I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

You've made it clear that your vote is or could be contingent upon how Trump supporters treat you. That's not a lie; that's your position. In fact, you just reiterated that in the very next sentence (paragraph two). I really think you are either emotionally unstable or have severe comprehension issues or both or you're just a troll who throws stuff out willy-nilly.

I am done with you insulting me dude. You can insinuate whatever you like.... if this is all you have to say, then our conversation is over.

Yes, I did imply that the best way to earn my vote is not to insult me. I think I speak for most people who aren't victims of abuse or suffering from Stockholm Syndrome, that's the case with everybody.

But look... I have been posting on political forums since political forums were born... I've been called every name in the book and then some.... People have come up with new names to call me! So calling me names isn't going to ever bother me. I'm sorry that tactic isn't working on me... I'm sure you probably get a lot of mileage out of that with others. For me, it just tells me that I've totally owned that ass. You can't make a coherent post to me without lobbing an insult. I have so fucked with your head that you just can't respond with anything else. You're flailing away and I am laughing my ass off at you.

Carry on!
I'll change it, you fucking pussy.

You should've changed it the first time instead of doing 8 million posts on one of your fourth grade dramas. I hope they suspend your sorry ass. You're not even apologizing.

You may not like that I've taken a hard line with you. But at least I've sincerely went at it with you tit for tat. If you cross over to the Hillary camp; may I present your future: Synthaholic

He will say anything and everything against someone who is on the wrong side, and he will never be critical of you so long as you tow the company line. And in time, you'll become a more mindless, even more trollish poster. That's your current trajectory. Don't claim I didn't warn you.
If you look at my response in this thread you'll see that I've pointed out the idiocy in both Cruz and Drumpf.

You'r arguments are so easily disproven.
Boss.....I sense deep in your heart you despise Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Oh, I certainly do. But you know what I despise even more? Assclowns who think they can intimidate me and push me around by attacking me and attacking Ted Cruz.

When the convention began, the anti-Cruz attacks had subsided, and it looked for a moment like there was a chance for party unity. Trump picked a solid respected conservative running mate and gave Cruz a keynote speaking spot WITHOUT the requirement of an endorsement.

Then, it all changed when Cruz didn't endorse. Since then, it's been this whinefest and bash-a-thon on Ted Cruz. DAYS now... after the convention.... STILL going on. The obvious butthurt over Cruz not endorsing Trump is as plain as day, while they sit there and LIE about it... Trump included.

So it's this behavior that has turned me into someone who can't vote for Trump now. And I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way. This childish little temper tantrum over not getting Cruz's endorsement has cost Trump millions of potential votes. And STILL.. the bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz continues.

No one has yet to tell me how this is supposed to defeat Hillary Clinton, and you can't... because there really isn't a rational argument for it.

Boss...I understand what you say and I am not questioning your integrity... but.... you answered that you certainly despised Clinton....then I ask again...why vote for her? :dunno:

You would only be voting for another eight years of Obama ..heaven forbid!:eek-52:

Politics is a dirty game.......Cruz is out of the race. Lets bygones be bygones.

My two cents.:)
But look... I have been posting on political forums since political forums were born... I've been called every name in the book and then some.... People have come up with new names to call me! So calling me names isn't going to ever bother me. I'm sorry that tactic isn't working on me... I'm sure you probably get a lot of mileage out of that with others. For me, it just tells me that I've totally owned that ass. You can't make a coherent post to me without lobbing an insult. I have so fucked with your head that you just can't respond with anything else. You're flailing away and I am laughing my ass off at you.

Whose calling you names? You make it sound like a fourth grade war of rapid fire insults. But if you act the bitch or troll, then don't cry when you get called out. And don't think that you can hold your vote over this poster's head cos I'll go Homey The Clown on you before I capitulate to you.


And for the record, you were trolling the fuck out of Trump supporters and still are, frankly. I don't take victim cards. I think you know what place takes those. And again, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
I feel you misrepresented Trump positions and diminished supporters at the time. If you believe you were sincere, only know that I suppose. So, let's not get too hung up on a word.

I don't need to destroy your integrity; that's not at all what I want to do. You seemingly may have some. But then you say stuff like this "Smear, lie, deceive, insult... that's really all you've got in your arsenal. That, and your apparent butt-love for all things Trump!" and want to believe you have high ground. You don't.

This is politics. I never claimed to have high ground. I am a principled conservative and I'm going to stand for principled conservative values even when they're not popular.

If I have ever misrepresented something, you are free to point out the misrepresentation and we can have a civil debate about it. That's precisely what we do here. And yes, I am quite sure I diminish people all the time... again... it's what we do here. I do try to keep it confined to those who attempt to diminish me, if that's any consolation.

You keep implying that I am "trolling" and I have never trolled. I can certainly be controversial and I can certainly be absurd in order to illustrate absurdity. But I am never antagonistic just for the sake of being antagonistic. I always have a point and there is always a method to the madness. You may miss the point and you may not get what I am trying to say, but that doesn't make me a troll.
This is politics. I never claimed to have high ground. I am a principled conservative and I'm going to stand for principled conservative values even when they're not popular.

Yea, stand up for those "principle conservative values" and vote for Hillary! You're just Looney Tunes, dude! :lmao:
You keep implying that I am "trolling" and I have never trolled. I can certainly be controversial and I can certainly be absurd in order to illustrate absurdity. But I am never antagonistic just for the sake of being antagonistic. I always have a point and there is always a method to the madness. You may miss the point and you may not get what I am trying to say, but that doesn't make me a troll.

If it makes you happy, I may have overstated some of the troll talk. Frankly, we just about all do it to one degree or another as you say. I'm not antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic. i mean maybe I get on a roll and all and go farther than I should. But I do make valid points while I'm doing it all the same.
This is politics. I never claimed to have high ground. I am a principled conservative and I'm going to stand for principled conservative values even when they're not popular.

Yea, stand up for those "principle conservative values" and vote for Hillary! You're just Looney Tunes, dude! :lmao:

Haaha.. yeah, that's driving you crazy, isn't it?

Couldn't intimidate and humiliate me into capitulation... awwwww!
So sad!
You keep implying that I am "trolling" and I have never trolled. I can certainly be controversial and I can certainly be absurd in order to illustrate absurdity. But I am never antagonistic just for the sake of being antagonistic. I always have a point and there is always a method to the madness. You may miss the point and you may not get what I am trying to say, but that doesn't make me a troll.

If it makes you happy, I may have overstated some of the troll talk. Frankly, we just about all do it to one degree or another as you say. I'm not antagonistic for the sake of being antagonistic. i mean maybe I get on a roll and all and go farther than I should. But I do make valid points while I'm doing it all the same.

Thank you for admitting that... it's probably the best post you've made in two days.
If you look at my response in this thread you'll see that I've pointed out the idiocy in both Cruz and Drumpf.

You'r arguments are so easily disproven.

Uh oh. You just insulted Cruz. The chances of Boss voting for Hillary just went from 22.3 to 18.4 percent. Now, you've done it!
Cruz is a phony, and a self-interested weasel who couldn't give two fucks about America, or the Constitution. Everything he does is pure calculation.
If you look at my response in this thread you'll see that I've pointed out the idiocy in both Cruz and Drumpf.

You'r arguments are so easily disproven.

Uh oh. You just insulted Cruz. The chances of Boss voting for Hillary just went from 22.3 to 18.4 percent. Now, you've done it!
Cruz is a phony, and a self-interested weasel who couldn't give two fucks about America, or the Constitution. Everything he does is pure calculation.

15.1 percent. Keep posting on Cruz.
Boss.....I sense deep in your heart you despise Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Oh, I certainly do. But you know what I despise even more? Assclowns who think they can intimidate me and push me around by attacking me and attacking Ted Cruz.

When the convention began, the anti-Cruz attacks had subsided, and it looked for a moment like there was a chance for party unity. Trump picked a solid respected conservative running mate and gave Cruz a keynote speaking spot WITHOUT the requirement of an endorsement.

Then, it all changed when Cruz didn't endorse. Since then, it's been this whinefest and bash-a-thon on Ted Cruz. DAYS now... after the convention.... STILL going on. The obvious butthurt over Cruz not endorsing Trump is as plain as day, while they sit there and LIE about it... Trump included.

So it's this behavior that has turned me into someone who can't vote for Trump now. And I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way. This childish little temper tantrum over not getting Cruz's endorsement has cost Trump millions of potential votes. And STILL.. the bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz continues.

No one has yet to tell me how this is supposed to defeat Hillary Clinton, and you can't... because there really isn't a rational argument for it.

Boss...I understand what you say and I am not questioning your integrity... but.... you answered that you certainly despised Clinton....then I ask again...why vote for her? :dunno:

You would only be voting for another eight years of Obama ..heaven forbid!:eek-52:

Politics is a dirty game.......Cruz is out of the race. Lets bygones be bygones.

My two cents.:)

Well skye, I was fine with letting bygones be bygones. I thought it was classy of Trump to let Cruz speak at the convention without the condition of an endorsement. But when the endorsement didn't come and he became nasty and vindictive toward Cruz, and his supporters joined in... that's a little disingenuous in my opinion. Then, claiming his endorsement wasn't important... well then, what's with all this nasty attacking? If Cruz is irrelevant and his endorsement didn't mean anything, why turn on him like this?

You've got to know that this is a losing strategy. Attacking Cruz IS attacking those who supported him and stood by him in the primaries. Those are people who's votes you can't win this election without. I would think that you would want to try and appeal to them instead of attacking them. I'm not saying you need to kiss anyone's ass, just don't attack and smear them left and right. You're never going to win them over that way. And let's be clear, you HAVE to win them over if you want to defeat Hillary and the Democrats because they're going to organize and mobilize. They'll have their shit together and they have more people in their party than you do, and more money, and the media on their side.

If you sincerely want Trump to win, you need all the votes you can get and now is not the time to attack Ted Cruz, and by proxy, his supporters. You can think what you want to about Cruz... you can not like him, you can not like his supporters... but you cannot win this election by alienating that many republican voters. It is far better to use some tact and diplomacy here, and try to focus on the things that unite us instead of launching into another barrage of attacks like it's still the primaries. The primaries are over. You cannot defeat Ted Cruz any more than he has been defeated. You're not going to get extra points in this election by going after Ted Cruz. What you're going to do is guarantee Hillary wins the election.

I look at the transcript of Ted Cruz's speech and I see nothing in there that is derogatory toward Trump or his agenda. I see the call for unity of party behind our universal principles. Someone complained, "Well, he said 'vote your conscience' and that meant don't vote for Trump!" and I think that's just silly... Ivanka said the same exact thing the next night, and not a peep from anyone about that. And even here in this thread, you can't believe my conscience would lead me to vote for Hillary... so why do you think that's even remotely what Cruz meant? I think Trump supporters were looking for something to bash Cruz with because he didn't outright endorse Donald Trump. But Trump didn't require him to. Indeed, many runners-up don't endorse the nominee. Reagan didn't endorse Ford. Bush only endorsed Reagan because he got the VP nod. So this is not unprecedented and IF Cruz had endorsed Trump, everyone would be talking about how he was "sucking up" to save his career. They would have been skeptical of his sincerity, given the things Trump said about his family.

But all that said, if Cruz's endorsement wasn't important and Cruz is irrelevant, why all the bashing and trashing? If Cruz had promised he would endorse Trump if allowed to speak and then didn't, maybe I could understand it. But that was never the condition. So it's completely disingenuous, and quite frankly, immature and childish, to be attacking Ted Cruz at this late hour. Your focus should be on Hillary Clinton and doing what's best for the country... not attacking Ted Cruz, who you claim is irrelevant now. Sure, a lot of his supporters are going to ultimately vote for Trump over Hillary... but I can tell you, a LOT of them are going to stay home after the way their candidate was drug through the mud and continues to be smeared. It's just a really dumb strategy and you're not going to win the election with it. If it continues, it's going to be an embarrassing loss. So all you people need to grow up.. suck up your pride... show a little magnanimity and bring this party together to defeat Hillary.
Oh, I realize that is going to shock some people and raise some eyebrows. I haven't made up my mind just yet... I might just write-in my vote for Ted Cruz. But after the way Cruz has been treated by the Trump brigade, I am done with you people! I will actively campaign against your candidate and I might even cast my vote for Hillary, just to spite you.

So congratulations... I am a conservative who could have held my nose and voted for Trump to keep Hillary out of the white house... and in less than 24 hours, you have convinced me to NOT vote for YOUR candidate. Not only, not vote for him, but to actively campaign against him.

This was THE moment in the campaign where you could've shown some class and allowed Cruz to have some dignity and respect, but you chose to start the "Lyin' Ted" crap again and re-hash the primary campaign instead of reaching out to unify the party. ALL any of you needed to do was to shut your pie holes for a day... let Cruz have his moment... appreciate his message for what it was, a call to unity... an endorsement of Republican values and support for the platform.... but you just couldn't bring yourselves to do that... you had to go and start trashing the man again.

Well smart asses, you've lost my support! You can do this without me! You don't need MY vote! So go fuck yourselves and win it without me! In fact, win it with ME vocally campaigning AGAINST you! Because that's the way YOU wanted this... not me. I will now turn my attention to the down ballot races and electing principled constitutional conservatives who hold my values and the values of Ted Cruz. As for the presidency... I don't give two shits anymore who wins! If it's Hillary... so be it! I had actually RATHER it be Hillary than for you arrogant assholes to enjoy a victory. I am THAT pissed off! You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.
Lying Ted is a piece of shit that failed to keep his word. Another wishy fake Republican threatening to vote for Hillary is about what I would expect from a Cruz groupie. No class.

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