep. I feel Jesus healed and cast out evil and his love saved and healed people. Plain and simple Love doesn't hate. Love doesn't fear either. Your posts seem like you are angry for some reason and I don't know why you should be if someone is loving God.

God knows everyone's heart and you and I, "we "don't know everyone's heart or what they are going through or how God is guiding them or using them for a purpose we are just ourselves how God made us and we do our best when we stay in Gods will for us and not our own will.

We have enough to worry about than trying to police someone else's prayer or faith. People discern and understand to the best of their ability. It's better to pray for them and let God unfold their plan.

What I meant about Jesus is that he may have as you say "called out" sin but he coupled it with healing. So that's where compassion, mercy, and prayer come in. You call out evil cast it out heals it, you don't just call sin out and leave sin where it is. what is the point of that if not to heal and show mercy?

God does not show mercy or have compassion for the unrepentant. God is not a human being.

Think of yourself as fortunate that you are having this discussion with me and not God. If you refuse to listen, the subjects and issues raised by me will haunt you on the last day, not to mention the rest of your life living naked in the wilderness teeming with wild beasts east of Eden.
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God does not show mercy or have compassion for the unrepentant. God is not a human being.

Think of yourself as fortunate that you are having this discussion with me and not God. If you refuse to listen, the subjects and issues raised by me will haunt you on the last day.

I do feel fortunate, and I am sorry you feel the need to judge people for God's sake without following up in mercy compassion, and intention to heal them. That's really sad to be in such a frame of mind.

Moving on we understand each other's perspectives.
I do feel fortunate, and I am sorry you feel the need to judge people for God's sake without following up in mercy compassion, and intention to heal them. That's really sad to be in such a frame of mind.

Moving on we understand each other's perspectives.

No one can be healed without going through the pain of removing the cause of their disease.

Most people do not have the stones to do it to themselves. What's sad is that you think that you know my frame of mind and intentions.

You neither know where I am coming from nor where I am going.
No one can be healed without going through the pain of removing the cause of their disease.

Most people do not have the stones to do it to themselves. What's sad is that you think that you know my frame of mind and intentions.

You do not know where I am coming from nor where I am going.

Well, you can believe your opinions and I will continue praying and doing my own work and have my own relationship with God. In the meantime, I don't think there is anything new in this conversation with you. You've made yourself clear where you stand.
If Jesus did not call people out no one would have been healed. The sheep would never have been separated from the goats, healed, or saved.

Love does not coddle evil, ever. If you seek eternal life learn this and then do it.
A good shepherd uses the rod to direct and redirect the sheep. Spare the rod and the sheep might go off a cliff and break a leg. A good shepherd does not allow evil in his flock. The evil does not come from the sheep, but from wolves. It is good to use the rod to drive the wolves away from the flock, but in the end, they double down, planning the next approach, the next attack.

We see this evil in the story of Pharaoh. His evil towards the Jews showed him not to be one of that flock. He was driven back, but it only served to harden his heart to remain the wolf he was.

The same here with you and me. In this particular case, the Catholic flock I belong to are the sheep, and you play the part of the wolf. You rush in to attack your perception of Catholic belief. You will not listen to who and what we truly are, any more than a wolf listens to the shepherd explaining that sheep serve a greater purpose than being a meal for wolves.

In another scenario, your community might very well have the role of the sheep/shepherds and a Catholic might take on the role of the wolf. I am just not seeing that here in this thread. If you do, I would be interested in your own perspective.
In another scenario, your community might very well have the role of the sheep/shepherds and a Catholic might take on the role of the wolf. I am just not seeing that here in this thread. If you do, I would be interested in your own perspective.

Any person whether Catholic, protestant, episcopalian, fundamentalist, evangelical and every other of the 30,000 some odd Christian denominations who perpetuates the evil of worshiping a matzo or a trinity is a member of a pack of wolves or a brood of vipers.

Every convert who is misled into worshiping a trinity amounts to a victim of intentional murder in the eyes of God, Moses, Jesus, his disciples, and all of the prophets.

And as you know "Satan was a murderer from the beginning." according to Jesus. A direct reference to the talking serpent in the garden of Eden who caused the demise of Adam and Eve by beguiling them into setting aside the command of God knowing it was wrong and would result in their death.

Similarly you were taught the ten commandments, do this, don't do that under penalty of death, and then was, by a demon, devil, wolf, a pack of wolves, or a direct descendant of that talking serpent of old, beguiled intimidated and manipulated into setting aside the first command and turning to the lifeless work of human hands, and teaching others to do the same, believing the lie that by disobeying God you would receive eternal life and not death as clearly stated by God..

If you are someone who teaches many people to practice idolatry then you are a serial murderer.

There really is no excuse or alibi, no rationale or claim of belief, no religious hocus pocus that will absolve you of your deliberate sins except by you bearing fruit worthy of repentance.

So if you want to live, off you go. You have lots of work to do and undo.
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