I mentioned that I was a very loyal Democrat and changed. What about others who also changed?

The Deep State loves you.

View attachment 924171
Reality bites. Support the criminal defendant.

I enjoy knowing why people do things. Was it to get them rich? Did they crave being famous? Were they hard workers? Did they make a lot of money? Was their work important?

Well I mentioned I was born as a loyal Democrat. Because it was 1938. The nation was loyal to FDR. Few posters were alive when he was the living president. I was grateful for many many years. For over 40 years in fact. My parents adored him. They taught me Republicans are evil. They are simply for the rich. They hate the common man. It was a driving force to ensure I was a loyal Democrat.
Jimmy Carter let me down. He comes across as a nice old man. But he is an authoritarian. I did not get that about Democrats for a very long time.

I want to present a woman who was a very loyal Democrat too. She changed her mind. She did so faster than I did. Welcome to a very smart woman who will explain her views to us all.

Today the headlines is Biden has imposed new laws against Truckers. Imagine they feed us. They bring clothes to us. They keep stores open.

Democrats brag that even Trump was a loyal Democrat. Look how they became vicious against Trump to the point they work hard daily to put him into a prison. Is that the new credo of Democrats?

If I had been allowed to vote at age 11 or 12, I probably would have been a Democrat. After that, no chance.
My political vales have remained quite consistent over the last 5O years.

50 years ago, I was a Democrat. Today, i absolutely hate the party for what they have become.
I was a Democrat too for eons. I last voted for a Democrat in 1976. I very much admire Tulsi Gabbard for dozens of reasons. I have a daughter living in Hawaii and try to get her interested in politics and to support Republicans. It is difficult due to her Mom teaching her not to vote ever for any politician. I doubt she has voted for any and she is a bit shy of being 40.
This sort of irrational thought is typical of conservatism.
I am not a typical Republican because for half my life I was a loyal Democrat. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to convert the cult of Democrats away from their cult.
My time in the military just cemented my move to the Democrats.

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic"

Republicans are domestic enemies of the Constitution, hence my sacred oath requires that I oppose them. It is not optional for me.
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Your fantasies really have nothing to with anything. The weak-minded who fell for such propaganda were always Republicans.

Notice how the Democrats are romping in elections now? Everyone is abandoning the Republicans, because Christofascist CommieSuckups are not popular with most Americans.

Republicans, make especially sure you keep on praising Russian-asset Tulsi. That will really win the votes.
You're not a student of history, huh?
I enjoy knowing why people do things. Was it to get them rich? Did they crave being famous? Were they hard workers? Did they make a lot of money? Was their work important?

Well I mentioned I was born as a loyal Democrat. Because it was 1938. The nation was loyal to FDR. Few posters were alive when he was the living president. I was grateful for many many years. For over 40 years in fact. My parents adored him. They taught me Republicans are evil. They are simply for the rich. They hate the common man. It was a driving force to ensure I was a loyal Democrat.
Jimmy Carter let me down. He comes across as a nice old man. But he is an authoritarian. I did not get that about Democrats for a very long time.

I want to present a woman who was a very loyal Democrat too. She changed her mind. She did so faster than I did. Welcome to a very smart woman who will explain her views to us all.

Today the headlines is Biden has imposed new laws against Truckers. Imagine they feed us. They bring clothes to us. They keep stores open.

Democrats brag that even Trump was a loyal Democrat. Look how they became vicious against Trump to the point they work hard daily to put him into a prison. Is that the new credo of Democrats?

I'm two years older than you and experienced the same political awakening and never looked back.
I am not a typical Republican because for half my life I was a loyal Democrat. It takes a hell of a lot of effort to convert the cult of Democrats away from their cult.
Yes, your cultish attitude made you a natural fit for your new cult, the Republicans, and a poor fit for Democrats.

This is sort of good. You're clearly happier with Republican masters telling you what to think.
Quite the contrary. We recognize how your use of propaganda copies the tactics of the fascists of old.

Remember, you can't gaslight people who aren't in your cult.
LOL Your projection is outstanding. Kudos
I should mention I was Republican when young.

Like most people, I grew out of that childish phase. Living in the real world has that effect on people.

It's easy to see why conservatism attracts the childish. Everyone is born conservative, a helpless parasite. In conservatism, nothing is ever your fault. That no-responsibility lifestyle attracts the perpetually childish.
I really have no faith in the GOP

To me, they just sit their doing nothing and are readily blamed for anything that goes wrong.

They therefore, are necessary for the DNC.

Put another way, imagine if Trump were not even running? Who would show up to vote for Biden?
Many years ago I was a democratic socialist. I didn't know much about politics, but liked the name, so adopted it for a short time. I figured politicians would do right by the people, preserve democracy and make everything work out on the financial end. But as I studied politics I saw that none of that worked out and the politicians were all corrupt and greedy nincompoops.

It would be similar to having wonderful ideas of communism. Sounds good, except it does not work for humans. It only works for ants or bees. Just as our system won't work for ants or bees...they would be extinct. Maybe no perfect system, but things can be more perfect or less perfect depending on the people involved.

Here is an example...

Instead of squandering hundreds of billions of dollars, our useless politicians could have given us a cheap, socialized healthcare plan; alongside with the standard healthcare we have in America. (The rich don't want socialized healthcare and the average person can't afford the system we have...so we need 2 systems.) People that can't afford America's unaffordable healthcare could get their appendix out before it bursts. If they need a heart transplant, then go work 3 jobs and save up for 6 years to pay for it. The socialized plan would be for basics to keep it viable. But the American healthcare system is so greedy they don't want to lose a penny and would never accept a 2nd option. And our useless politicians could never run it.

commie russia china.jpg

And it is not that I love reps. Reps are useless to get things done. And that is their best quality...the less D.C. does...the better it is for us.
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I enjoy knowing why people do things. Was it to get them rich? Did they crave being famous? Were they hard workers? Did they make a lot of money? Was their work important?

Well I mentioned I was born as a loyal Democrat. Because it was 1938. The nation was loyal to FDR. Few posters were alive when he was the living president. I was grateful for many many years. For over 40 years in fact. My parents adored him. They taught me Republicans are evil. They are simply for the rich. They hate the common man. It was a driving force to ensure I was a loyal Democrat.
Jimmy Carter let me down. He comes across as a nice old man. But he is an authoritarian. I did not get that about Democrats for a very long time.

I want to present a woman who was a very loyal Democrat too. She changed her mind. She did so faster than I did. Welcome to a very smart woman who will explain her views to us all.

Today the headlines is Biden has imposed new laws against Truckers. Imagine they feed us. They bring clothes to us. They keep stores open.

Democrats brag that even Trump was a loyal Democrat. Look how they became vicious against Trump to the point they work hard daily to put him into a prison. Is that the new credo of Democrats?

I’m a Reagan Republican and changed when the GOP went MAGA / Full Retard
I really have no faith in the GOP

To me, they just sit their doing nothing and are readily blamed for anything that goes wrong.

They therefore, are necessary for the DNC.

Put another way, imagine if Trump were not even running? Who would show up to vote for Biden?

Gotta go to work....

But what we need is a party that puts America first and as soon as it doesn't there is a way for the people to recall the scum. I mean it can't be worse than things are now. And even if it is, it does not matter any more.

sow time running out.jpg
Dems change?


No matter who runs it, which direction it goes, the cult follows.

Sure, a few get passed the goalie as we see here but by in large, they have a tight handle on their cult.
The word Democrat supposedly means they love the general public to the point they encourage citizens to actually vote their conscience. But the party was the slavery party and they now want us to forget who they are. Mom was very devoted to Democrats and it's my opinion it was due to her own parents. Grandpa she told me one day had been a Communist when she was a child. He figured the Democrats and Commies were so close in belief that he picked up voting for only Democrats. I knew him when I was up to being a teen. She told me how he was so brilliant that professors consulted him. Was this true? I have no clue. He sired some boys and two of them joined the Army. They never told me as I was not even a teen when they were around, if they were loyal Democrats but I suspect they were. I was a teen at the time Uncle Gene who i was really fond of, died early in the Korean War and Mom woke up dad one night to tell him her brother just died in a foregn land and killed in combat. Dad did not really believe her. She was actually accurate and several months later the US recovered his body and had him buried not far from San Francisco. Alvin the other brother managed to change from the Army to the Air Force and ended up retiring at the rank of an E9. His last combat duty was in Vietnam and his job was managing working on the Air force fleet of combat airplanes.

Due to their infamous history, today they want it erased so they rip up statues. That is very authoritarian but they deny it too.
Gotta go to work....

But what we need is a party that puts America first and as soon as it doesn't there is a way for the people to recall the scum. I mean it can't be worse than things are now. And even if it is, it does not matter any more.

View attachment 924190
Notice that the American people run from one party for President and then to the other party

They are like abused children from both parties. The longer they are away from one abusive parent the less they remember the abuse as they run to them, but it does seem to me that the DNC is by far the most abusive.

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