I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

And you continue to bash Ted Cruz.....

I thought Donald Trump was running against Hillary Clinton? :dunno:

Did you forget that your own OP threw the Cruz wrench into that wheel? Geez, you're dumb.

This is the exact thing my OP is about.... You morons want to run against Ted Cruz. Well.... you're going to LOSE the election that way! I'm honestly starting to think none of you really want to win this election... this was all about killing conservatism.

The primaries are over... even your stupid ass admits that Cruz is no longer relevant or part of the equation, but for some unexplained reason (still no explanation from you) this bash-fest of Ted Cruz just keeps on going.

I honestly don't know what you expect to happen... You want us Cruz supporters to commit mass suicide along with Ted and his family? Would that please you and Donald Trump and get you to focus on Hillary Clinton? I mean... really... what do you want?

Because I can tell you... Cruz and conservatives are not going away, and they're not going to shut up. When Trump makes bonehead statements that don't comport with conservatism, I am going to be here posting about it and pointing it out... just like I always have. When you Trump supporters make boneheaded statements, I am going to post about it and point it out.... just like always.

And I am pretty sure, when Cruz goes back to congress, he is still going to stand for his conservative principles... just like always.

I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, I am sorry Donald didn't get his little endorsement from Cruz he wanted... we don't live in a banana republic... people are free to have their own opinions here. We don't march in lockstep behind our kings and rulers and intimidation or fear tactics don't impress us. Smearing and demeaning isn't ever going to persuade people to vote for you or your candidate.
Every time someone says something negative about Trump, his supporters say "well, we don't need you anyway".

Okay, well, they don't need Cruz supporters, along with a bunch of other Republicans.

The votes will just magically appear from somewhere, I guess.
And when they don't, Drumpf will blame the "Liberal Media", who have given him over $2 Billion of free publicity.
Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!

Regrettably, the foam-at-the-mouth responses of Trump's shock troops (Owebo, Gatsby, BuckTooth, etc.) here has validated your perception of his candidacy as attracting and wet-nursing far too many irrational supporters. It should cause any thinking voter to have at least some pause before joining them at the polls. Unfortunately, that pretty much guarantees 8 years of Hillary. Woo.

It kinda reminds me of Pat Buchanan's (and Ron Paul's and Ross Perot's) candidacy.
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I am a conservative, and expect true conservatives to do what is best to defend the constitution. Cruz didn't do, and neither will you apparently. He's done as a political operative for the conservative movement, and so are you.......unless you come to your senses.

I disagree. I think you're wrong. You keep listening to the Trumpbots tell you what you're supposed to think and believe.

Attacking primary opponents after the convention when you should be focused on bringing them on board and going after Hillary is NOT doing what's best to defend the constitution because that's basically handing Hillary the keys to the White House.

Oh, but voting for her is protecting the constitution. Look, I am not a fan of the big orange clown, never have been, but I am a conservative and between the pant suit bull dyke and the political idiot trump, I know which one is worse for conservatism. And so does any true conservative.

From Reason, not exactly a liberal site.

Donald Trump, Enemy of the Constitution
<<<Vote Gary Johnson!


In other words, you want Hillary to be president. That makes you a traitor to America.

<<<Trump reneged, pure and simple. Boss has all of you guys by your balls and is pulling hard. You are all squealing like girls.>>>

No he didn't. he didn't get the chance.

Learn to read.

<<<<Trump reneged and the whole world knows it.>>>

The whole world doesn't share your lack of reading comprehension.

<<<Boss may vote HRC. I will vote Gary Johnson. No honorable Republican can support Trump, not one.>>>

I said this back in August of last year, when I saw how Trump was doing. I made the statement back then that the next president will either be Hillary or Trump. (and this got me all kinds of catcalls from people who swore Trump wouldn't last another month.)

I was right.

If you aren't voting for Trump, you're supporting Hillary. That makes you a traitor to this country because she'll be worse than Pearl Harbor and 9-11. And only an IDIOT would vote for Gary Johnson thinking that stoner actually had a chance.
<<<Of course, now I have to add Trump in as of this morning because he spent over 8 minutes denigrating and attacking Ted Cruz.>>

Did you see all of that speech. He may have spent three minutes even mentioning Cruz at all. But there were no attacks. He was merely setting the record straight.

<<<Ted Cruz is a real conservative... in fact, I think he was the only true conservative running. But he lost and that's that... so now, it was the moment for Trump to bring the party together. He chose to launch into another attack on his primary opponent, Ted Cruz... the conservative.>>>

Ted's problem is that his blind ambition has cost him a political career. Had he not turned dirty and attacked Trump, it's likely HE would have been Trump's running mate and that would have been a guaranteed eight year path to the White House. But his EGO wouldn't let him. He wanted the prize NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. He didn't represent conservatism very well. He was more Nixonian than anything else.

<<<<From MY perspective, I think we'll be better off as conservatives with Hillary as president and a solid conservative Congress>>>

We won't have a country if that bitch wins. And how can we be better off as conservatives with her picking the next Supreme Court justice to replace Scalia? DID YOU EVEN BOTHER TO THINK ABOUT THAT?

<<<IF Trump wins... which is now highly unlikely without the Cruz supporters..>>>>
If there were that many Cruz supporters, he would be the nominee.

<<<he will implement all kinds of liberal policies because he will have won without the conservatives. There will be no conservatives to hold him accountable... he has destroyed them all.<<<<

Here's what he ran on. How much of that is liberal?

<<<There's no telling what kind of justices he will appoint, he has no allegiance to conservatives or conservatism in general...>>>>
1. So you'd rather Hillary appoint justices? 2. WE HAVE A LIST OF TRUMP'S APPOINTMENT CHOICES. So there IS telling on who he'll appoint.

<<<Hillary with a Conservative congress, however... will be far more likely to nominate a moderate, at least. She will have to nominate someone who can get approved by the conservative congress. So the down ballot races mean everything now, and the presidential race means very little. In fact, conservatism may be better off with Hillary.>>>

That bunch of PUSSIES? They couldn't even get rid of Obamacare. The term "conservative Congress" is probably the most hilarious oxymoron of all time.

<<<There is still a LOT to play out, I haven't made my mind up on how I will vote. I really do like the Constitution Party candidate, Darrell Castle.... he may get my vote if NC is not in play.>>>

It's Hillary or Trump. If you're not voting Trump, you're voting Hillary, and you're a traitor to your country.
This, "If you aren't voting for Trump, you're supporting Hillary", is the stupidest statement of the morning.

I am supporting Gary Johnson. Reason and National Review have no love for Donald, and they are not liberal sites.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

Umm...excuse me, but if accused rapist Donald Trump had named Cruz his VP choice, Rafael Edwardo would have brushed off all of that as just bare-knuckle politics, just as Lil' Marco did, just as Rick "Trump is a cancer" Perry did, just as Chris "He knew about the bridge" Christie did, just as all the other "conservative" politicians did once it was clear Drumpf would win the nomination.

It's only because Cruz lost that he's acting like he has any principles.

Cruz never would have agreed to be Trumps vp.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Trump whined because he felt the RNC 'treated him unfairly'. Trump whined and threatened to sue media outlets who spoke negatively about him. Trump is a whiny liberal bitch quite often.

:lol: You can't use whining as an excuse if you're a Trump supporter without being a complete hypocrite! :lol:

TRUMP WON! Winning trumps (pun) everything.

In another post I compared the actions of Trumpanzees to those of leftists when obama said "I won". Thanks for proving me right.
Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!

Of course I can't prove it. You said it yourself, it's illegal for him to do that. These things are done through intermediaries or otherwise w/o a paper trail. I'm telling you the likely reality. PACs are an extension of the candidates. This is pretty fucking common knowledge.

Well that's a real convenient standard of justice you have there... so basically, Trump can make any wild accusation he wants and it's true until proved false?

Look... I've already pointed out to you that this PAC was not a Ted Cruz PAC. It was an anti-Trump PAC. When PACs are formed, they have to submit a form to the FEC declaring if they are supportive of a particular candidate and who, or if they are non-bound to any particular candidate. This was a declared non-bound PAC... in other words, they are not associated with ANY candidate. Ergo: They were not an extension of any candidate.

Now... what is common knowledge, is that we have laws and they are enforced. Particularly, when it comes to federal campaign finance. Some would argue, these are the most rigorously enforced laws we have because the integrity of the election process is so vitally important. As a matter of federal law, NO CANDIDATE can have contact or communication with PACs. If they could, it would totally nullify any limitations on campaign funding. So your totally baseless claims are absurd on NUMEROUS levels.
And by that point, the GOP establishment was in bed with Cruz....
OH... MY... GOD....


After that one... I am outta here. You're done!

And this was pretty fucking common knowledge as well. You're either out of touch or will troll anything. We know the latter is true; I'm just wondering if you're actually that stupid on top of it. It's a shame I may never know. I am curious though.

No... What is common knowledge is that if there is anyone the Establishment hates more than Donald Trump it's Ted Cruz. The reason Trump won the nomination is because the Establishment could not bring itself to endorse Cruz when he had a chance of beating Trump. They were running around promoting Chris Christie... and look who's fat ass is standing behind Trump now?

You are off your fucking rocker if you think Cruz and the Establishment who despise him are in bed together. But as we've seen, you are gullible enough to just believe whatever Trump tells you to believe. Facts don't matter... evidence doesn't matter... you're just going to blindly follow anything you're told. You are as bad as the liberals, if not worse.
Plans to promote paid maternity leave
Conservatives oppose this? How is that not anti-family?

Yes, conservatives have opposed mandatory paid maternity leaves since the 80s. Studies show that it actually hurts women's chances of being employed because employers aren't going to take the risk. It hits small businesses particularly hard because they can't afford to pay someone's salary for several months while they are at home having a baby.

How old are you and how long have you been a conservative? This isn't "anti-family" it's anti-cuckoo-liberal! So now... we have to abandon long held conservative positions to be cuckoo liberal nutballs? Again... we may as well elect Hillary Clinton!
You didn't see where Trump lied about Cruz because you didn't bother to look at the links I provided.

They don't give a shit... it's already been established... if Trump says it, it's TRUE unless someone can prove beyond all doubt that it's not true, and then they STILL don't believe it!

As we see... they don't care if they have to abandon every conservative principle to support him... nothing matters... nothing is going to matter... we can talk until we're blue in the face.

He's up there the other night during his acceptance speech promoting roads and bridges! He sounded just like Barack Obama! We now stand for the LGBTQ agenda! He is the first Republican nominee to not mention right to life in his acceptance speech and the man spoke for nearly two hours.
And by that point, the GOP establishment was in bed with Cruz....
OH... MY... GOD....


After that one... I am outta here. You're done!

And this was pretty fucking common knowledge as well. You're either out of touch or will troll anything. We know the latter is true; I'm just wondering if you're actually that stupid on top of it. It's a shame I may never know. I am curious though.

No... What is common knowledge is that if there is anyone the Establishment hates more than Donald Trump it's Ted Cruz. The reason Trump won the nomination is because the Establishment could not bring itself to endorse Cruz when he had a chance of beating Trump. They were running around promoting Chris Christie... and look who's fat ass is standing behind Trump now?

You are off your fucking rocker if you think Cruz and the Establishment who despise him are in bed together. But as we've seen, you are gullible enough to just believe whatever Trump tells you to believe. Facts don't matter... evidence doesn't matter... you're just going to blindly follow anything you're told. You are as bad as the liberals, if not worse.

Off your rocker is exactly how I'd describe you. You keep arguing against sh** that's common knowledge. Everyone knows that the establishment got behind Cruz. Clearly, you like to deny truth. You really should vote for Hillary. Liars love her.
For some reason, otherwise rational people (like you) see red when a fellow conservative - not necessarily a fellow Repub mind you - has a less-than-stellar view of their candidate. Boss has made crystal clear he wants to vote for Trump but the very hissy-fit you and the Trumpets have consistently displayed is turning many potential Trump voters (like me) into no-showers. Your choice - the nomination winner - could have unified the party by exhibiting some magnanimity. That would have gone a long way to calm his overly exuberant followers and to show he can lead all Americans and America. Instead his shock troops - with Trump's apparent acquiescence - have gone a bit haywire.

Your new view of him notwithstanding, Boss remains a rational and thoughtful con.

Thank you. I appreciate your support and the support of other true conservatives here. These people are scary. They've lost their goddamn minds. They are so rabid and foaming at the mouth they don't even seem to realize the primaries are over! It's bizarre!

People talk about how Hillary has to be defeated... No, I think Trump has to be defeated now. These people are far too crazy to let them have power. Hell, Trump might round up all Cruz supporters and have them held as political prisoners in 4 years! He's already talking about forming a super-PAC to attack Cruz and Kasich. The cray-cray train has jumped the tracks.

I am 100% done with this bunch. I may stay home, I may write in someone, and I still... just might... vote for Hillary Clinton. I've been a conservative my whole life and I've generally supported republicans... not any more. This is NOT my party, I want no part of this. These people remind me of the brown shirts from the 1920s.

It's sad that our choices for president are a Nazi and a Communist... but I honestly think I may have to go with the Communist.
Off your rocker is exactly how I'd describe you. You keep arguing against sh** that's common knowledge. Everyone knows that the establishment got behind Cruz. Clearly, you like to deny truth. You really should vote for Hillary. Liars love her.

No, "everybody" doesn't know any such thing. You sound like a fucking liberal.

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