I might vote for Hillary Clinton now!

I am. There are many Cruz supporters who will realize the error of their ways; and even if they don't, they should be smart enough to know that Hillary is not an option.

Translation: It's just like my old lady when she smart mouths me... I have to slap her around and show her who's the boss and then she wises up and acts right for a little while because she doesn't have any other options. Hey bitch... bring me a beer!

I've never abused a woman; it's not my thing. And I don't know if Cruz has or not; but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life. The Cruzes are no better than the Clintons. You seem to be drawn to those types.
Valuing doesn't mean pandering. Hopefully, many Cruz supporters have stepped back and realized the terrible essence of the Cruzes. See, it's especially bad when someone like Cruz holds himself up as a beacon of truth. Trump was right, Teddy holds the Bible high and then he lies. That's why so many evangelicals said fuck Cruz. But just because I've properly assessed Cruz doesn't mean I ascribe bad motives to all Cruz supporters.

I think you're wrong. I think most of Cruz's supporters are appalled at the lies and sleazy shit that has been thrown at a good man and his family during this campaign and they won't forget that. You can live in your own little delusional reality if you wan to... I think you're bonkers.

Good man, my ass. There is no lie that this guy has not told. He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible. I have no use for those types of low-lifes.
Yea, making wild counter accusations doesn't excuse your Hillary supporting. And if you're that emotionally weak that you think I can push you that way, you should probably re-examine your life.

Where did I support Hillary?

Didn't you say something like there was a 10 percent chance you'd vote for her? I mean, it's not a ringing endorsement; but no true conservative would be talking like that was the point.
Maybe you just got a really bad case of butthurt...

No... I think that's YOU who has the bad case of butthurt.

Wow. You basically just gave me 'I know you are but what am I?'

*sigh* Again.. I am not butthurt. I don't understand your strategy for defeating Hillary Clinton by attacking Ted Cruz and completely alienating his supporters, telling them you don't need them or want their support... or at least, your candidate saying that today, following his convention.

I'm disappointed. I really hoped that Trump would lay down the baseball bat and bury the hatchet... try to make nice with Cruz and bring his 7.6 million voters over to the Trump camp... but he apparently thinks he doesn't need us and can win without our support.

It's a shame... this woman is the worst candidate in history and should be a slam dunk to defeat. But the stark reality of the numbers says that Trump cannot win with a fractured and polarized party. You don't seem to care, he doesn't seem to care... so it's kind of sad to me. I wish you cared more... I wish you and Trump could swallow your pride or whatever it is that makes you want to attack Ted Cruz all day and all night... but you're not going to and I can't make you.

Therefore, we've got what we've got and the GOP is going to be trounced in November by double digits. You'll surely be here whining that it's all MY fault for not supporting Trump and I'll be here to remind you that you wouldn't shut your pie hole and insisted you didn't need or want my support.
Didn't you say something like there was a 10 percent chance you'd vote for her? I mean, it's not a ringing endorsement; but no true conservative would be talking like that was the point.

It's not an "endorsement" at all... ringing or otherwise. I think she would be a disastrous president. But at least ONE true conservative would be talking like that because one has... ME. I explained why I would vote for Hillary IF that is my choice. It has nothing to do with her policies or her. It's 100%... make that 110% YOU... your caustic attitude toward Cruz and Cruz supporters. Trump, as of this morning's press conference, shares that blame.

Tonight's back and forth, if anything, has raised that percentage a little. You're certainly not bringing me closer to supporting your candidate. If you continue this way until November, I will temporarily move to NC where my vote will mean something and I'll vote for Hillary just to spite you... no other reason. Obviously, I don't WANT that to happen, but that's why I am trying to tell you before it's too late. This is all up to you man.... you can back off Cruz and stop acting like a belligerent asshole, and maybe I'll just stay home or vote for the Constitutional Party candidate?

At this point, the ONLY way I can see myself voting for Trump is if he were to issue a formal apology to Ted Cruz and his family, and I honestly don't see that happening now.
Maybe you just got a really bad case of butthurt...

No... I think that's YOU who has the bad case of butthurt.

Wow. You basically just gave me 'I know you are but what am I?'

*sigh* Again.. I am not butthurt. I don't understand your strategy for defeating Hillary Clinton by attacking Ted Cruz and completely alienating his supporters, telling them you don't need them or want their support... or at least, your candidate saying that today, following his convention.

I'm disappointed. I really hoped that Trump would lay down the baseball bat and bury the hatchet... try to make nice with Cruz and bring his 7.6 million voters over to the Trump camp... but he apparently thinks he doesn't need us and can win without our support.

It's a shame... this woman is the worst candidate in history and should be a slam dunk to defeat. But the stark reality of the numbers says that Trump cannot win with a fractured and polarized party. You don't seem to care, he doesn't seem to care... so it's kind of sad to me. I wish you cared more... I wish you and Trump could swallow your pride or whatever it is that makes you want to attack Ted Cruz all day and all night... but you're not going to and I can't make you.

Therefore, we've got what we've got and the GOP is going to be trounced in November by double digits. You'll surely be here whining that it's all MY fault for not supporting Trump and I'll be here to remind you that you wouldn't shut your pie hole and insisted you didn't need or want my support.

I don't think it's a a strategy at all to attack Cruz. He's not really a part of the equation anymore. He had his day; he's done.

You know, maybe it would've been better for Trump to apologize for the family attacks. But Cruz is not innocent in all of this. He tried to disenfranchise Trump voters and in fact did in many states. To me, that's much worse than anything Trump could've said about Cruz. I don't know if that's Trump's ultimate contention, but for his supporters, we did not like that at all. Basically telling voters that their votes don't matter is INEXCUSABLE. And I'm sure many of us were just like f that guy either way. That's why you don't really see Trump supporters mad that Cruz didn't endorse. No, we don't have much use for that snake. Rather, we're just mad that he bothered to pop his dough boy head into the thick of it for one last f you to us all. He can go to hell. Second place is nothing but the first loser anyways.

And beating a Democrat is never a slam dunk. They have the media and urban bases that skew the electoral colleges. They have the unions. They have outright cheating apparatuses. People say Hillary is weak; but the truth is not much if any would have been stronger on their side. She has a name recognition that is important in political branding. Only Biden may have been better. But sure, she's weak for a host of reasons, Benghazi, the e-mails, etc.But the GOP was not exactly projecting power. Cruz was a lying doughboy who wasn't gonna motivate people to come out; let's be honest. At least Trump is a fun brand who knows how to get tough and not take shi**. You can't do the math on him and make it look great. He's a flawed candidate when you get into the nitty gritty. But you're missing the point if you think elections are about that in the first place. That's a relatively small 'responsible' part of the electorate that does that. We're a nation of nit wits. I don't like it; but that is reality.

Trump's not getting trounced by double digits. And don't flatter yourself into thinking you have that much power. I worry much more about election day shenanigans than I do about this Trump/Cruz stuff that'll blow over just fine. Look at how the 2012 swing states were all mysteriously not close. Look at urban cities voting 95 percent for Obama when they wouldn't even show up to his events when he was in town. Do you think that many people really want to vote for Hillary? It's mostly just some uppity white bitches; and they aren't that many. If the GOP were smart, they would really do something about this. i don't think they're that vested. I don't think winning presidential elections is a strategy for many who have been compromised. They look at it as a happy accident if it happens; or they trot out some RINO in the first place so that they can do most of what a Dem would've done anyways.
Didn't you say something like there was a 10 percent chance you'd vote for her? I mean, it's not a ringing endorsement; but no true conservative would be talking like that was the point.

It's not an "endorsement" at all... ringing or otherwise. I think she would be a disastrous president. But at least ONE true conservative would be talking like that because one has... ME. I explained why I would vote for Hillary IF that is my choice. It has nothing to do with her policies or her. It's 100%... make that 110% YOU... your caustic attitude toward Cruz and Cruz supporters. Trump, as of this morning's press conference, shares that blame.

Tonight's back and forth, if anything, has raised that percentage a little. You're certainly not bringing me closer to supporting your candidate. If you continue this way until November, I will temporarily move to NC where my vote will mean something and I'll vote for Hillary just to spite you... no other reason. Obviously, I don't WANT that to happen, but that's why I am trying to tell you before it's too late. This is all up to you man.... you can back off Cruz and stop acting like a belligerent asshole, and maybe I'll just stay home or vote for the Constitutional Party candidate?

At this point, the ONLY way I can see myself voting for Trump is if he were to issue a formal apology to Ted Cruz and his family, and I honestly don't see that happening now.

Oh, barf. It doesn't work that way. Learn that lesson now or suffer later. Every person is responsible or irresponsible for his/her actions.

If you continue this way until November, I will temporarily move to NC where my vote will mean something and I'll vote for Hillary just to spite you

Upping the ante on the bull shit. I think if my opinion on a message board makes you move and makes you vote against your professed values, that's like a win for me. That's like I own you, dude. I'm willing to take that "spite" :lmao:

But I'll admit that you aren't a dyed in the wool dem imposter like I had originally surmised. Apparently, you're just emotionally erratic to think that your politics should be based on who shares their popcorn with you. That's just juvenile.
You know, maybe it would've been better for Trump to apologize for the family attacks. But......................

I stopped you here because of what you just said before this...
"He's not really a part of the equation anymore. He had his day; he's done."

So, if he isn't part of the equation anymore and he's done... what is the harm in Trump extending an olive branch, taking the high ground, apologizing to Cruz for the negativity in the primaries... he didn't even have to specify... and a call to his supporters for us to join together to defeat Hillary Clinton?

Does it matter who started what and when or how? Is that important now? If Cruz is done... isn't part of the equation anymore... why does any of that matter?

And hey... I'll go you one further... this might surprise you, but why couldn't Cruz have said in his speech, I am sorry for the bitter tone the primary campaign took, I forgive Donald for the things he said as I know he will forgive me, and let's now move forward together?

You see, that's how grown ups handle things like this... they don't start up with the... But, but.. HE started it! No... HE did it first! That is petty and childish, and really, ALL of this is... we're facing the most important election of our lives... our country is at stake.

I'm not even going to respond to your continued attacks on Ted Cruz... it's obvious to me that you have no integrity and refuse to see anything but your own little viewpoint and you're not going to change your mind about it.

Trump is the winner... it's HIS responsibility to lead. Leaders are supposed to know how to bring people together... that's supposed to be his strongest asset. He brags about this all the time. He talks about all these people he will be able to work with and negotiate with but for some reason, he can't find it in himself to reach out to Ted Cruz? Note: I did not say "kiss his ass" or make any such insinuation. Just attempt to bridge the differences and let bygones be bygones. To me, that's certainly not "kissing ass" ...it's what TRUE leaders do!
Trump's not getting trounced by double digits.

I've been involved in politics for 40 years, and I know my demographics pretty well. Trump has some positives going for him, in that he can appeal to a broad section of the non-voting populace. He will likely get more of the black and Latino vote than most recent GOP candidates, and I think he will do better with women than expected. But he has some really high negatives... even higher than Hillary and hers are really bad. I think the moderates and independents will trend toward Trump. But there are a LOT of people who are going to stay home because they don't find EITHER candidate palpable.

The bottom line is this... Democrats outnumber Republicans nationwide. They have more money, they've done better in fundraising, and they have the media totally in their pocket. Come election day, they will be mobilized and they will get out the vote for Hillary. It's going to take a monumental effort to defeat her.

This brash and arrogant attitude that you don't need people's votes or support is just plain STUPID! I don't give a damn what your personal problems with them might be or who started what, or who's at fault, or who's lying and who's telling the truth... you DO need the Cruz voters to show up and vote for Trump to defeat Hillary... and right now, you have a whole lot of them majorly pissed off at you.

It's based on this that I say I think he will lose by double digits. There's still time to turn that around but it's going to require a complete change of tone here. This arrogant smearing and jeering of conservatives and Ted Cruz needs to stop.. YESTERDAY!
You know, maybe it would've been better for Trump to apologize for the family attacks. But......................

I stopped you here because of what you just said before this...
"He's not really a part of the equation anymore. He had his day; he's done."

So, if he isn't part of the equation anymore and he's done... what is the harm in Trump extending an olive branch, taking the high ground,

And ironically enough, you'd have the answer to that question if you had continued reading. So, go back and read it, then.
but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life.
He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible.

There is NO BASIS for these allegations. These are LIES. It's no different than the LIE about Trump raping a 14 year old.... how would it make you feel if I were running around claiming you support a guy who rapes little girls?

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????
Trump's not getting trounced by double digits.

I've been involved in politics for 40 years, and I know my demographics pretty well. Trump has some positives going for him, in that he can appeal to a broad section of the non-voting populace. He will likely get more of the black and Latino vote than most recent GOP candidates, and I think he will do better with women than expected. But he has some really high negatives... even higher than Hillary and hers are really bad. I think the moderates and independents will trend toward Trump. But there are a LOT of people who are going to stay home because they don't find EITHER candidate palpable.

The bottom line is this... Democrats outnumber Republicans nationwide. They have more money, they've done better in fundraising, and they have the media totally in their pocket. Come election day, they will be mobilized and they will get out the vote for Hillary. It's going to take a monumental effort to defeat her.

This brash and arrogant attitude that you don't need people's votes or support is just plain STUPID! I don't give a damn what your personal problems with them might be or who started what, or who's at fault, or who's lying and who's telling the truth... you DO need the Cruz voters to show up and vote for Trump to defeat Hillary... and right now, you have a whole lot of them majorly pissed off at you.

It's based on this that I say I think he will lose by double digits. There's still time to turn that around but it's going to require a complete change of tone here. This arrogant smearing and jeering of conservatives and Ted Cruz needs to stop.. YESTERDAY!

Nobody is saying Trump doesn't need votes of Cruz supporters. What I'm saying is you don't represent Cruz supporters. You represent irrational idiots. :lmao: Trump will be getting many Cruz supporters.
but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life.
He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible.

There is NO BASIS for these allegations. These are LIES. It's no different than the LIE about Trump raping a 14 year old.... how would it make you feel if I were running around claiming you support a guy who rapes little girls?

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????

Right again, Nerdlinger....

8 Things You Need To Know About Ted Cruz's Sex Scandal
Nobody is saying Trump doesn't need votes of Cruz supporters. What I'm saying is you don't represent Cruz supporters. You represent irrational idiots. :lmao: Trump will be getting many Cruz supporters.

No, I am one of the Cruz supporters he was my man from Day One... go look up my threads and posts.... never have backed anyone else.

And no... he is NOT going to get Cruz supporters by continuing to smear Ted Cruz, and neither will you.

Also, if you want to hear the words coming straight out of Trump's mouth... watch his Friday morning post-convention press conference because that is EXACTLY what he said... "Frankly, we don't need their support... we can win without them."
And ironically enough, you'd have the answer to that question if you had continued reading. So, go back and read it, then.

I don't need to read past the "BUT" because everything after the BUT is irrelevant!

Are you drunk? Don't even know what you're talking about. I told you straight forward where the answer to your question is and you come back at me with this spazz?
but he has had affairs, and his wife is okay with it b/c she likes her station in life.
He is not a family man; he's a guy who runs around on his wife and then drapes himself in The Constitution and The Bible.

There is NO BASIS for these allegations. These are LIES. It's no different than the LIE about Trump raping a 14 year old.... how would it make you feel if I were running around claiming you support a guy who rapes little girls?

But A-GAIN... here we are with YOU attacking Ted Cruz who you claimed is irrelevant now and not part of the equation anymore. What purpose are you serving by doing this??????????

Right again, Nerdlinger....

8 Things You Need To Know About Ted Cruz's Sex Scandal

Like I said... Keep it up.... I'll be here with the crying towels on election night and the jar of Vaseline to soothe the hurt. This is going to be brutal.
And ironically enough, you'd have the answer to that question if you had continued reading. So, go back and read it, then.

I don't need to read past the "BUT" because everything after the BUT is irrelevant!

Are you drunk? Don't even know what you're talking about. I told you straight forward where the answer to your question is and you come back at me with this spazz?

No, I am not drunk but I think you might be.. you sound belligerent to me.

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