I love my home. Does Obama love his?



I hear that fucker FDR cut a hole in it to accommodate his wheelchair.

Actually, I think that is a lovely picture. I remember when it was first published. And I can't think of any damage that little boy did to it. I think John John, raised by Jackie, became a spectacular person. Too bad he had to satisfy the Kennedy clan with the law school thing before he could be his own person. He was intelligent and creative beyond words.

Of course it is the libs who jumped on this thread as being about race. Of course they would. They see all blacks as inferior and in need of their 'help.' Sadly. And many of my black friends think all that 'help' is the worst thing that ever happened to them because, even if they did it on their own, few believe they actually did.

Another boozin' Irishman disrepecting the furniture.

When will this madness end?

Price of Desk: 1200 dollars

Price of Bush Presidency: 12 trillion dollars, a million lives.

If that desk was brand spanking new, it would cost $15,000. However, it's an historical artifact. As such, its worth is in the millions.


I hear that fucker FDR cut a hole in it to accommodate his wheelchair.

Actually, I think that is a lovely picture. I remember when it was first published. And I can't think of any damage that little boy did to it. I think John John, raised by Jackie, became a spectacular person. Too bad he had to satisfy the Kennedy clan with the law school thing before he could be his own person. He was intelligent and creative beyond words.

Of course it is the libs who jumped on this thread as being about race. Of course they would. They see all blacks as inferior and in need of their 'help.' Sadly. And many of my black friends think all that 'help' is the worst thing that ever happened to them because, even if they did it on their own, few believe they actually did.
I think it's a lovely picture, too. But more to the point, are you going to call those white presidents ghetto pigs?
I'm sitting at home with my feet on my desk right now....shoot me, impeach me, call me names...there they are, right there on the desk my parents handed down to me from my grandmother's grandmother's grandmother. Do with me as you see fit seeing as I'm clearly ghetto trailer trash.
OK, well I'll be at work today while you welfare qeens are here posting. When I come back, I expect to see ALL the posts I have ever made on this or any other forum in support of Georg Bush or Gerald Ford.

And FWIW: I have to agree with the person who said Mondo is Catz. I knew if any thread would draw out that one, this one would. And it did. But she will forget the proxy server one day. Just wait and see.
OK, well I'll be at work today while you welfare qeens are here posting. When I come back, I expect to see ALL the posts I have ever made on this or any other forum in support of Georg Bush or Gerald Ford.

And FWIW: I have to agree with the person who said Mondo is Catz. I knew if any thread would draw out that one, this one would. And it did. But she will forget the proxy server one day. Just wait and see.

Just remember to wipe your feet when you get back
OK, well I'll be at work today while you welfare qeens are here posting. When I come back, I expect to see ALL the posts I have ever made on this or any other forum in support of Georg Bush or Gerald Ford.

And FWIW: I have to agree with the person who said Mondo is Catz. I knew if any thread would draw out that one, this one would. And it did. But she will forget the proxy server one day. Just wait and see.

So this "catz" person called out stupid shit, too?

Look at all these white guys doing what you just hated on Obama for doing

Obama has plenty of things to hate about him besides his skin color. The fact that is is a clod and and a bounder are two of hem and are the topics of this thread. And you in your cannabis soaked stupor cannot seem to discernt that. Go back to bed and sleep it off. Or go eat a whole pot roast or something. The protein might wake you up, dumbass.

It says oh so much more about those who look at this behavior and extrapolate that he does this because he is black and therefore criticizing it is racist.......which you and others have done.

So, you admit that you hate his skin color.
OK, well I'll be at work today while you welfare qeens are here posting. When I come back, I expect to see ALL the posts I have ever made on this or any other forum in support of Georg Bush or Gerald Ford.

And FWIW: I have to agree with the person who said Mondo is Catz. I knew if any thread would draw out that one, this one would. And it did. But she will forget the proxy server one day. Just wait and see.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Look at all these white guys doing what you just hated on Obama for doing

Obama has plenty of things to hate about him besides his skin color. The fact that is is a clod and and a bounder are two of hem and are the topics of this thread. And you in your cannabis soaked stupor cannot seem to discernt that. Go back to bed and sleep it off. Or go eat a whole pot roast or something. The protein might wake you up, dumbass.

It says oh so much more about those who look at this behavior and extrapolate that he does this because he is black and therefore criticizing it is racist.......which you and others have done.

so your not mad at Bush or Ford for putting their feet on the desk But Obama cant?

you have outed yourself yet again.

you clearly said you hate him for his skin color ALSO you fool

racists sometimes out them selves without realizing it.

Just like sunshine here
OK, well I'll be at work today while you welfare qeens are here posting. When I come back, I expect to see ALL the posts I have ever made on this or any other forum in support of Georg Bush or Gerald Ford.

And FWIW: I have to agree with the person who said Mondo is Catz. I knew if any thread would draw out that one, this one would. And it did. But she will forget the proxy server one day. Just wait and see.

So this "catz" person called out stupid shit, too?
Yep. Which is why Sunshine has a bug up her butt about her. :eek:
Nashville sucks. SOOO glad I left that city - way too conservative and red and the drivers are absolute imbeciles. And you're one of those judgemental, big-haired, marble-mouthed "mega church-goin'" closet racists I had SO MUCH fun working with, aren't you? You know, since we're throwing stereotypes around... I KNOW where the "ghetto" is in Nashville. I drove downtown on 8th Avenue every day and on through Germantown to get to work. I also lived in East Nashville back in the 90's before it was gentrified. You're not being honest by a long shot. The majority of the people who live in those locations are, indeed, black. Just own it.
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