I love my home. Does Obama love his?


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
You know, the home we own and let him live in. ... It would seem not. Once again we see him with feet all over the priceless historical furniture in the White House:


Obama makes statement on Boston bombings ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

This is not something new. He does it all the time:


This guy is a fucking pig. Was he born in a barn or what?
Price of Desk: 1200 dollars

Price of Bush Presidency: 12 trillion dollars, a million lives.

No piece of furniture from the oval office is a mere $1200. And this is not about Bush. Bush and his family at least didn't live like a bunch of ghetto pigs while in the house owned by Americans and given to them to live in.
Didn't you get the memo that you're supposed to pretend racism isn't driving your hatred of Obama?

Where is Affirmative Action for historic furniture preservation? There is nothing racist about calling a clod and a bounder a clod and a bounder. Or does he get a pass because he is black? Now that would be racist, racist.
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have you ever seen a picture of bush with his foot on the foot of an office chair?

did you notice the picture you posted only shows that?
Oh I see the other ones too.

wow now your ready to impeach for him putting his feet on a coffee table
You know, the home we own and let him live in. ... It would seem not. Once again we see him with feet all over the priceless historical furniture in the White House:


Obama makes statement on Boston bombings ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

This is not something new. He does it all the time:


This guy is a fucking pig. Was he born in a barn or what?

While I will not stoop to digging them up myself, you DO know there are tons of pics out there of other Presidents with their feet up, right?
You know, the home we own and let him live in. ... It would seem not. Once again we see him with feet all over the priceless historical furniture in the White House:


Obama makes statement on Boston bombings ? CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

This is not something new. He does it all the time:


This guy is a fucking pig. Was he born in a barn or what?

While I will not stoop to digging them up myself, you DO know there are tons of pics out there of other Presidents with their feet up, right?

Pics or you are lying. As usual.
I wonder if its OK to do this while not being black in the ops mind

What does black have to do with it? Are you saying he gets a pass because he is black and should be held to a lower standard? Of course you are. You racist bitch.

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