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I mean no disrespect...no, that's a lie. I mean all disrespect.

How come the Leftist never noticed the sword on the flag of the keepers of Mecca?
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.
Exactly what she wrote
I was confirming what it is. Unlike the pacifist Jesus, Muhammad was more of a Jew, who kill their enemies, not love them.
Confirming right
It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
That matters why? They arent Christians...

It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.
Exactly what she wrote
I was confirming what it is. Unlike the pacifist Jesus, Muhammad was more of a Jew, who kill their enemies, not love them.
Confirming right
A stopped clock, and that she is.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
These days, virtually all antisemites claim they are "anti-zionists."
Changes nothing. There are plenty of Jews who oppose Zionism.

no, not really.
It's not open to debate. There are Jews who aren't Zionists, and Zionists who aren't Jews. I hate all Zionists, not Jews.

Zionism is defined as "support for the state of Israel" and 99% of all Jews are Zionists.

Claiming you "hate all Zionists, not Jews" is, in effect, hate for Jews.

You fool absolutely no one (other than perhaps yourself).
Nope. And it's nothing like 99%.

The good guys, and not anti-Semites: Neturei Karta - Orthodox Jews United Against Zionism

Yanno, if you actually knew anything you would ay least seem less stupid.

NK is a very small, sanctimonious cult-of-personality that was never really much and has slipped significantly since the death of its founder.

99% of Jews are indeed Zionists while your NK twits were honored guests at Iran's Holocaust Denial Festival.

The really funny thing is your denials and claims that libs can't be fascists yet when it comes to Jews you invariably lean exactly as the Nazi-types do and if it squeaks like a Nazi and clicks its heels, it's usually a Nazi, Adolph.
It documents that the Q'ran is a manual of warfare.

You socialists should open your eyes to that fact.
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.

Those, are Jews...

What??? No link?
It's a religion for warriors, dumbass.

I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.

Those, are Jews...

What??? No link?
None required, unlike the OP.
Can there be a better example of a low-info, high maintenance loony left princess than POGO? Over 4 days after the largest terrorist attack in America since 9/11 and the idiot doesn't know who Malik was.
2015 San Bernardino shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks, but the OP gave no indication who the picture was of. And knowing her name doesn't bring 14 lives back. I really didn't need to know her name, and more to the point I was doing something through that whole period that would have impeded that pointless quest, something called "working". Which is in turn part of something called "having a life". Which is in turn the opposite of sitting glued to a TV begging for scare stories in an endless act-out of that timeless classic Gullible's Travels.

In any case it's the OP's job -- as it is ALWAYS the OP's job -- to explain what the fuck he's talking about, let alone linking who said or did what. And in that he FAILED MISERABLY.

So fuck you too. :fu:

But I tell ya what -- prove me wrong. Show the class how anybody can just declare "Obama just cured cancer" and not have to link it.

We'll just stand here and watch.

Dumb shit....

Wow! I realize you have a major case of BUTTHURT in the matter but until you posted that response I was prepared to let it go.

Since you clearly haven't a clue ... you are and have been engaged in a thread in which the recent Jihad attack in Cali is, in part, the subject.

In the course of your mindless braying you asked "Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?"

Now none of this will bring back any of the lives lost, heal any of the wounded nor repair the broken families (not that Jihadi apologists like you give a flying fuck) but when you didn't know - over 4 days after the attack - about Malik, you made it clear that you really are just another ignorant loony leftard with absolutely nothing of value to add to the discourse.

This isn't anyone's job, Kumquat, and if you still need to ask "Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?" at this stage in the conversation, you are simply too ignorant to talk with the adults.

Now back to your sandbox.

And further, that name appears NOWHERE in the OP. Go learn the fuck to read.

Whew ... and to think I once thought you reasonably intelligent. Clearly I misjudged you.

It doesn't matter where in this conversation Malik's name first appeared.

What does matter is that when it did you had no idea who the bitch was or enough sense to check it out before making a raging jackass of yourself.

Given that golden op to exhibit your monumental ignorance, you jumped on it eagerly.

Go fuck yourself, smegma sipper. There IS NO excuse for this bullshit OP, flail as you might to try to legitimize a blatant lie --- which speaks volumes about your own values.

Just as there's no such thing as a link to my being a "Jihadi apologist".

I asked you for a way an assertion has any value without tangible documentation, which is the entire issue here, and you FAILED to do that. And now you're whining about it.

So go fuck yourself.

You asked me what? :lmao:

You can wiggle and squirm, lie and deflect all you want but nothing will change the fact that fully 4 days after San Bernardino you were demanding to know who Tashfeen Malik was and further demanding a link.

I simiply pointed out the remarkable level of your ignorance on a subject you had been posting for days, Princess.

You've been having the predictable hissy fit ever since.

I demanded a link for the assertion in the OP, post number 1. That was about something Al Jazeera allegedly said --- but didn't. He had no link because there's no such thing. He LIED.

There was, and still IS, no name in that post. There was a picture with no explanation as to who the fuck it was. And no link to the assertion about Al Jazeera.

such a link actually existed, it would have explained who the fuck the picture was. That's secondary information; it's got nothing to do with the assertion. The first thing to establish is the Al Jazeera link, which does not exist. And it does not exist because the OP pulled it out of his ass. And you're still here spinning trying to enable him, even after he's already run away.

Those are facts, and they're on the record and they ain't changing. Like it or lump it, Gummo.
Next time don't take the position of defending a blatant liar and maybe you won't find yourself in a fucking hole.

Speaking of holes, you do know the The Law of The Hole (or do you require a link), right?

You now claim you asked the OP for a link but just a few posts earlier you claimed you asked me for it. Frankly. I don't believe you actually know what you said or what any of this means.

I responded to your demand to know "Who the fuck is Tashfeen Malik?" by taking the opportunity to point out that she was one of the two San Bernardino shooters and how typical it was of a loony leftard to be posting furiously about a matter in which she has precious little knowledge.

Meanwhile you continue to try to spin your way out of this major BUTTHURT by doubling and tripling down.

Stupid but certainly typical of a loony leftard.
I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.

Those, are Jews...

What??? No link?
None required, unlike the OP.

I accept your admission that your pic is BS and that you are just another dime-a-dozen Nazi liar for Allah.

Thanks for playing.
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
wow no shit, dead is dead. Do you have your facts straight on that? Are you sure dead is dead? What is a zombie then?
Well if you're dead how do you know your dead because you're dead and how did the info that there's nothing after death get back to other atheists? The dude was dead so according to them he wasn't talking about his experience.
Death is the same thing as what came before life, nothing.
But life was sustained prior to being born because only life begets life. Not even science can create life, only change it's form. So it would seem there was life prior and there will be life after. There is no such thing as nothing.
Funny, they also believe they have the One True Faith, and their Prophet died only 1,300 years ago and didn't miss his window to return nor announce his failure of faith while dying on the cross.
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
Humans are part energy and energy can't be destroyed only transformed, ask any scientist. Who is to say what that transformation is.
Humans have energy but they are matter, that returns to the source, the ground from which it came.
Humans are energy and matter. When the matter is stripped away at death the energy is transformed, only the matter goes to the earth from where it came. Energy can't die therefore it live therefore part of you lives on.
I've posted this before, but you, an apologist for homicidal maniacs, support my thesis:
Islam is about submission to their political ideology....and you, socialist, demand submission to the dictates of totalitarian big government.

Not unusual....Hitler and Stalin were blood brothers until June of '41.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
Yep, but not like Islam.
Islam is the submission of the believer to God, to the Will of God, period.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
Yep, but not like Islam.
Exactly like Islam, or worse.
Then why kill innocent people and treat women and children worse than shit.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
Yep, but not like Islam.
Exactly like Islam, or worse.
Naw all others have moved out of the ice age
It doesn't matter what people believe, only what is true.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
Humans are part energy and energy can't be destroyed only transformed, ask any scientist. Who is to say what that transformation is.
Humans have energy but they are matter, that returns to the source, the ground from which it came.
Humans are energy and matter. When the matter is stripped away at death the energy is transformed, only the matter goes to the earth from where it came. Energy can't die therefore it live therefore part of you lives on.
Life after death is the childish response to the fear of death. From nothing you came, to nothing you return, and that's not enough for most humans hence, the fantasy, the afterlife.
Learn the faith, and of reactionaries, who always treat women and children that way no matter the faith.
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
Yep, but not like Islam.
Exactly like Islam, or worse.
Naw all others have moved out of the ice age
Not even close.
Yes from our reality yes, but they don't realize it. They think they got it covered because they think they are the only true religion.
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
Humans are part energy and energy can't be destroyed only transformed, ask any scientist. Who is to say what that transformation is.
Humans have energy but they are matter, that returns to the source, the ground from which it came.
Humans are energy and matter. When the matter is stripped away at death the energy is transformed, only the matter goes to the earth from where it came. Energy can't die therefore it live therefore part of you lives on.
Life after death is the childish response to the fear of death. From nothing you came, to nothing you return, and that's not enough for most humans hence, the fantasy, the afterlife.
Most humans except they'll die even children
I don't. I hate Zionists.

Who do you think you're fooling? You said all the good Jews died in the concentration camps. That means you think the ones who survived are scum.
Yep. Got that from an old Jew, dead on.

Dead on? You obviously endorse it, which makes you an antisemite.
Nope. And most of the world was perfectly fine sitting back while the Jews were slaughtered.

Perhaps you believe that because your parents were fine with it. Most people were horrified when they discovered the scale of the atrocity.
No, most people wanted the Jews gone as well...
None of you are but you all believe so. Not to worry, dead is dead...
Humans are part energy and energy can't be destroyed only transformed, ask any scientist. Who is to say what that transformation is.
Humans have energy but they are matter, that returns to the source, the ground from which it came.
Humans are energy and matter. When the matter is stripped away at death the energy is transformed, only the matter goes to the earth from where it came. Energy can't die therefore it live therefore part of you lives on.
Life after death is the childish response to the fear of death. From nothing you came, to nothing you return, and that's not enough for most humans hence, the fantasy, the afterlife.
Most humans except they'll die even children
Boy are you drunk...
I know of no other religion that treats women and children like that.
Learn Judaism, and Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, etc. It's a male thing and religion is from men.
Yep, but not like Islam.
Exactly like Islam, or worse.
Naw all others have moved out of the ice age
Not even close.

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