I love how Trump is attacking our media and the Democrats in front of Romanian President, Iohannis.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
At the White House rose garden, with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis at his side for a press conference, it was truly great to see Trump do a few attacks on the Democrats and their mouthpieces - the mainstream media all while Iohannis was standing just a few feet away from Trump.

Thank you Mr. President for the attacks on the Democrats and their whores in the media, your timing was perfect, and your attacks on them were completely justified. What is best is Iohannis got to see just how agenda driven and pathetic the Democrats' puppets in the media are.
Its fun watching the circus that is the Trump presidency…. It’s almost as funny as VEEP except VEEP had to have some tie to reality. Trump makes reality up as he goes along.
Its fun watching the circus that is the Trump presidency…. It’s almost as funny as VEEP except VEEP had to have some tie to reality. Trump makes reality up as he goes along.

Coming from some loon from the left like you "making stuff up" is hilarious.

See Comey's testimony on the Slimes and WAPO
the abc guy almost said "fair and balanced"... heh.

Trump has slayed the media monster, i've waited a long time for this. :cool:
The best part was the reporter who asked the Romanian if nations paying into NATO was "fair" then the Romanian spanked him.

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