I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I don't give a fuck if the odds of you voting for Hillary went from 10 to 20 percent. Just commit to her now and save us the drama. You two shit stains clearly deserve one another.
It's hilarious how you Trumpanzees believe you have votes to spare. Pathetic, too!
Boss.....I sense deep in your heart you despise Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Oh, I certainly do. But you know what I despise even more? Assclowns who think they can intimidate me and push me around by attacking me and attacking Ted Cruz.

When the convention began, the anti-Cruz attacks had subsided, and it looked for a moment like there was a chance for party unity. Trump picked a solid respected conservative running mate and gave Cruz a keynote speaking spot WITHOUT the requirement of an endorsement.

Then, it all changed when Cruz didn't endorse. Since then, it's been this whinefest and bash-a-thon on Ted Cruz. DAYS now... after the convention.... STILL going on. The obvious butthurt over Cruz not endorsing Trump is as plain as day, while they sit there and LIE about it... Trump included.

So it's this behavior that has turned me into someone who can't vote for Trump now. And I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way. This childish little temper tantrum over not getting Cruz's endorsement has cost Trump millions of potential votes. And STILL.. the bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz continues.

No one has yet to tell me how this is supposed to defeat Hillary Clinton, and you can't... because there really isn't a rational argument for it.

Cruz is your daddy. :lmao:

Nobody's pushing you around, Mr. Victim. How many times do I have to say get on with it and support Hillary already then. Cos nobody's apologizing to you if that's your line in the sand.

And skye, this guy was trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters when the Trump-Cruz run-off was in full gear. What you're seeing is an extension of that. He's just trying to villify Trump supporters; same as always.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
I didn't change your post.
Haven't you been claiming that you could've been talked into voting for Trump?

No.. I've NEVER said that I could be "talked into" voting for anybody. That's another LIE you're telling... you're getting real good at that.

I was leaning toward Trump because I didn't like Hillary. All it would have taken was for him to stop attacking Ted Cruz and conservatives. He seemed to be doing that until he didn't get what he wanted... an endorsement from Cruz. Then he began pitching his little temper tantrum like a spoiled little rich brat. And here you come piling on.

So be it... I won't be voting for Trump now... Congratulations! That's one vote you've lost for good and I assure you there are MANY more.
I won't vote at all if Hillary or Trump are the only choices. It's like do you prefer antimony or arsenic? Name your poison.
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I don't give a fuck if the odds of you voting for Hillary went from 10 to 20 percent. Just commit to her now and save us the drama. You two shit stains clearly deserve one another.
It's hilarious how you Trumpanzees believe you have votes to spare. Pathetic, too!

I'm not claiming that. See, when you're not a libtard, votes don't have to be a zero sum game. I wouldn't expect you to get that.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
I didn't change your post.

Yes you did.

He posted:
Trump is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative - and as concerning as a Hillary chosen S-Court may be, that concern must be balanced with the damage Trump is doing to the party and could do to this country. I consider him to be a very smart man and a very astute bizman but his mouth filter and leadership skills need some serious work (I know ... some peeps like that about him).

You edited it in your reply.

This is a board violation and he should report you for it.
I don't give a fuck if the odds of you voting for Hillary went from 10 to 20 percent. Just commit to her now and save us the drama. You two shit stains clearly deserve one another.
It's hilarious how you Trumpanzees believe you have votes to spare. Pathetic, too!

I'm not claiming that. See, when you're not a libtard, votes don't have to be a zero sum game. I wouldn't expect you to get that.
Oh. Then you already know you're going to lose.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
I didn't change your post.

Yes you did.

He posted:
Trump is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative - and as concerning as a Hillary chosen S-Court may be, that concern must be balanced with the damage Trump is doing to the party and could do to this country. I consider him to be a very smart man and a very astute bizman but his mouth filter and leadership skills need some serious work (I know ... some peeps like that about him).

You edited it in your reply.

This is a board violation and he should report you for it.
I quoted part of that. I'm not required to quote his entire post.
No.. I've NEVER said that I could be "talked into" voting for anybody. That's another LIE you're telling... you're getting real good at that.

I was leaning toward Trump because I didn't like Hillary. All it would have taken was for him to stop attacking Ted Cruz and conservatives. He seemed to be doing that until he didn't get what he wanted... an endorsement from Cruz. Then he began pitching his little temper tantrum like a spoiled little rich brat. And here you come piling on.

You've made it clear that your vote is or could be contingent upon how Trump supporters treat you. That's not a lie; that's your position. In fact, you just reiterated that in the very next sentence (paragraph two). I really think you are either emotionally unstable or have severe comprehension issues or both or you're just a troll who throws stuff out willy-nilly.
And skye, this guy was trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters when the Trump-Cruz run-off was in full gear. What you're seeing is an extension of that. He's just trying to villify Trump supporters; same as always.

No, I've not TROLLED anybody, you fucktard! I actively campaigned for my candidate just like everybody did, just as we're supposed to do in a free and open society. If you go back and look, you can find threads I've posted in favor of Trump over Hillary. I defended Trump early on when the left-wingers were bashing and trashing him like you're doing to Ted Cruz now.

Even in this thread, I've admitted that I agree with many of Trump's proposals. There are some I don't agree with but I'm far more in agreement with him than Hillary. What YOU are trying to do now is destroy my integrity and impugn my character by LYING about me to others. It's the kind of deplorable sleaze you are.

Smear, lie, deceive, insult... that's really all you've got in your arsenal. That, and your apparent butt-love for all things Trump!

You may not like that I've taken a hard line with you. But at least I've sincerely went at it with you tit for tat. If you cross over to the Hillary camp; may I present your future: Synthaholic

He will say anything and everything against someone who is on the wrong side, and he will never be critical of you so long as you tow the company line. And in time, you'll become a more mindless, even more trollish poster. That's your current trajectory. Don't claim I didn't warn you.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
I'll change it, you fucking pussy.
And skye, this guy was trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters when the Trump-Cruz run-off was in full gear. What you're seeing is an extension of that. He's just trying to villify Trump supporters; same as always.

No, I've not TROLLED anybody, you fucktard! I actively campaigned for my candidate just like everybody did, just as we're supposed to do in a free and open society. If you go back and look, you can find threads I've posted in favor of Trump over Hillary. I defended Trump early on when the left-wingers were bashing and trashing him like you're doing to Ted Cruz now.

Even in this thread, I've admitted that I agree with many of Trump's proposals. There are some I don't agree with but I'm far more in agreement with him than Hillary. What YOU are trying to do now is destroy my integrity and impugn my character by LYING about me to others. It's the kind of deplorable sleaze you are.

Smear, lie, deceive, insult... that's really all you've got in your arsenal. That, and your apparent butt-love for all things Trump!

I feel you misrepresented Trump positions and diminished supporters at the time. If you believe you were sincere, only know that I suppose. So, let's not get too hung up on a word.

I don't need to destroy your integrity; that's not at all what I want to do. You seemingly may have some. But then you say stuff like this "Smear, lie, deceive, insult... that's really all you've got in your arsenal. That, and your apparent butt-love for all things Trump!" and want to believe you have high ground. You don't.

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