I may have gotten the impeachment thing all wrong

It’s about General Mustard in The Library stooping Miss Plumb with a candlestick.

Oh P-shaw!

We already know that Trump puts ketchup on his welldone steak, has two scoops of vanilla ice cream, and gets to use larger Salt and Pepper shakers than everyone else.

We don't really need to tie up the entire legislative branch to publicize these Trumpian Character "Flaws".

This isn't about ketchup. Get real.
The charge of abuse of power rests on the claim that the President wanted the investigation of the Bidens to advance his chances for reelection, so the only relevant witnesses or documents would have to directly show that was his motivation and clearly, the House was unable to find and such witnesses or documents so all the fuss the Democrats are making is just to extend their political stunt to advance their own political interests.

As I posted citing multiple sources earlier - here's another:

"Officials in Ukraine reportedly opened an investigation into an energy company that employed former Vice President Joe Biden’s son long before President Donald Trump’s July 25 nothing-burger of a telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that spurred the Democrats’ haphazard, increasingly Kafkaesque impeachment inquiry.

The time element of the revelation, devastating as it is to the 2016-election-nullification push disguised as an impeachment process, has been largely ignored by the mainstream media which is overly preoccupied –as usual— attacking President Trump."

How can someone pressure someone else into doing something they are already doing?

Just one of the devastating facts against the Democrats' Impeachment - COUP attempt....

Ukraine Was Investigating Hunter Biden Before Trump’s Phone Call
Of course they were, Giuliani has been working on this scam for over a year. He started with the previous administration, inviting the previous prosecutor Lutsenko to meet with him in New York....

And Lutsenko said he'd do Giuliani the "favor" if GIuliani would get Ambassador Yavanovich fired and removed. THE FIRST illegal, quid pro quo.

Lutsenko was corrupt and Yavanovich was trying to root out the corrupt... She was getting in his way....

So Giuliani, Solomon, Parnas, Victoria and Joe DiGenova, Don Junior, Trump, and Rep Sessions from Texas, who was paid an illegal bribe by Parnas via illegal campaign donation, to all campaigned promoted a smear campaign on our US Ambassador Yavonovich, AND GOT HER FIRED as the Ukraine Ambassador.

When Lutsenko's boss was not reelected, he came out And reported he found NO WRONG DOING by Hunter Biden, no crimes, and how much money someone is paid, No matter how much, is not a crime.....in the Ukraine.

You'd look great in a tin foil hat. I'm telling you it would be totally flattering.
I'm not going to do your work for you, but will give you some help, actually, I would do it for you but I am on my Kindle which is difficult for me.


Lev Parnas, court released email, Maddow interview, yavanovich, Texas rep Pete Sessions
Hunter Biden May Go To Jail!

When do we get to talk to this piece of crap
whistleblower & his fellow traitors and their lawyers and Hunter Biden and Joe Biden?

Hunter is being ordered Again to appear in court by the way and has been refusing all orders Freon the judge for financial disclosure and will probably be sent to jail.
Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???

Yes and let's not forget that Biden was 'point man' to look into Ukraine corruption. If he said someone was corrupt then that person was labeled as such. How convenient he had the power to get Shokin fired. Remember, Shokin was the one investigating Biden's son's company for corruption and money laundering. Biden says the word and 'son of a bitch he got fired.'

The thing is if it's later found out that Shokin was telling the truth, then that would mean Biden is guilty of what they are accusing Trump of doing. Biden had Shokin fired to protect his son. Wouldn't that be nice to come out just before the election.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
Since when are witnessed bullshit? What you pinheads don't realize is that Trump will be gone into the trash can of history some day & the next President will have free reign to do what he damn well pleases, & you Trump worshippers will be the first to scream bloody murder if it's a Dem. So fuck you, you made your bed, get ready to wallow in it, fool.

If the Prez is a Dimm and the Repubs have the House, we'll just impeach the bastard (or bitch) on some flimsy non-criminal charges.

See how it works, dolt! :iyfyus.jpg:
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.
What are you talking about? DumBama did it during Fast and Furious. He refused to surrender subpoenaed documents to the Republican House.
the Fast and Furious situation stayed in court for 7 years. And you all were bitching about Nancy holding the articles for a couple weeks?! Come on!

Yes, that's the process it's supposed to follow, not impeachment. If there is a disagreement about how EP is used, it goes to the courts like the Republicans did. The Democrats didn't even consider it. Instead, they chose to charge him with obstruction.
EP was never invoked. Not once.

didnt you get the memo???

you must not be important enough,,,

Perrhaps you should post it.

I will have to check and see if its classified beyond your clearance level
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.
Since when are witnessed bullshit? What you pinheads don't realize is that Trump will be gone into the trash can of history some day & the next President will have free reign to do what he damn well pleases, & you Trump worshippers will be the first to scream bloody murder if it's a Dem. So fuck you, you made your bed, get ready to wallow in it, fool.

If the Prez is a Dimm and the Repubs have the House, we'll just impeach the bastard (or bitch) on some flimsy non-criminal charges.

See how it works, dolt! :iyfyus.jpg:

the thing about dims is you dont have to make up crimes theyve committed,,its all in their records,,,
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.

and they are doing an excellent job of making the case for impeachment.
Hunter is about to go to jail for refusing financial disclosures for his paternity suit.

He’s taking a bullet for dear ole dad.

Subpoena both of them

I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.
they didn’t forgo subpoenas. They issued them and they were either ignored or they were sued... so the Dems went with what they go and are now pursuing the docs and witnesses in the senate trial

No, they didn't. For the subpeonas to be valid, the entire House had to formally vote to approve the impeachment inquiry. They didn't.
they literally got sued for issuing a subpoena to Trumps lawyer and were told by the white house that any other subpoenas would be ignored and taken to court.

Come on man, are you seriously trying to make the case that the Dems didnt try and get these things while in the house?! You need to find a better argument.

Please look up the definition of "Executive Privilege" and what it means in the Constitution.

Pelosi purposefully did not hold a vote in the house to approve the Impeachment inquiry. The subpoenas were not enforceable; she did not want Trump to exercise Executive Privilege by issuing legal challenges that would delay her actions to address the supposed National Emergency (which somehow wasn't quite so serious given that she delayed sending docs to the Senate for weeks).
Please look up the definition of "Executive Privilege" and what it means in the Constitution.

Please show where the Trump admin ever claimed executive privilege.

Try to keep up. I didn't say he did. I said that Nance gamed the process to avoid it.

There is no "avoiding " it. It's either invoked or not. Hence the ostruction charge.
People are laughing at Schiff and Roberts had to admonish Nadler.

They must have some serious dope where you are at.

I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The amendments were designed to drag the process out as far as possible, add new charges not part of the articles, and basically make the whole thing a shit show. If they allowed one side to bring in new evidence, they would have opened a floodgate.

The House was supposed to make it's case via the articles themselves, not with added bullshit afterwards.

and they are doing an excellent job of making the case for impeachment.
The evidence is overwhelming. Let's vote to impeach.

Later in the senate:

We need more evidence because we don't have enough.

That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Everyone should want to hear more. Unless of course they know it would not help their case. In which case the fix is in and the entirety of the Republican congress is complicit.
Well then, the House Clowns should have put more together......but they were in a hurry.

The Senate hears and rules on the case the House brings, it doesn't try to make a case for the House.

There is no such rule. New subpoenas, witnesses and documents have been a part of past Senate impeachment trials.
It's not a rule, it's in the Constitution, Dummy.

Post it.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.

Gullible anti-Americans agree with you!
What obstruction charge?

Can you find it in US Code?
No, they didn't. For the subpeonas to be valid, the entire House had to formally vote to approve the impeachment inquiry. They didn't.
they literally got sued for issuing a subpoena to Trumps lawyer and were told by the white house that any other subpoenas would be ignored and taken to court.

Come on man, are you seriously trying to make the case that the Dems didnt try and get these things while in the house?! You need to find a better argument.

Please look up the definition of "Executive Privilege" and what it means in the Constitution.

Pelosi purposefully did not hold a vote in the house to approve the Impeachment inquiry. The subpoenas were not enforceable; she did not want Trump to exercise Executive Privilege by issuing legal challenges that would delay her actions to address the supposed National Emergency (which somehow wasn't quite so serious given that she delayed sending docs to the Senate for weeks).
Please look up the definition of "Executive Privilege" and what it means in the Constitution.

Please show where the Trump admin ever claimed executive privilege.

Try to keep up. I didn't say he did. I said that Nance gamed the process to avoid it.

There is no "avoiding " it. It's either invoked or not. Hence the ostruction charge.
Yet we have Shokin on video stating he was fired for just the opposite. He was breathing down Hunter's back, and ready to confiscate assets of Burisma.
And you believe Shokin... why?

Because Shokin's story makes sense. The Democrat story does not.

What the Democrats are claiming is that Joe went to Ukraine to have Shokin fired because he was not doing enough to look into the company that was paying his drug addict son 83K a month. Shokin's story is that's why he got fired; because he was looking into money laundering by Hunter. Which is more believable to you?

Unless Joe was having a huge dispute with his son and looking to get even with him somehow that he would want to see his company closed down, then it doesn't make any kind of sense at all. I know you on the left can't believe it, but it's the truth.

Joe and his sons seem like a pretty close family as it should be. So if Shokin was breathing down his sons neck and about to expose him, it would make sense that a protective father do what he could to make sure that didn't happen.
It was the US foreign policy to get Shokin out. Same for the IMF and allied countries. There are articles about corruption in shokins office from all over the world. There’s a signed letter from GOP congressmen... this was not a Joe Biden solo mission. Why do you continuously ignore these facts? I’ve told them to you before, I’ve provided links.... at this point I’m convinced you are simply trolling.

Yeah, people keep telling me about these other countries, yet I can't find any of them on Google. Not that it would make a difference anyway, the US is not responsible to carry out the will of other nations.

"You have six hours to get rid of Shokin." Why the hurry? Why the need to put an hourly time clock on executing the matter? What was his hurry?

Seems to me that Shokin has more credibility than anybody else involved in this matter. Shokin has nothing to gain by outing Joe and his son. He's out, and he's not coming back. I would venture to say that Shokin is more believable. What reinforces that is the Democrats knee-jerk reaction by creating this phony impeachment bit. Seems they have a time clock as well. Wonder what that could be???
ive posted links and would do so again but you just said it wouldnt make a difference so I won’t waste my time. The support from other countries and the IMF shows that Joe wasn’t acting alone to protect his son unless you think our congress, administration and allied countries were all in on outing a good prosecutor to protect Hunter Biden from his boss getting busted. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?

Not nearly as stupid as making the claim that Joe had Shokin fired because he wasn't doing enough to find corruption of a company that his son was employed by, doing a job he wasn't qualified to do, and barely showed up for work.




That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Everyone should want to hear more. Unless of course they know it would not help their case. In which case the fix is in and the entirety of the Republican congress is complicit.
Well then, the House Clowns should have put more together......but they were in a hurry.

The Senate hears and rules on the case the House brings, it doesn't try to make a case for the House.

There is no such rule. New subpoenas, witnesses and documents have been a part of past Senate impeachment trials.
It's not a rule, it's in the Constitution, Dummy.

Post it.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.
Bwaaaahhhaaaaa…..only an idiot would think that Adam Shitless is doing such a great job...By the way he Adam got it wrong again. Thought that Z was for the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky , it wasn't, it was the CEO of Barisma(Hunters Boss) Nikolai Zlochevsky. You dumbasses will never learn..
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

The House Managers are doing awesome job of explaining it, I can't see how any republican can dismiss an impeachment of abuse of office and obstruction of congress and removal of office.

Gullible anti-Americans agree with you!

The republican senate is also on trial.
Gross Misstatement of truth.

The Inquiry is over.
The evidence is overwhelming. Let's vote to impeach.

Later in the senate:

We need more evidence because we don't have enough.

That’s not what I’m hearing... they think they have enough. But they also want more, why wouldn’t they want more?. They want the stuff Trump blocked them from getting. Can you blame them?

Everyone should want to hear more. Unless of course they know it would not help their case. In which case the fix is in and the entirety of the Republican congress is complicit.
Well then, the House Clowns should have put more together......but they were in a hurry.

The Senate hears and rules on the case the House brings, it doesn't try to make a case for the House.

There is no such rule. New subpoenas, witnesses and documents have been a part of past Senate impeachment trials.

Gross ignorance.

Yes, every other Senate impeachment has included witnesses

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