I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Voting for Hillary is unconscionable. If a self described constitutional conservative threatens that; well, that's just pathetic. Nobody's telling him he has to vote for Trump. In fact, I've went the other way and said that a troll like him who supported a liar and crook like Cruz should move on to the next one, Hillary. It's just a natural progression.

It's VERY unconscionable but I am considering it. I could've been an enthusiastic Trump supporter... I agree with some of his ideas. But you've screwed the pooch on that... there is no way I'll vote for him now. And I MAY vote for Hillary Clinton just so your vote doesn't count.
It's VERY unconscionable but I am considering it. I could've been an enthusiastic Trump supporter... I agree with some of his ideas. But you've screwed the pooch on that... there is no way I'll vote for him now.

Oh, I did that huh. You just got done crying that it was because of how Trump treated Cruz. This is why you're a bad troll. You can't even keep your accusations cogent.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

Umm...excuse me, but if accused rapist Donald Trump had named Cruz his VP choice, Rafael Edwardo would have brushed off all of that as just bare-knuckle politics, just as Lil' Marco did, just as Rick "Trump is a cancer" Perry did, just as Chris "He knew about the bridge" Christie did, just as all the other "conservative" politicians did once it was clear Drumpf would win the nomination.

It's only because Cruz lost that he's acting like he has any principles.

Cruz never would have agreed to be Trumps vp.
Not my point.
What principles have I abandoned?

Just about all of them if you support Trump. You've proven that your principles don't matter. All that matters is getting Trump elected and you're proving that you're too stupid to do that. You can't even win over people who WANT to vote for him. You keep kicking them in the nuts and trying to act like a tough guy, which you ain't.

Here we are, DAYS after the convention where your guy was nominated to represent the GOP against Hillary, and all you can do is bash and trash Ted Cruz! Night and day... for days on end... more and more and more! All the while, claiming that Cruz doesn't matter anymore! If he doesn't matter, why aren't you focusing on Hillary and why do you continue to trash him?

I think Cruz DOES matter! I think you're lying through your shit-stained teeth. I think you believe that you are going to humiliate his supporters so bad that they come running over to your side. I think you know good and well that you stand NO chance of winning this election without them, but that's your go-to tactic... attack, ridicule, cajole, humiliate... beat people up until they respect you. Intimidate them into wanting to join the popular crowd.... but guess what? Everyone doesn't want to be part of the popular crowd.

You're going to fail because you're too stupid not to fail.
What principles have I abandoned?

Just about all of them if you support Trump. You've proven that your principles don't matter. All that matters is getting Trump elected and you're proving that you're too stupid to do that. You can't even win over people who WANT to vote for him. You keep kicking them in the nuts and trying to act like a tough guy, which you ain't.

Haven't you been claiming that you could've been talked into voting for Trump? And yet you claim a Trump supporter has abandoned all principles. This is exactly why he is a troll SAYIT. I said this from the start; and I haven't backed down on it.

If all that mattered was getting Trump elected, then why am I not answering your call to kiss your ass for your vote? Why am I telling you that you should move to North Carolina and vote for Hillary to just finalize your station on the dark side?
Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!
Go away hitlery troll.....

Boss has been a hardcore conservative since he's been here.

That the Trumptards who think they're conservatives are eating their own is hilarious.
Plans to promote paid maternity leave
Conservatives oppose this? How is that not anti-family?

Yes, conservatives have opposed mandatory paid maternity leaves since the 80s. Studies show that it actually hurts women's chances of being employed because employers aren't going to take the risk. It hits small businesses particularly hard because they can't afford to pay someone's salary for several months while they are at home having a baby.

How old are you and how long have you been a conservative? This isn't "anti-family" it's anti-cuckoo-liberal! So now... we have to abandon long held conservative positions to be cuckoo liberal nutballs? Again... we may as well elect Hillary Clinton!
I've never been a conservative. That's why I ask one to explain their nutjob beliefs. Women don't need months to return from maternity leave. They can exclude small businesses, as they do with Obamacare. Your argument is anti-family.

It's also religious bigotry. You want to penalize good Christians who follow the Bible and want to be fruitful, and multiply. You want to put them under financial hardship for following their faith.
Drumpf is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative.
And what his sheeple can't understand is Trump has never been told 'no' his entire life. He prides himself on being combative and winning. He's a sociopath. So once he's in office, he'll do whatever the fuck he wants to do and anyone telling him what he has to do or who he has to appoint can go fuck themselves, as far as he's concerned.

There's just too much evidence from too many different sources, whether it's old sub-contractors who got screwed, or business partners that worked with him, or the victims of his 6 bankruptcies and eminent domain grabs.

You've been here long enuff to know that altering someone's post is a TOS violation. I don't care what kind of ideological hack you are ... if you don't go back and un-edit my post you will be the first poster to be reported by me.
He/she does that. That is why they are on my permanent invisible ignore list.
What principles have I abandoned?
Here we are, DAYS after the convention where your guy was nominated to represent the GOP against Hillary, and all you can do is bash and trash Ted Cruz! Night and day..

Is this really a problem for you? Because I have no problem leaving this apparent bash Cruz thread if you agree to do the same. Or is this just another one of your tea and sympathy parties that you're throwing for yourself?
I am 100% done with this bunch. I may stay home, I may write in someone, and I still... just might... vote for Hillary Clinton. I've been a conservative my whole life and I've generally supported republicans... not any more. This is NOT my party, I want no part of this. These people remind me of the brown shirts from the 1920s.

It's sad that our choices for president are a Nazi and a Communist... but I honestly think I may have to go with the Communist.

:lmao: You don't get to say you might vote for Hillary and call yourself a true conservative. A true troll, maybe. A true idiot, perhaps. And we can only hope that you're 100 percent done. Cos you're basically a joke at this point, and not a very funny one.

:lmao: A "true conservative" touting he's gonna vote for "the communist."

You're just pathetic; nothing less.
Hillary is more conservative in certain areas than accused rapist Donald Trump.

So that destroys your whole argument.
Trump is bad for conservatism, Hellary is worse. That's all. It's not an endorsement for The big orange clown, it's actually a greater indictment of the pantsuit bull dyke. Try to put your hurt feelings aside, and if your child's life depended on it, who is worse for constitutional conservatism?

The way his supporters are behaving.... Hillary is better for constitutional conservatives. Sorry... that's just what I believe. She's not MUCH better... don't want to give her too much credit... but at least we know what we're getting.

All conservatives can hope for at this point is that we can hold the senate and house, and maybe send up a few more tea party conservatives to replace the RINO clowns who want to slobber all over the liberals. Hillary will win the general election now.. there's no path to victory for Trump without conservatives. All we can hope is that she gets her corrupt ass entangled in scandal... which you know is bound to happen... and she won't be able to push through her agenda in 4 years.

SCOTUS picks are a wash at this point... I have NO confidence that Trump would nominate true constitutional conservatives to the court and I actually think we might see more moderate picks from an embattled Hillary than an emboldened Trump. The picks will still have to be approved by Congress.

Classic tactic, try to justify your position in another way when since the beginning you have been whining that you're voting Hellary because he bitch slapped your boi. Now you get challenged and you say, "but wait, I think she is actually better than him, she represents what's best for the country". Transparent and weak, even for your liberal-coming-out party.
I think you believe that you are going to humiliate his supporters so bad that they come running over to your side.

You really like to cry the tears, don't you? You really do have that foot in the libtard door. They're drama queens too. I think any Cruz supporter is welcome to come to Trump in a dignified manner. Many will. You apparently won't; and that's your right.
Boss has been a hardcore conservative since he's been here.

That the Trumptards who think they're conservatives are eating their own is hilarious.

He's espoused some conservative values in his posting history. It's a mixed bag though. I mean how many conservatives are crying about CO2 and coming out for gay marriage?

And why aren't Trumpians conservative? Are you claiming they're liberal?
Boss.....I sense deep in your heart you despise Hillary Rotten Clinton.

Oh, I certainly do. But you know what I despise even more? Assclowns who think they can intimidate me and push me around by attacking me and attacking Ted Cruz.

When the convention began, the anti-Cruz attacks had subsided, and it looked for a moment like there was a chance for party unity. Trump picked a solid respected conservative running mate and gave Cruz a keynote speaking spot WITHOUT the requirement of an endorsement.

Then, it all changed when Cruz didn't endorse. Since then, it's been this whinefest and bash-a-thon on Ted Cruz. DAYS now... after the convention.... STILL going on. The obvious butthurt over Cruz not endorsing Trump is as plain as day, while they sit there and LIE about it... Trump included.

So it's this behavior that has turned me into someone who can't vote for Trump now. And I know that I'm not the only one who feels that way. This childish little temper tantrum over not getting Cruz's endorsement has cost Trump millions of potential votes. And STILL.. the bashing and trashing of Ted Cruz continues.

No one has yet to tell me how this is supposed to defeat Hillary Clinton, and you can't... because there really isn't a rational argument for it.

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