I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Dude, I haven't disputed the law. It's like you're so damn dense. I'm telling you the law and how it works are two different thing. All major candidates end up having PACs ran by their buddies.

Make America Awesome (MAA) is the PAC who did the Melania photo thing... they are a non-bound or non-candidate-specific republican PAC. They are openly committed anti-Trump. The founder and treasurer have worked with numerous republican politicians but curiously, not Ted Cruz. They are relatively small as PACs go and mostly focus on strategically targeted social media.

So... Not a Ted Cruz PAC...Not Ted Cruz buddies... not affiliated with Ted Cruz in any way. Ted Cruz had no contact with them, didn't give them photos or anything else... had no correspondence with them or anyone in their organization, nor did his staff.

Once again, this allegation appears to be the total and complete fabrication of Donald J. Trump. It's likely because he was losing his primary race in Utah to Ted Cruz. This was all vetted when it went down, but just like everything... you believe Trump regardless of the facts.
Get a fucking clue PAC couldn't even help you...:lol:
You're worried about creepiness when Bill Clinton has taken trips to pedophile island? Anyhow, I hope you get over your butthurt.

Watch out... don't let down your guard and get sidetracked on Clintons... that Lyin' Ted's still out there, spreading his creepiness.... better stay focused on him! Don't want to mess your record up now... you've been posting for 48 hrs. straight on Cruz!

You're a fucking nut. I bring up posts (regarding the OP) on Cruz and you ask why I'm talking about him. I don't talk about him and you try to bring it back to him. Anyways, I guess you had to change the subject given that you had just been bitch slapped.

Haha... I've been stuffing you like Ron Jeremy on Spring Break all night long dude. You ain't bitch slapped nobody except maybe Mrs. Gatsby. I doubt that... She probably bitch slaps you and that's why you like being such an internet tough guy.

The OP was made in response to EVERYONE who was bashing Cruz... not you in particular, dipwad. But you've been bashing and trashing him since you entered the thread yesterday sometime... and you've not stopped. Yep... I asked you like I've asked everyone else, why you continue to trash and bash a man that isn't running anymore, who's supporters votes you need, instead of Hillary Clinton, the opposition to Trump. You've still not answered that question, by the way.
Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!
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Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!
Go away hitlery troll.....
Cruz signed off on it.

No he didn't... that's just a flat out baseless lie that you can't prove and if you could prove, would convict Ted Cruz of a felony.

Candidates "sign off on" what their campaign teams do... Are you sure you understand what a political action committee is? Are you illiterate or 12 years old or something? Go to Wikipedia and bone up on what PACs are so you'll stop sounding like a retard on this. Candidates cannot have communication with PACs... it's a FELONY!

Of course I can't prove it. You said it yourself, it's illegal for him to do that. These things are done through intermediaries or otherwise w/o a paper trail. I'm telling you the likely reality. PACs are an extension of the candidates. This is pretty fucking common knowledge.
And by that point, the GOP establishment was in bed with Cruz....
OH... MY... GOD....


After that one... I am outta here. You're done!

And this was pretty fucking common knowledge as well. You're either out of touch or will troll anything. We know the latter is true; I'm just wondering if you're actually that stupid on top of it. It's a shame I may never know. I am curious though.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Trump whined because he felt the RNC 'treated him unfairly'. Trump whined and threatened to sue media outlets who spoke negatively about him. Trump is a whiny liberal bitch quite often.

:lol: You can't use whining as an excuse if you're a Trump supporter without being a complete hypocrite! :lol:

TRUMP WON! Winning trumps (pun) everything.

Uhmmm yeah... I think we're all aware that Trump won the nomination. The question is... WHY is he attacking Ted Cruz?

Because, like you, Cruz is a thinned skinned sissy who couldn't put the good of the country in front of his hurt feelings. Too bad really. He would have been a good conservative justice for decades had he only been a real man and done the right thing.
Cruz is no more qualified for SCOTUS than he is for POTUS.
Not only that but Trump himself backed out of the pledge back in March! So he is trying to hold Cruz to a pledge that he said himself he wouldn't honor. And his little fan boys cheer!
He did not try to hold Cruz to a pledge. Cruz just kept on acting like a creep and it showed so people booed him but that was your initial bitch now wasn't it.

What? Trump has been whining about Cruz for two days, whining about not getting endorsed, whining that he wouldn't accept Cruz's endorsement, whining about the pledge that TRUMP HIMSELF RENEGED ON IN MARCH. He's a fucking crybaby when he doesn't get his way... just like obama. You're aware that Trump set up the whole booing thing, right? He knew that Cruz wasn't going to endorse him, invited him to speak, knew what Cruz's speech said ... and then set it up so Cruz got booed off the stage. Trump is a schoolyard bully, classless asshole. And. You. Cheer.

I actually thought it was a good move on Trump's part as Cruz showed what a fake he is in the whole affair just like he did when he lied on national tv early on. Maybe Cruz will grow up to learn when you try to preach as a politician in a self appointed and self-righteousness venue if you have a national platform and you turn around and start lying in an to attempt to gain political favor you will be caught in it and lose. It may have paid well for him for awhile but that will not last either.

Like I told 'Boss' as he was telling me so crudely what he thought. You can vote however you like and I will do the same.

Are you even reading what you're writing? You're fine that Trump lied about Cruz then turn around and bitch about Cruz and say "... and start lying in an attempt to gain political favor". WHAT? So it's ok for Trump to lie because "he's your guy" but Cruz is 'self appointed and self righteous' because he lied? wtf?

You Trumpanzees are nuts. Seriously. If obama or clinton were doing/saying half of what Trump was you'd be going bonkers ripping them to shreds. But Trump puts an "R" next to his name and suddenly ... lying, bullying, whining are all wonderful traits?

Cruz is the one claiming preacher status not Trump. I did not see where Trump lied about Cruz but I am sure those who are wanting to keep that shit alive will keep on bitching. Like I said VOTE for who you want.

You didn't see where Trump lied about Cruz because you didn't bother to look at the links I provided.
Who wants to support Lyin' Ted anyways? He's not that much better than Crooked Hillary at the end of the day if at all.
Of course, you've never been able to show how Hillary is any more crooked than any conservative politician. And she's less crooked than most of them.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

Umm...excuse me, but if accused rapist Donald Trump had named Cruz his VP choice, Rafael Edwardo would have brushed off all of that as just bare-knuckle politics, just as Lil' Marco did, just as Rick "Trump is a cancer" Perry did, just as Chris "He knew about the bridge" Christie did, just as all the other "conservative" politicians did once it was clear Drumpf would win the nomination.

It's only because Cruz lost that he's acting like he has any principles.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.
Do you honestly believe that if Drumpf had lost in the primaries he would have kept his word and supported the person who beat him?

Remember: I said 'honestly'.

Trump said he wouldn't support the nom if it wasn't him. March, 2016. They ignore that but somehow it's unforgivable that Cruz did the same thing.
So evidently liars who signed agreements and pledges mean nothing to you.

Any man that would endorse a baboon that called him a liar a thousand times, insulted his wife to no end, attacked his father by stating he had something to do with the conspiracy to kill JFK is would be NO MAN.

I wasn't a Ted Cruz supporter, but this MAN commands dignity and respect, something that the Reich wing of the party is seriously lacking anymore. Cruz has earned the respect of millions by standing up for what is right.

While there have been a few that have cowered to Donald Trump.

You are also on my imaginary ignore list along with Syn so you do don't have to bother wasting your time.
You don't put me on the actual ignore list because you don't want to deprive yourself of my knowledge, insight, and pure political genius.

Admit it.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you. Truly sad. Your credibility factor as a conservative voice is done. Go ahead and vote your feelings, and let your previous rational brain die.

Oh, my feelings are SO hurt that I am not a conservative in your eyes anymore, ever again! Boo-fucking-hoo!

You are starting to sound more and more like a liberal with every post.

Look.. you fuckwits can call me a liberal all you like.

You're voting for a guy who, four years ago, was pro-choice (strongly), donated to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Harry Reid, Al Sharpton, John Kerry, Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Said his gay liberal sister would be an excellent SCOTUS pick. Has said in recent weeks he plans to actively go after Bernie Sanders voters. Embraces the LGBTQ agenda. Favors tariffs. Said he wants to tax the rich. Has mentioned nothing about reducing the debt. Supports ethanol subsidies. Supports federalization of state lands. Supports universal health care. Plans to promote paid maternity leave.... shall I continue?

Yep, and you're voting for Hellary.....shall I continue? Maybe you can go back and read all your previous post when you had a brain, you know, before you started wearing Berkinstocks, burning incenses and taking macrame classes.

No... Read the OP again... (he patiently says)... I never said that I AM voting for Hillary. Go read it and then come back and tell me what I actually SAID!
You should just believe his username and save yourself some aggravation.
...You smugly believe that you've unified the party through your trashing and smearing of a great man....WRONG... you've just cost Donald Trump ANY chance of winning this election.

WOW boss! I guess you have a lot n common with Cruz. You put your "feelings" before the country. Forget the fact that the next POTUS will select at least one, and likely 2 or 3 SCOTUS judges. No, my feelings are hurt so screw the constitution and all you meanies...

Trump is hardly a lock to nominate conservative S-Court judges - he's not all that conservative - and as concerning as a Hillary chosen S-Court may be, that concern must be balanced with the damage Trump is doing to the party and could do to this country. I consider him to be a very smart man and a very astute bizman but his mouth filter and leadership skills need some serious work (I know ... some peeps like that about him).

Cruz had a chance to unify the party and possible be SCOTUS choice himself. But in the end he proved, just like you have proven, that he is a sissy bitch who will forget what is best for the country when he gets butt hurt because things didn't go his way, and a big orange clown was mean to him. PATHETIC!

For some reason, otherwise rational people (like you) see red when a fellow conservative - not necessarily a fellow Repub mind you - has a less-than-stellar view of their candidate. Boss has made crystal clear he wants to vote for Trump but the very hissy-fit you and the Trumpets have consistently displayed is turning many potential Trump voters (like me) into no-showers. Your choice - the nomination winner - could have unified the party by exhibiting some magnanimity. That would have gone a long way to calm his overly exuberant followers and to show he can lead all Americans and America. Instead his shock troops - with Trump's apparent acquiescence - have gone a bit haywire.

Your new view of him notwithstanding, Boss remains a rational and thoughtful con.

...I will vociferously speak my mind and criticize everything Donald Trump says from now until the election.... and YOU brought this all on yourselves by being rude arrogant punks.
Sorry dude, you will never be a strong conservative in my eyes again. You whine like a little girl because people in politics were mean to your canidate. I think you like the idea of calling yourself a conservative, but right now, I have never seen someone act more like a whinny liberal bitch than you...

I suppose the hypocrisy in your whiny, sniveling rant escapes you. If failure to support your candidate is the Litmus Test for cons, the Rep party tent is shrinking rapidly.

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