I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

Nobody is saying Trump doesn't need votes of Cruz supporters. What I'm saying is you don't represent Cruz supporters. You represent irrational idiots. :lmao: Trump will be getting many Cruz supporters.

No, I am one of the Cruz supporters he was my man from Day One... go look up my threads and posts.... never have backed anyone else.

And no... he is NOT going to get Cruz supporters by continuing to smear Ted Cruz, and neither will you.

Also, if you want to hear the words coming straight out of Trump's mouth... watch his Friday morning post-convention press conference because that is EXACTLY what he said... "Frankly, we don't need their support... we can win without them."

Well la-dee-da. You're still an irrational idiot. I'm just operating on the assumption that most Cruz supporters aren't irrational idiots.

As for your quote, google's not yielding any confirmation.
but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life.
He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible.

There is NO BASIS for these allegations. These are LIES. It's no different than the LIE about Trump raping a 14 year old.... how would it make you feel if I were running around claiming you support a guy who rapes little girls?

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????

but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life.
He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible.

There is NO BASIS for these allegations. These are LIES. It's no different than the LIE about Trump raping a 14 year old.... how would it make you feel if I were running around claiming you support a guy who rapes little girls?

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????


What purpose do you want? Just let me know.
What purpose do you want? Just let me know.

Now I can tell you're inebriated, you're just acting silly.

Goodnight Gracie!

No. I think you're just grasping at straws. I think I've made all my positions and purposes well known during conversation. I am being a bit silly to mock you asking the question not once, but then asking it twice as if you're onto something. Well if you're onto something, then get to it already.

As I recall, it's near the end.

Watched it. Trump never said he didn't need the Cruz supporters. Isn't that funny how you internalized/personalized it though (you're unhinged, dude). He said he didn't need Cruz and wouldn't accept his endorsement. As well, he shouldn't. Cruz had his chance to step to the plate and he didn't. He did what he could for Hillary like you're threatening. Frankly, you three all deserve each other. Loosuhs!

So we can assume you're supporting a man who raped a 13 year old, right?

As I recall, it's near the end.

Watched it. Trump never said he didn't need the Cruz supporters. Isn't that funny how you internalized/personalized it though (you're unhinged, dude). He said he didn't need Cruz and wouldn't accept his endorsement. As well, he shouldn't. Cruz had his chance to step to the plate and he didn't. He did what he could for Hillary like you're threatening. Frankly, you three all deserve each other. Loosuhs!

some of the GOP'ers, like BOSS, we simply don't want....we can no longer defend America with dead weight like him holding us back,...

So we can assume you're supporting a man who raped a 13 year old, right?

As I recall, it's near the end.

Watched it. Trump never said he didn't need the Cruz supporters. Isn't that funny how you internalized/personalized it though (you're unhinged, dude). He said he didn't need Cruz and wouldn't accept his endorsement. As well, he shouldn't. Cruz had his chance to step to the plate and he didn't. He did what he could for Hillary like you're threatening. Frankly, you three all deserve each other. Loosuhs!

some of the GOP'ers, like BOSS, we simply don't want....we can no longer defend America with dead weight like him holding us back,...

Cruz tried to sell himself as a conservative stalwart and then sold us out on immigration after pounding the fuck out of that gavel. For me, that was when I no longer took him seriously. I just knew he was a phony; frankly, I suspected it from the outset. Then, he ran that f'd up campaign. Then he shows up and pulls that sh**. And btw, he added lines to the RNC speech that had not been submitted as Trump noted in that long ass video Boss had me watching.
:lol: Cruz teaming up with the establishment:


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