I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Every time someone says something negative about Trump, his supporters say "well, we don't need you anyway".

Okay, well, they don't need Cruz supporters, along with a bunch of other Republicans.

The votes will just magically appear from somewhere, I guess.

Except, Trump and his supporters never said that people who had supported Cruz weren't needed. This is a machination of the OP. Look if GOP stay at home, Trump or any candidate would lose. Turnout matters. I think Trump supporters tell people like Boss to stop being a drama queen. They don't accept the BS that Cruz is some hero either. He's Lyin' Ted. And that guy is so bitter that Donald wrecked him. He'll never be taken seriously again.
Look at post 521. That's what the party has to deal with right now.

That's just an internet poster blowing off steam. GOP'ers tend to know the significant differences between Donald and Hillary. They'll get over their bitterness. Sure, a nutball like Boss might not; but that's okay. The reality is Trump is exciting the populous from all walks of life. It's an entertainer vs. a felon. I think we should all like our odds.
Well, it's one helluva risk. You're running against the most flawed candidate the Dems could dish up. Something like Kasich/Rubio would have been a much better bet.

We'll see...

Anyone who knows anything about politics and campaign finance laws knows that it's a federal offense for a candidate to have any contact or communication with PACs. If Trump has ANY evidence that Ted Cruz had anything to do with the actions of a PAC, he needs to send it to the FEC and have Ted Cruz brought up on felony charges.

Trump is the snake. He flat out lies about Cruz being somehow involved with what a PAC did, knowing good and well that Cruz can't have contact with the PAC without violating federal election laws, and you buy it hook, line and sinker, like the little dumbo you are.

As Trump says.... he loves the uneducated voters!

Anyone who knows anything about politics knows that's a croc of sh**. The PACs were just invented so politicians could skirt the finance laws and have their surrogate do their dirty work. I mean if you're start arguing nonsense, it's pretty much an admission that you got nothing in the tank.

Campaign Coordination: Warning to Political Candidates and Related Super PACs | Williams Mullen

--So, what must a candidate or PAC manager do to avoid having the FBI show up with subpoenas and a long list of questions? How can you avoid the pain of a grand jury investigation? And how can you learn from Mr. Harber’s prosecution? First, don’t coordinate. Maintain a strict and demonstrable distance between the official campaign organization and any PAC that advocates for your candidate or against his or her opponent. Be ready to demonstrate – dare I say prove – that there is no coordinating relationship. Second, avoid filling the ranks of the PAC with long-time campaign operatives with close political and even family ties to the candidate. These will be clear red flags. Third, consider that regular campaign lawyers may not be the best source for advice on what constitutes coordination and to provide “advice of counsel” cover for any action you choose to take. You’ll need help in ensuring compliance with the law, talking plainly to an army of political operatives and supporters and providing you with a viable legal defense when the Department of Justice comes calling. Because, no matter what you think of Tyler Harber, the Justice Department is coming.

Tyler Harber was fined and sent to jail for 2 years for having contact with his PAC. So again.... IF Trump (or anyone) has evidence that Cruz contacted this PAC (which was actually not one of HIS, but an anti-Trump PAC)... send your evidence to the Justice Department and watch in glee as they frogmarch ol' Lyin' Ted off to the pokey! Surely, if you have evidence, that should be plenty of motivation for you people, right???
Every time someone says something negative about Trump, his supporters say "well, we don't need you anyway".

Okay, well, they don't need Cruz supporters, along with a bunch of other Republicans.

The votes will just magically appear from somewhere, I guess.

Except, Trump and his supporters never said that people who had supported Cruz weren't needed. This is a machination of the OP. Look if GOP stay at home, Trump or any candidate would lose. Turnout matters. I think Trump supporters tell people like Boss to stop being a drama queen. They don't accept the BS that Cruz is some hero either. He's Lyin' Ted. And that guy is so bitter that Donald wrecked him. He'll never be taken seriously again.
Look at post 521. That's what the party has to deal with right now.

That's just an internet poster blowing off steam. GOP'ers tend to know the significant differences between Donald and Hillary. They'll get over their bitterness. Sure, a nutball like Boss might not; but that's okay. The reality is Trump is exciting the populous from all walks of life. It's an entertainer vs. a felon. I think we should all like our odds.
The liberals are scared,to,death over what's going on....the democrat party is in complete disarray wallowing in a swamp of corruption and irrelevance, and we have taken the critical steps of rebuilding our party by ridding it of the GOP'ers that were destroying it....

We are the many now, they are the few.....
Every time someone says something negative about Trump, his supporters say "well, we don't need you anyway".

Okay, well, they don't need Cruz supporters, along with a bunch of other Republicans.

The votes will just magically appear from somewhere, I guess.

Except, Trump and his supporters never said that people who had supported Cruz weren't needed. This is a machination of the OP. Look if GOP stay at home, Trump or any candidate would lose. Turnout matters. I think Trump supporters tell people like Boss to stop being a drama queen. They don't accept the BS that Cruz is some hero either. He's Lyin' Ted. And that guy is so bitter that Donald wrecked him. He'll never be taken seriously again.
Look at post 521. That's what the party has to deal with right now.

That's just an internet poster blowing off steam. GOP'ers tend to know the significant differences between Donald and Hillary. They'll get over their bitterness. Sure, a nutball like Boss might not; but that's okay. The reality is Trump is exciting the populous from all walks of life. It's an entertainer vs. a felon. I think we should all like our odds.
Well, it's one helluva risk. You're running against the most flawed candidate the Dems could dish up. Something like Kasich/Rubio would have been a much better bet.

We'll see...
We are not interested in the GOPers any longer...

You truly have no clue what's going on.....

Anyone who knows anything about politics and campaign finance laws knows that it's a federal offense for a candidate to have any contact or communication with PACs. If Trump has ANY evidence that Ted Cruz had anything to do with the actions of a PAC, he needs to send it to the FEC and have Ted Cruz brought up on felony charges.

Trump is the snake. He flat out lies about Cruz being somehow involved with what a PAC did, knowing good and well that Cruz can't have contact with the PAC without violating federal election laws, and you buy it hook, line and sinker, like the little dumbo you are.

As Trump says.... he loves the uneducated voters!

Anyone who knows anything about politics knows that's a croc of sh**. The PACs were just invented so politicians could skirt the finance laws and have their surrogate do their dirty work. I mean if you're start arguing nonsense, it's pretty much an admission that you got nothing in the tank.

Campaign Coordination: Warning to Political Candidates and Related Super PACs | Williams Mullen

--So, what must a candidate or PAC manager do to avoid having the FBI show up with subpoenas and a long list of questions? How can you avoid the pain of a grand jury investigation? And how can you learn from Mr. Harber’s prosecution? First, don’t coordinate. Maintain a strict and demonstrable distance between the official campaign organization and any PAC that advocates for your candidate or against his or her opponent. Be ready to demonstrate – dare I say prove – that there is no coordinating relationship. Second, avoid filling the ranks of the PAC with long-time campaign operatives with close political and even family ties to the candidate. These will be clear red flags. Third, consider that regular campaign lawyers may not be the best source for advice on what constitutes coordination and to provide “advice of counsel” cover for any action you choose to take. You’ll need help in ensuring compliance with the law, talking plainly to an army of political operatives and supporters and providing you with a viable legal defense when the Department of Justice comes calling. Because, no matter what you think of Tyler Harber, the Justice Department is coming.

Tyler Harber was fined and sent to jail for 2 years for having contact with his PAC. So again.... IF Trump (or anyone) has evidence that Cruz contacted this PAC (which was actually not one of HIS, but an anti-Trump PAC)... send your evidence to the Justice Department and watch in glee as they frogmarch ol' Lyin' Ted off to the pokey! Surely, if you have evidence, that should be plenty of motivation for you people, right???

Geez, you're likea fucking dog with a bone. Dude, everyone knows that these PACs work with the candidates.
And you continue to bash Ted Cruz.....

I thought Donald Trump was running against Hillary Clinton? :dunno:

Did you forget that your own OP threw the Cruz wrench into that wheel? Geez, you're dumb.

This is the exact thing my OP is about.... You morons want to run against Ted Cruz. Well.... you're going to LOSE the election that way! I'm honestly starting to think none of you really want to win this election... this was all about killing conservatism.

The primaries are over... even your stupid ass admits that Cruz is no longer relevant or part of the equation, but for some unexplained reason (still no explanation from you) this bash-fest of Ted Cruz just keeps on going.

I honestly don't know what you expect to happen... You want us Cruz supporters to commit mass suicide along with Ted and his family? Would that please you and Donald Trump and get you to focus on Hillary Clinton? I mean... really... what do you want?

Because I can tell you... Cruz and conservatives are not going away, and they're not going to shut up. When Trump makes bonehead statements that don't comport with conservatism, I am going to be here posting about it and pointing it out... just like I always have. When you Trump supporters make boneheaded statements, I am going to post about it and point it out.... just like always.

And I am pretty sure, when Cruz goes back to congress, he is still going to stand for his conservative principles... just like always.

I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, I am sorry Donald didn't get his little endorsement from Cruz he wanted... we don't live in a banana republic... people are free to have their own opinions here. We don't march in lockstep behind our kings and rulers and intimidation or fear tactics don't impress us. Smearing and demeaning isn't ever going to persuade people to vote for you or your candidate.

My feelings are hurt? :lmao:

Cruz and what conservatives? GOP is infiltrated with phonies. That's why the establishment feared Trump. He doesn't play the game.

You're too funny... what a DUPE! The Establishment took full control of the convention, didn't allow rules changes which would have made it easier for grass roots movements to be heard. Reince Priebus was all over the television running the show... Trump has packed his adviser slots with Bob Dole cronies... he gave Mitch McConnell as speaking slot at the convention!

No... the Establishment fears Ted Cruz... that's who doesn't play the game... Trump plays the game... loves playing the game... then fooling you by giving your a bumper sticker slogan and patting you on your stupid dumbed-down head.

Brit Hume is right. Cruz (an insider) alienated a lot of his colleagues as he tried to make himself look like an outsider; and then he was beat by a real outsider. Poetic justice.
And you continue to bash Ted Cruz.....

I thought Donald Trump was running against Hillary Clinton? :dunno:

Did you forget that your own OP threw the Cruz wrench into that wheel? Geez, you're dumb.

This is the exact thing my OP is about.... You morons want to run against Ted Cruz. Well.... you're going to LOSE the election that way! I'm honestly starting to think none of you really want to win this election... this was all about killing conservatism.

The primaries are over... even your stupid ass admits that Cruz is no longer relevant or part of the equation, but for some unexplained reason (still no explanation from you) this bash-fest of Ted Cruz just keeps on going.

I honestly don't know what you expect to happen... You want us Cruz supporters to commit mass suicide along with Ted and his family? Would that please you and Donald Trump and get you to focus on Hillary Clinton? I mean... really... what do you want?

Because I can tell you... Cruz and conservatives are not going away, and they're not going to shut up. When Trump makes bonehead statements that don't comport with conservatism, I am going to be here posting about it and pointing it out... just like I always have. When you Trump supporters make boneheaded statements, I am going to post about it and point it out.... just like always.

And I am pretty sure, when Cruz goes back to congress, he is still going to stand for his conservative principles... just like always.

I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings, I am sorry Donald didn't get his little endorsement from Cruz he wanted... we don't live in a banana republic... people are free to have their own opinions here. We don't march in lockstep behind our kings and rulers and intimidation or fear tactics don't impress us. Smearing and demeaning isn't ever going to persuade people to vote for you or your candidate.

My feelings are hurt? :lmao:

Cruz and what conservatives? GOP is infiltrated with phonies. That's why the establishment feared Trump. He doesn't play the game.

You're too funny... what a DUPE! The Establishment took full control of the convention, didn't allow rules changes which would have made it easier for grass roots movements to be heard. Reince Priebus was all over the television running the show... Trump has packed his adviser slots with Bob Dole cronies... he gave Mitch McConnell as speaking slot at the convention!

No... the Establishment fears Ted Cruz... that's who doesn't play the game... Trump plays the game... loves playing the game... then fooling you by giving your a bumper sticker slogan and patting you on your stupid dumbed-down head.

Bob Dole cronies! :lmao: Dude's been retired from politics for like 20 years. You seriously just want to believe anything and everything. You're exactly the kind of canvas Lyin' Ted wants.
Geez, you're likea fucking dog with a bone. Dude, everyone knows that these PACs work with the candidates.

Again... they can't. That's the whole purpose for them existing. The candidates set them up and pick who runs them, but then they can't have contact with them in any way.... it's a federal offense punishable by fines and prison time, and there have been politicians prosecuted. I just gave you a link to back that up.

So... really stupid people who don't keep up with politics...; they might believe that's true... I'm sure Trump figured that when he made the allegation because I know that he must know better... being he is running for president.

Anyone who knows anything about politics and campaign finance laws knows that it's a federal offense for a candidate to have any contact or communication with PACs. If Trump has ANY evidence that Ted Cruz had anything to do with the actions of a PAC, he needs to send it to the FEC and have Ted Cruz brought up on felony charges.

Trump is the snake. He flat out lies about Cruz being somehow involved with what a PAC did, knowing good and well that Cruz can't have contact with the PAC without violating federal election laws, and you buy it hook, line and sinker, like the little dumbo you are.

As Trump says.... he loves the uneducated voters!

Anyone who knows anything about politics knows that's a croc of sh**. The PACs were just invented so politicians could skirt the finance laws and have their surrogate do their dirty work. I mean if you're start arguing nonsense, it's pretty much an admission that you got nothing in the tank.

Campaign Coordination: Warning to Political Candidates and Related Super PACs | Williams Mullen

--So, what must a candidate or PAC manager do to avoid having the FBI show up with subpoenas and a long list of questions? How can you avoid the pain of a grand jury investigation? And how can you learn from Mr. Harber’s prosecution? First, don’t coordinate. Maintain a strict and demonstrable distance between the official campaign organization and any PAC that advocates for your candidate or against his or her opponent. Be ready to demonstrate – dare I say prove – that there is no coordinating relationship. Second, avoid filling the ranks of the PAC with long-time campaign operatives with close political and even family ties to the candidate. These will be clear red flags. Third, consider that regular campaign lawyers may not be the best source for advice on what constitutes coordination and to provide “advice of counsel” cover for any action you choose to take. You’ll need help in ensuring compliance with the law, talking plainly to an army of political operatives and supporters and providing you with a viable legal defense when the Department of Justice comes calling. Because, no matter what you think of Tyler Harber, the Justice Department is coming.

Tyler Harber was fined and sent to jail for 2 years for having contact with his PAC. So again.... IF Trump (or anyone) has evidence that Cruz contacted this PAC (which was actually not one of HIS, but an anti-Trump PAC)... send your evidence to the Justice Department and watch in glee as they frogmarch ol' Lyin' Ted off to the pokey! Surely, if you have evidence, that should be plenty of motivation for you people, right???

Geez, you're likea fucking dog with a bone. Dude, everyone knows that these PACs work with the candidates.
Yep....just visit K Street NW and it's plainly evident....
Geez, you're likea fucking dog with a bone. Dude, everyone knows that these PACs work with the candidates.

Again... they can't. That's the whole purpose for them existing. The candidates set them up and pick who runs them, but then they can't have contact with them in any way.... it's a federal offense punishable by fines and prison time, and there have been politicians prosecuted. I just gave you a link to back that up.

So... really stupid people who don't keep up with politics...; they might believe that's true... I'm sure Trump figured that when he made the allegation because I know that he must know better... being he is running for president.

I feel sorry for you that you don't get how PACs really work and feel a need to hammer this.
Bob Dole cronies! :lmao: Dude's been retired from politics for like 20 years. You seriously just want to believe anything and everything. You're exactly the kind of canvas Lyin' Ted wants.

Do I need to go find some links to back this up too?
Trump hired Dole campaign advisers.

Most didn't work for Dole; and frankly, hiring from former presidential campaigns is pretty standard practice on both sides of the isle. You really are just making one in a series of lame points.

Donald Trump presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016 - Ballotpedia (That is the first link on the retarded google search link you gave).
Geez, you're likea fucking dog with a bone. Dude, everyone knows that these PACs work with the candidates.

Again... they can't. That's the whole purpose for them existing. The candidates set them up and pick who runs them, but then they can't have contact with them in any way.... it's a federal offense punishable by fines and prison time, and there have been politicians prosecuted. I just gave you a link to back that up.

So... really stupid people who don't keep up with politics...; they might believe that's true... I'm sure Trump figured that when he made the allegation because I know that he must know better... being he is running for president.

I feel sorry for you that you don't get how PACs really work and feel a need to hammer this.

Again.. You appear to be the only one here who doesn't know that candidates are prohibited from having any contact with PACs. I mean... If not, there is no meaning whatsoever to campaign funding limits. I've posted links... I can't do much about it if you just want to insist you know better. You're ignorant of the facts is all I can say.
Talk about "Creepy" ... this was for sure...
Bob Dole cronies! :lmao: Dude's been retired from politics for like 20 years. You seriously just want to believe anything and everything. You're exactly the kind of canvas Lyin' Ted wants.

Do I need to go find some links to back this up too?
Trump hired Dole campaign advisers.

Most didn't work for Dole; and frankly, hiring from former presidential campaigns is pretty standard practice on both sides of the isle. You really are just making one in a series of lame points.

Donald Trump presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016 - Ballotpedia (That is the first link on the retarded google search link you gave).

Ahkk...w wwell.. uhmm.. hemm haww..... *cough*... MOST didn't!

Bob Dole cronies! :lmao: Dude's been retired from politics for like 20 years. You seriously just want to believe anything and everything. You're exactly the kind of canvas Lyin' Ted wants.

Do I need to go find some links to back this up too?
Trump hired Dole campaign advisers.

Most didn't work for Dole; and frankly, hiring from former presidential campaigns is pretty standard practice on both sides of the isle. You really are just making one in a series of lame points.

Donald Trump presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016 - Ballotpedia (That is the first link on the retarded google search link you gave).

Ahkk...w wwell.. uhmm.. hemm haww..... *cough*... MOST didn't!


That's not funny, and you've made no point.
Bob Dole cronies! :lmao: Dude's been retired from politics for like 20 years. You seriously just want to believe anything and everything. You're exactly the kind of canvas Lyin' Ted wants.

Do I need to go find some links to back this up too?
Trump hired Dole campaign advisers.

Most didn't work for Dole; and frankly, hiring from former presidential campaigns is pretty standard practice on both sides of the isle. You really are just making one in a series of lame points.

Donald Trump presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016 - Ballotpedia (That is the first link on the retarded google search link you gave).

Ahkk...w wwell.. uhmm.. hemm haww..... *cough*... MOST didn't!

Have you even ever been to DC?

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