I may or may not watch the Super Bowl. (Yes this belongs in politics.)

This is a very specific and focused discussion on one single aspect of the Super Bowl or anything similar that might apply.

I may or may not watch the Super Bowl. One reason is how politicized national sports have become. But also. . .

I see where the intention is to play the so-called "Black National Anthem" at the game. How divisive is having a national anthem for black people and another for everybody else? How is that not racist? How is that not the same thing as separate schools or separate drinking fountains?

To me it is just wrong.

So, this was your semi-clever way to get the Super Bowl on the Politics forum? Looks like it worked...
So, this was your semi-clever way to get the Super Bowl on the Politics forum? Looks like it worked...
The topic was not the Super Bowl. The topic was a so-called 'black national anthem' played at the Super Bowl. That is purely political.

It is wrong wrong wrong to have a 'national anthem' for black people and another National Anthem for everybody else. Too many risked and gave all in blood and treasure to make ALL citizens Americans under one law, one flag with all the possibilities that come with that.

Encouraging policy and ideology that again separates out people by race is just evil.
Horrible commercials

Good game. Patrick Mahomes is a legend. And I say that as someone who loves to hate him because of how he destroys the Buffalo Bills my hometown team. Then again we had the whole damar Hamlin situation a lot of people think that the Bengals and the bills got royally screwed over by the NFL.

The topic was not the Super Bowl. The topic was a so-called 'black national anthem' played at the Super Bowl. That is purely political.

It is wrong wrong wrong to have a 'national anthem' for black people and another National Anthem for everybody else. Too many risked and gave all in blood and treasure to make ALL citizens Americans under one law, one flag with all the possibilities that come with that.

Encouraging policy and ideology that again separates out people by race is just evil.
Right on.. imagine a white national anthem. Could you imagine that man. This is just terrible how our country is going. We need real leader ship in this country because most Americans don’t like what’s going on right now.
Well except for the pregame show that I didn't watch, the ads I ignored, the halftime show that sucked, it was a great Super Bowl. Congratulations Chiefs!!!!
/---/ The Superbowl and final games of the World Series (if there is a NY team in it) are the only sports games I watch. I spent 10 years in advertising and enjoy the commercials. I laugh out loud at the worst ones that squander millions in production and broadcast time with an absolutely forgettable ad most likely written by those in power who don't have a clue what they are doing.
I do attend my grandkids' ball games and enjoy them immensely.
It's apparently the Woke Bowl
/——-/ Name the southern democRATs who became Republicans— Al Gore Sr? WJ Fulbright? Robert KKK Byrd? The Republicans worked with LBJ to stop the democRATs filibusters. I’m 71, I grew up in the segregated south. You didn’t.

Subsequent to the passage of civil rights legislation, many White southerners switched to the Republican Party at the national level.

see the section on the civil rights movement in the 1960s.
/——-/ Name the southern democRATs who became Republicans— Al Gore Sr? WJ Fulbright? Robert KKK Byrd? The Republicans worked with LBJ to stop the democRATs filibusters. I’m 71, I grew up in the segregated south. You didn’t.

They are convinced that there was The Big Switch.

One person switched.
Speaking of divisive. How about black history month. Progs have given them one month to celebrate their history.

Rihanna’s Super Bowl Halftime Show Performance a Total Flop (VIDEO)​

February 12, 2023

If the GWP says it was bad, that means it was even better than I thought.

My soon to be 28 year old said it was amazing. I will take her word for it since she was the target audience.

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