I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong

The evidence is overwhelming. Let's vote to impeach.

Later in the senate:

We need more evidence because we don't have enough.

That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Yes I can. EVERY president we've had has blocked congress from shit they wanted. Executive Privilege. Look it up. They could have gone to court and the court decides what witnesses/documents Trump's administration has to give up. But they're in a fucking hurry because ELECTION! If he gets elected, they know they are fucked for another 4 years.

They said the evidence was OVERWHELMING. Why would they need more. Look up the definition of OVERWHELM. I posted it above. Go read it. They impeached him based on the evidence they gathered. That should be MORE than enough. They are looking for discovery in a trial. They should have done all of the discovery in the inquiry in the house. That's ass backwards and it's only because more shit keeps coming forward. Kinda like the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing. Dribble, dribble, dribble. They figured they could get around the courts by having the Senate do the job of the house and that's BULLSHIT.

Don't be fooled so easily. Look at it objectively.

Trump wasn't even allowed to defend himself in the House Impeachment Inquiry. Why should he give up anyFUCKINGthing.

Would you participate in your own impeachment if YOU couldn't defend yourself?
You’ve got to be joking!! Yes all presidents invoke privilege, as they should, but none have even come close to what Trump is doing. We aren’t talking about private strategy meetings or national security issues. We are talking about state department business, transcripts, complaints made by staffers to attornens and a slew of other relevant pieces to this situation.


Don't be duped. There is a process to get relevant data. You have to use the court system. That's the way it works and for good reason. Otherwise the only branch of Government that would count is Congress. They would (and they often do) abuse the subpoena process.

Wake the fuck up.
Don't be duped. There is a process to get relevant data. You have to use the court system. That's the way it works and for good reason. Otherwise the only branch of Government that would count is Congress. They would (and they often do) abuse the subpoena process.

Wake the fuck up.

The House has the sole power of impeachment.
The Senate has the sole power to try the case.
Nowhere does the judiciary have authority over either.

You should take your own advice, super duper.

The case isn't "tried" in the senate. The trial was in the impeachment process in the house. The impeachment goes to the senate for the senators to act as judges and pass judgment either for or against removal. Go read up on some stuff, please. And it's not a TRIAL, it's an impeachment process with the house and senate having designated roles.

If the president claims executive privilege for subpoenas from the house it goes to the court. We have three branches. Count them. One, two, three. All other presidents have claimed EP in the past (every fucking one of them back to Washington) and it always goes to the court for a decision on whether or not they have to comply.\

Fuck, you think we live in a democratic democracy. You have a long way to go. Please start by hitting the books on the federalist papers if you don't want to look foolish.
I agree that the Dems messed up emphasizing the “political interest”point. It’s very hard to prove intent, even when it’s obvious. There should be a process to follow when working with foreign countries to investigate political rivals. If that system isn’t in place then it needs to be set up. If it is in place and Trump didn’t follow it then he should be held accountable. He held up funds to progress this investigation agenda, that was deemed illegal. He used his personal attorney instead of regular channels to pursue his agenda, there could be something wrong there too. And he’s blocked information and spread false narratives in the aftermath which is not OK. There’s a lot of crap there

Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious
I agree that the Dems messed up emphasizing the “political interest”point. It’s very hard to prove intent, even when it’s obvious. There should be a process to follow when working with foreign countries to investigate political rivals. If that system isn’t in place then it needs to be set up. If it is in place and Trump didn’t follow it then he should be held accountable. He held up funds to progress this investigation agenda, that was deemed illegal. He used his personal attorney instead of regular channels to pursue his agenda, there could be something wrong there too. And he’s blocked information and spread false narratives in the aftermath which is not OK. There’s a lot of crap there

Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.

you will find he does that a lot,,,at times I can swear hes stomping his feet while typing,,,
I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

Oh, trust me, you will regret this, the next Dem President with a Republican House. And I don't want to see you or any leftist here bitching about it when he or she is impeached for farting in public.

Biden was not Trump's rival when he made that request to Zelensky. Biden is the rival of his fellow Democrats running for the nomination. In order for Democrats to honestly make that claim, they would have to present their crystal ball, and prove how accurate it is, and that's where they got their information, or the documentation that the primary will be rigged for Biden. Then they would have to prove Trump had knowledge of either.

Bottom line is this is all made up by the Democrats; the entire impeachment. This is the first impeachment in history with no crime, first impeachment conducted on mind reading, and first impeachment conducted by being able to see in the future.
If any future Democratic president acts like Trump, yeah the bastard should be impeached. This type of corruption and abuse of power is fine for Trumpers, but not for me.

Exactly what corruption?

Paid Dossier by DNC and Hillary Clinton to dig up dirt on Trump so the government can investigate his election campaign?

Doctored email to ensure the FISA warrant would be renewed three more times?

Hunter Biden and his position as a Director on the Board of Burisma?

Or do you have something else in mind. Please inform me on exactly what you mean by corruption.

Abuse of Power? What the fuck is that? Do you have a definition cuz I'm clueless in regards to that term as far a criminal acts go. Is there some line in which you can define what that means and when the line is actually crossed to we know it when we see it?

Weak, weak shit you have in your brain.
Trump didn't ever say he held up funds for the investigation. The Democrats made that up. Trump said he held up aid to investigate what other members of the UN were contributing. But don't listen to Trump, listen to what the Democrats concluded because Democrats can read minds. Forget about what Trump said.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""

Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""


Slade has an inside scoop. He should write a piece for the NY Times and submit it.
I have no doubt youlll have another slew of excuses once your proven wrong again.
You did not have the courage to rebut the points I made when I outted you as a partisan pathological liar engaged in partisan hyperbole, rhetoric and propaganda.

You are persona non grata to me, snow flake.

You won't even defend your indefensible post.
I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.
Well we did have the Oblummer Admin, you know the brown turd, spying on the Trump campaign, because Hitlery spent 12 million dollars on the Russian Dirty Dossier, where the state department said it wasn't verified. Does that count towards abuse of power, or was it when Eric(the racist) Holder was called into testify on the "fast and furious" plan which ended up killing 10,000 innocent Mexicans and 1 border agent, and the brown turd used abuse of power( I mean executive privilege) to keep the racist from testifying...
You had your chance to impeach Obama and shirked youre duties!

Oh Look There is another Mooslim Trashing The President on TV!


I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

Oh, trust me, you will regret this, the next Dem President with a Republican House. And I don't want to see you or any leftist here bitching about it when he or she is impeached for farting in public.

Biden was not Trump's rival when he made that request to Zelensky. Biden is the rival of his fellow Democrats running for the nomination. In order for Democrats to honestly make that claim, they would have to present their crystal ball, and prove how accurate it is, and that's where they got their information, or the documentation that the primary will be rigged for Biden. Then they would have to prove Trump had knowledge of either.

Bottom line is this is all made up by the Democrats; the entire impeachment. This is the first impeachment in history with no crime, first impeachment conducted on mind reading, and first impeachment conducted by being able to see in the future.
If any future Democratic president acts like Trump, yeah the bastard should be impeached. This type of corruption and abuse of power is fine for Trumpers, but not for me. I expect more from a President of the United States.
Last edited:
I have no doubt youlll have another slew of excuses once your proven wrong again.
You did not have the courage to rebut the points I made when I outted you as a partisan pathological liar engaged in partisan hyperbole, rhetoric and propaganda.

You are persona non grata to me, snow flake.

You won't even defend your indefensible post.
I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

So your view is that we shouldn't investigate corruption on someone who is running for President?

Wow. You sure changed my mind.
how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""


Slade has an inside scoop. He should write a piece for the NY Times and submit it.

Slade Doesn’t know dick

Let me Rephrase that.

He’s a partisan fool and huckster.
how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""


Slade has an inside scoop. He should write a piece for the NY Times and submit it.
Dems can Call us when they put Biden in jail for Extortion.

You did not have the courage to rebut the points I made when I outted you as a partisan pathological liar engaged in partisan hyperbole, rhetoric and propaganda.

You are persona non grata to me, snow flake.

You won't even defend your indefensible post.
I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

So your view is that we shouldn't investigate corruption on someone who is running for President?

Wow. You sure changed my mind.
Don't give that Joe Biden garbage. Biden had the backing of international organizations, the EU when he went after Shokin for corruption. Berisma was not even under investigation when Biden went after Shokin. Berisma was investigated before Hunter Biden got involved with them. Hunter is a sleaze in his personal life, but that is neither here nor there when it comes to Biden's actions against the corrupt Shokin. If I thought Joe Biden was corrupt I would say so. I know you may not believe it but I would.

First, Joe Biden insisted on the firing of Shokin in the U.S. national interest, officially, openly, as the President's messenger. As the VP, he had no power whatsoever to set U.S. foreign policy - that is already where the retards' "argument" breaks down. He did not set policy, he did not pursue a personal interest, plainly because he couldn't.

Secondly, even if there were anything corrupt about what Joe was doing, there is a process to follow, namely, evidence for corruption goes to the FBI, and the FBI decides whether there is enough there to open an investigation. If they do, they might call upon the DoJ to contact their Ukrainian counterparts for assistance under the "LEGAL" assistance treaty, providing the Ukrainians with the name of the investigating entity and the required evidence to start their own investigation. Note the word "legal" in there - it is something different from instigating, through a phone call, without a prior investigation stateside, without evidence, an obviously corrupt, politically motivated investigation.

What the retarded goofs are doing is to yell "Biden" at the top of their lungs at the behest of their Dear Leader, as if that had some mystical, exculpatory power, exonerating the object of their adulation. It does, however not. Doesn't stop the goofs, though, doesn't even slow them down a bit.
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You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

Oh, trust me, you will regret this, the next Dem President with a Republican House. And I don't want to see you or any leftist here bitching about it when he or she is impeached for farting in public.

Biden was not Trump's rival when he made that request to Zelensky. Biden is the rival of his fellow Democrats running for the nomination. In order for Democrats to honestly make that claim, they would have to present their crystal ball, and prove how accurate it is, and that's where they got their information, or the documentation that the primary will be rigged for Biden. Then they would have to prove Trump had knowledge of either.

Bottom line is this is all made up by the Democrats; the entire impeachment. This is the first impeachment in history with no crime, first impeachment conducted on mind reading, and first impeachment conducted by being able to see in the future.
If any future Democratic president acts like Trump, yeah the bastard should be impeached. This type of corruption and abuse of power is fine for Trumpers, but not for me.

Exactly what corruption?

Paid Dossier by DNC and Hillary Clinton to dig up dirt on Trump so the government can investigate his election campaign?

Doctored email to ensure the FISA warrant would be renewed three more times?

Hunter Biden and his position as a Director on the Board of Burisma?

Or do you have something else in mind. Please inform me on exactly what you mean by corruption.

Abuse of Power? What the fuck is that? Do you have a definition cuz I'm clueless in regards to that term as far a criminal acts go. Is there some line in which you can define what that means and when the line is actually crossed to we know it when we see it?

Weak, weak shit you have in your brain.

What’s pathetic post. I am not going to rehash my view to someone so oblivious to what was so obvious in my posts.
Wrong. The Dems didn’t make that up. Trumps own staffers who were in charge of the funds and relations with Ukraine testified to that. I also think you know it’s true, I would push to hard with the Trump never said it argument. We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually

how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""

Haha, stop stomping your feet... I just see Trump hiding intel that will eventually come out and show that he was lying about his motives for holding those funds. Just a prediction
how do we all know that???
It’s obvious to me, but if you have doubts just wait. Time always brings this stuff out. I have a feeling Trumps lies will be exposed for years to come after his presidency
Ok, so now you are talking about your feelings and not about facts.
True, this post was a prediction not a proclamation of facts. Thought that was obvious

you comment was "We all know the intel he is blocking solidifies what he did and why. It’s going to come out eventually""


Slade has an inside scoop. He should write a piece for the NY Times and submit it.
i got a hunch... a good one!
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

If Senate Republicans were smart they’d allow for a full and comprehensive hearing of the facts and evidence – not that it would make any difference, of course.
Can’t the Senate Censure Schiff after The Impeachment for Lying?

I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on
you may change your mind after the republicans make their defense in a few days starting this Saturday and once the senate gets their q&a started after the prosecution and defense made their case then you may change your mind ...Schiff has already lied several times in his presentation to the senate.
You did not have the courage to rebut the points I made when I outted you as a partisan pathological liar engaged in partisan hyperbole, rhetoric and propaganda.

You are persona non grata to me, snow flake.

You won't even defend your indefensible post.
I dont care to defend myself because my personal feelings make no difference to the points I’m debating. Going personal is a weak distraction tactic. You can have the point and think whatever you want. I’m a hypocritical partisan snowflake. Ok now what?
You are right in your assessment. The bottom line is this: Trumpers do not care that Trump sought to abuse his office, extort a nation state and demand a quid pro quo. They will gladly concede that he did so. They contend that Trump did not commit a crime and therefore he cannot be impeached, convicted and removed from office. That is their argument.

So, their reasoning is if it is not a crime and a President can only be impeached for a crime the impeachment proceeding was invalid. (There is considerable evidence in the Federalist Papers among other sources that this view is wrong and in my opinion it is. You don't need a crime to impeach a president).

So what Trumpers are saying is if the President wants to declassify our nuclear codes and give them to his good friend and likely handler, V. Putin, or publish them on the internet, he can do so because the President can declassify information and if he wants to do that, well that is his prerogative. Declassifying intelligence is a presidential prerogative therefor non-impeachable.

But Trumpers go beyond that even.

Trump himself argues that while in office the president is immune form prosecution. That is similar to the laws of immunity they have in Brazil for its president. Trump's attorneys have argued that if Trump shoots someone on fifth avenue, commits rape, mass murder, whatever he is still immune from prosecution while in office.

That is their view.

Welcome to Trumplandia.

Impeachment is the resolution for a President that was guilty of committing a misdemeanor, high crime, bribery or treason. Trump did none of these things. Now if you want to go down this road that a crime is not needed, remember your team set is setting that precedent right now, and payback is a bitch.
So, the precedent you are fine with is that any President of the United States can use the powers of the presidency to force and coerce another nation state to spy on a domestic political opponent for personal and political gain. Let's take that further. Your view is that Trump can use the State Department as own personal foreign relations office and the DOJ as his own personal praetorian guard. That is what Trump is doing and apparently you are fine with it. Yeah..don't give me that crap about payback. It is the nation that will be forever scarred by the actions of the maniac in office and those that have enabled him.

So your view is that we shouldn't investigate corruption on someone who is running for President?

Wow. You sure changed my mind.
What crap. Trump was extorting a nation. Just admit you don’t give a damn instead of posting these inane excuses.
why do you think it’s a clown show to see documents showing direct communication and witnesses who had direct access to trumps directives? Wouldn’t that clear Trump if he did nothing wrong?

One would think so. If they were innocent that is.
Why aren't you mad at Nazi's Clowns for not doing their job in the House?

They did their job. The Senate is not.
Bullshit. Get an education on how impeachment works.

The House investigates and makes a case, then presents it to the Senate. The Senate then decides to impeach or acquit. The Senate does not investigate.

Get a clue for once in your pathetic life.
The Senate holds the trial. You should know that by now. I even posted a copy of the Constitutional language regarding impeachment. Oh..that's right you gave me a funny for that post...that explains your comments then.
I just said the Senate holds the trial, idiot. The House does the investigation.

Please try to keep up.

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